Man Beheads Father and Posts His Decapitated Head on Youtube

Mine fine. Get out of your stupid indoctrination.

try and act innocent. You comment was anything but that and typical abuser type.

A simple question. Are you well? Point out what I said that makes me a child abuser. Guess what dude, I may not be an expert, you are coming very close to getting yourself in some legal trouble
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A simple question. Are you well? Point out what I said that makes me a child abuser. Guess what dude, I may not be an expert, you are coming very close to getting yourself in some legal trouble
Still an ass. Why Dems like u lose all credibility

Have a nice day
Damn those school teachers who indoctrinated me about grammar! Damn them all to hell!!!!

You seem uptight. Maybe get some CBD in your diet?
It’s a message boards not English class.

Why are you such an ass. Statement not a question btw.
Try and be semi intelligence

Interesting. The thread starts out with an OBVIOUS lunatic cutting off his dad's head, and it quickly devolves into bashing and trashing a poster on here.

By the way, this happened/s all the time in the Middle East. Just sayin'.
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Mohn says his father was a federal employee for 20 years and refers to him as a traitor, calling for the death of all federal officials and attacking President Joe Biden's administration, the Black Lives Matter movement, the LGBTQ community and antifa activists.

The mind of the Trump voters, mentally deranged and retarded. This is the type of violence it leads too, ladies and gentlemen. At least he didn't shoot more people, like most MAGAts off the deep end. @Scruddy and @NorthernHawkeye aren't far from this.
You’re smart enough to know several of the last mass shootings were alphabet people. Doesn’t make all liberals nuts
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I refused to look at link. But phones and social media are the downfall of society, It is not just the kids anymore. It is the adults. Some folks would literally have a meltdown without it.
I actually think the boomers and Gen X folks are more ****ed up by it then the ones who grew up with it and understand clickbait, disinfo and trolling better than their older counterparts.
Try and be semi intelligence

The above quote is a true all-timer! I'm using this!

Yep. Trump voters are just marauding through American society decapitating their parents. SMH.
Thousands tried to find Pence and decapitate him. Of course not all Trump voters, but FAR more are violently unhinged and mentally disturbed than Harris voters. Don't be in denial. Try to be semi-intelligence.
He’s really the guy you wish you hadn’t started a conversation with at a party. Maybe it’s a bit for him?

If he's doing a character, it is masterfully done. In another thread he claimed to be a published author at some Big Ten school or something along those lines. So we're working with a illiterate, acclaimed author, skilled in the dark arts of dowsing with technical knowledge of the dangers of 5G.

There's some familiar themes, but overall a creative and well executed character.
I actually think the boomers and Gen X folks are more ****ed up by it then the ones who grew up with it and understand clickbait, disinfo and trolling better than their older counterparts.
I agree. Boomers grew up in an era that mostly what was reported on the "news" as accurate. There wasn't cable and social media. The Gen Xers saw the start of both CNN and Fox News plus the internet. It was the early onset of confirmation bias that wasn't like it was today. Cable news becoming more polarized and social media has put it on steroids. Mental health issues more prevalent in the younger generations have led to activities such as trolling that the older generations don't understand. Argue if you want but it's true.
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I agree. Boomers grew up in an era that mostly what was reported on the "news" as accurate. There wasn't cable and social media. The Gen Xers saw the start of both CNN and Fox News plus the internet. It was the early onset of confirmation bias that wasn't like it was today. Cable news becoming more polarized and social media has put it on steroids. Mental health issues more prevalent in the younger generations have led to activities such as trolling that the older generations don't understand. Argue if you want but it's true.
Boomers like me did indeed grow up in an era when the evening news and print newspapers were seen as something to be trusted completely.
But as we didn’t know then (neither did our “Greatest Generation” parents) if there was something going on that the Government wanted to be on the DL it just wasn’t reported.
When CNN first came on air it was far less political than it is now. It was the news and that was it - good bad or indifferent. Fox was a smaller less watched outlet and MSNBC was too. It changed with the marathon news created by the 2000 election.

The rest of your post is interesting - so younger generations have mental issues? Can you expand on that?
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He filed a couple of lawsuits prior to this. One about student loans and one about sexual discrimination. Sounds like he would have been democrat, however that is who he was mad at and why he killed his dad. This dude has some issues.
I agree. Boomers grew up in an era that mostly what was reported on the "news" as accurate. There wasn't cable and social media. The Gen Xers saw the start of both CNN and Fox News plus the internet. It was the early onset of confirmation bias that wasn't like it was today. Cable news becoming more polarized and social media has put it on steroids. Mental health issues more prevalent in the younger generations have led to activities such as trolling that the older generations don't understand. Argue if you want but it's true.
Some of us that are late boomers were in our late teens early 20s when the internet started. We aren't always as technologically dumb as you think we are. There have always been people that fall for conspiracies, fake news, and tabloid press. The Enquirer and other tabloids were the source of fake news long before the invention of the internet.
He filed a couple of lawsuits prior to this. One about student loans and one about sexual discrimination. Sounds like he would have been democrat, however that is who he was mad at and why he killed his dad. This dude has some issues.
You seem relatively new to have the inside info.
Some of us that are late boomers were in our late teens early 20s when the internet started. We aren't always as technologically dumb as you think we are. There have always been people that fall for conspiracies, fake news, and tabloid press. The Enquirer and other tabloids were the source of fake news long before the invention of the internet.
Incorrect, unless you were in the military. Most college campuses didn't have the internet in Iowa until 1993 and is was slow as phuq.

"Some of us that are late boomers were in our late teens early 20s when the internet started."
That's one, you said several. Name some others.
His posting history shows he has a issues with transgenders and black youth. I get along with Clarinda, but we disagree on many things.
No problem with transgenders in general, just the sports thing. My problem is not with any individual black youth, I just think the culture is an issue. Also, the kid in Indiana who was plotting Parkland part was trans. So that’s only two. The point is, you can’t claim all trans are crazy murderous shits, no more than this reject who killed his father.
Incorrect, unless you were in the military. Most college campuses didn't have the internet in Iowa until 1993 and is was slow as phuq.

"Some of us that are late boomers were in our late teens early 20s when the internet started."
What is untrue about this statement: Some of us that are late boomers were in our late teens early 20s when the internet started.

The internet was officially invented in 1983. I was 23 and the youngest boomers were 19. Who do you think developed the technology for the internet?

Yes, dial up was slow. Iowa schools had internet fairly early with ICN. I was a teacher and we had internet access at work by my late 20s. Some of us embraced the new technology while others struggled with the change. Statements about entire generations are just as stupid as making statements about all men, women, gays, straights, etc. We are not all stereotypes.

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