What are the MAGAs going to do with Storm Lake and Columbus Junction?
The talking points are just moronic drivel. Sadly GOP leadership is playing along. But, that's what you get in a cult.
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Not seeing any politician from a neighboring State wanting to acquire any counties in Mississippi North!

Why could that be?
Well then Kim and the GOP can claim they did do something to grow Iowa’s 70 year stagnant population! Most of this is “solid red country” too…
This is nuts. Eastern Oregon/ Idaho has been talking about a similar thing for a long time, but it’s not gonna happen.
Reynolds and her ass kissing numpties are proposing all this meaningless legislation to give off the impression that they're doing something to make our lives better.
In reality, they're pushing issues that haven't chance of succeeding.
Republican worthlessness from the WH down....
There are some good people on the southern border of MN.
Albert Lee has fine people and a decent golf course.
Austin, MN is the home of SPAM and John Madden.
Caledonia is a football powerhouse and home to the Kluuuuuug family.

If we can get that next line of counties north with Mankato and Winona then we're talking! Great drinking towns.
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There are some good people on the southern border of MN.
Albert Lee has fine people and a decent golf course.
Austin, MN is the home of SPAM and John Madden.
Caledonia is a football powerhouse and home to the Kluuuuuug family.

If we can get that next line of counties north with Mankato and Winona then we're talking! Great drinking towns.
There’s a Pagliai’s in Mankato, so…
This is nuts. Eastern Oregon/ Idaho has been talking about a similar thing for a long time, but it’s not gonna happen.
Eastern Oregon would go broke in a week without West Coast Lib money propping them up. I've been to Central Oregon several times over the last few years, and I've seen the signs urging separation. It's always in front of a s**tbox single wide.
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They just keep moving forward with these real issues that Iowan's are concerned about.
They cannot talk about the stuff that affects Iowans. No movement on addressing Iowa's surging cancer rates. No movement on addressing Iowa's filthy air and water. No movement on our declining educational scores. No movement on Iowa's health care shortages.
Instead we get trans hysteria and bulls**t like this.