You obviously didn't read the FAA regulations very carefully.
Read this carefully:
Federal Grinches take aim at drones
Published: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 at 5:30 a.m.
Last Modified: Monday, December 21, 2015 at 6:08 p.m.
If you’re one of the estimated 700,000 Americans to whom Santa Claus is delivering a drone this Christmas, be aware that Uncle Sam also is leaving something under the tree for you: a federal mandate.
The Federal Aviation Administration on Monday implemented new regulations that require all drones weighing between a half pound and 55 pounds to be registered with the government. Plus, owners must pay a $5 registration fee. Parents will have to register on behalf of aspiring pilots under the age of 13. Failure to register or improper use of a drone could carry a civil penalty of up to $27,500, and criminal charges could cost up to $250,000 and three years in prison.
There hasn’t been that big of an overreaction since Rudolph’s shiny nose got him excluded from reindeer games.
There are legitimate concerns about drones, primarily regarding privacy: the small, quiet, unmanned craft can be fitted with cameras and surreptitiously take pictures or video while hovering over private property. Safety also is an issue. Drones can interfere with larger, fixed-wing aircraft at low altitudes near airports, and some fear they could be rigged with firearms or explosives and deployed as weapons.
For the vast majority of owners, though, drones will be toys used for purely recreational purposes, much the way hobbyists have enjoyed radio-controlled airplanes and model rockets for decades — unlicensed, we might add, until Monday, when they too were included in the new regulations, apparently for the sake of consistency.
The FAA is so concerned about the rise of drones that it put the rules on rush delivery for Christmas, possibly taking illegal shortcuts in the process. According to, the agency formed a task force of aviation industry representatives in October to weigh in on the drone registration requirements. It announced the new regulations on Dec. 14, just one week before implementation — a remarkably swift time for bureaucratic action, particularly in the absence of a public safety crisis.
The Competitive Enterprise Institute, a Washington-based free-market think tank, has threatened to sue the government, alleging that the FAA violated federal requirements that it must accept public comments 30 to 60 days prior to implementing new rules. Of course, even if the agency is forced to postpone the registration for a month to accept public comments, an outpouring of opposition wouldn’t stop it from proceeding with the new rules.
More egregiously, the registration mandate could conflict with a 2012 act of Congress the directs the FAA not to “promulgate any rule or regulation regarding a model aircraft, or an aircraft being developed as a model aircraft.”
The regulations are an overly broad and heavy-handed approach to a matter that requires more precision. Enforcing them would be highly impractical, so compliance is bound to be low. Indeed, it’s likely that this attempt will go the way of similar efforts regarding citizens band radios. Back during the CB craze of the mid-1970s, operators were required to purchase a license and register their call signs. Because of lax enforcement, most people disregarded the rules.
Rather than registering devices, the focus should be on how drones are used. FAA officials even admit that registration is primarily a way to educate the public on how to safely and responsibly deploy their drones — they can now send such information directly to the registered addresses. A public awareness campaign using TV and Internet advertising directing drone owners to a website would be less intrusive, and likely just as effective.
The government is expected to release regulations regarding the commercial use of drones next year, which makes more sense given their size, payloads carried and distance traveled. Hopefully those rules will have a light touch so as not to stifle technological innovation. The current regulations merely put a damper on fun.