Mara lago raid- deadly force approved

I said I had no problem if deadly force was used on Trump and no problem if deadly force is used against anyone not cooperating with a raid.
I never said anything was different for him and again it seems to me you had no problem if they had to shoot Trump but you have a problem with someone being shot that was hanging out with the wrong crowd and engaging in gun fire.
The situations were a little different.
You are an idiot to equate these. First off, just because you do a raid doesn’t mean you cannot make an error. And when you do you should be held accountable. Police went to the place in Louisville with wrong information and shot up someone they weren’t even looking for. If they had done their jobs it wouldn’t have happened. Appears they must have done their job in this instance and had no issues. Police can make mistakes… not sure why someone people can’t admit that or want no accountability when they do.
Thank you for proving my point. Like I mentioned earlier, if trumps wife or anyone of his goons would have fired at federal agents. They would have returned fire. What if Trump was sleeping in a room next door and was shot? All of you would have been celebrating.
Yet you get your panties in a bunch when a black woman who surrounded herself with bad people and situations was shot after her boyfriend opened fire on agents.
Tell me, why do you think it was alright that Biden approved deadly force if needed yet you are so against what happened when deadly force was used in a different raid.
Let’s try and use better examples then the usual you’re an idiot response, pointing out a type or MAGA’s. If you read what I’ve said, I had no problem at all with him saying to use deadly force if needed. I support it in all situations.
If your place is being raided, you probably did something wrong.
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It's simultaneously amazing, sad and revealing. Posters like the OP, whiskey, disciple, they aren't dumb or stupid in the traditional sense.

They can read, write, graduated college, maintain employment, probably able to appear normal in most settings. Yet at minimum, they've vulnerable to being misled, maybe even radicalized.

Things that would never pass the smell test if it was apolitical, get swallowed without issue if it's from the right wing media.

Yeah, yeah, both sides, liberals fell for the RUSSIA HOAX and liberals don't know what a woman is!!

The difference is the nonsense is mainstream on the right. It's not just the stupid and traditionally vulnerable people who are falling for it. It's been mainstreamed.

Another difference is the preference for anecdotal evidence. In MAGA World, a handful of cherry-picked anecdotes are consistently deemed more trustworthy than peer-reviewed studies and clinical trials.

When exhibited by otherwise intelligent and healthy people, this type of reasoning may point to a deficiency of Critical Thinking (not to be confused with Critical Theory). In the past, this is a skill that high school graduates would be expected to possess. I even took a course in Critical Thinking when I was in high school, here in Flori-duh, which I remember being a valuable learning experience. I wish it was a mandatory course everywhere.
It’s not going to get any less flimsy the more you say it.
What was Joe Biden before joining the democrats? A law clerk, fresh out of school, for 18 months.

He is a career politician who has made his monwy selling bullshit to idiots who still think he is going to tax hia friends after 40 years.

Biden earned a Juris Doctor from Syracuse University College of Law in 1968. He ranked 76th in a class of 85 students after failing a course because he plagiarized a law review article for a paper he wrote in his first year at law school.[25] He was admitted to the Delaware bar in 1969.[4]

Biden clerked at a Wilmington law firm headed by prominent local Republican William Prickett in 1968 and, he later said, "thought of myself as a Republican".[33][34] He disliked incumbent Democratic Delaware governor Charles L. Terry's conservative racial politics and supported a more liberal Republican, Russell W. Peterson, who defeated Terry in 1968.[33] Local Republicans attempted to recruit Biden, but he registered as an Independent because of his distaste for Republican presidential candidate Richard Nixon.[33]

In 1969, Biden practiced law, first as a public defender and then at a law firm headed by a locally active Democrat,[35][33] who named him to the Democratic Forum, a group trying to reform and revitalize the state party;[36] Biden subsequently reregistered as a Democrat.[33] He and another attorney also formed a law firm.[35] Corporate law did not appeal to him, and criminal law did not pay well.[13] He supplemented his income by managing properties.[37]

Biden ran for the 4th district seat on the New Castle County Council in 1970 on a liberal platform that included support for public housing in the suburbs.[38][39] The seat had been held by Republican Henry R. Folsom, who was running in the 5th District following a reapportionment of council districts.[40][41][42] Biden won the general election, defeating Republican Lawrence T. Messick, and took office on January 5, 1971.[43][44] He served until January 1, 1973, and was succeeded by Democrat Francis R. Swift.[45][46] During his time on the county council, Biden opposed large highway projects, which he argued might disrupt Wilmington neighborhoods.[46]
What was Joe Biden before joining the democrats? A law clerk, fresh out of school, for 18 months.

He is a career politician who has made his monwy selling bullshit to idiots who still think he is going to tax hia friends after 40 years.

Biden earned a Juris Doctor from Syracuse University College of Law in 1968. He ranked 76th in a class of 85 students after failing a course because he plagiarized a law review article for a paper he wrote in his first year at law school.[25] He was admitted to the Delaware bar in 1969.[4]

Biden clerked at a Wilmington law firm headed by prominent local Republican William Prickett in 1968 and, he later said, "thought of myself as a Republican".[33][34] He disliked incumbent Democratic Delaware governor Charles L. Terry's conservative racial politics and supported a more liberal Republican, Russell W. Peterson, who defeated Terry in 1968.[33] Local Republicans attempted to recruit Biden, but he registered as an Independent because of his distaste for Republican presidential candidate Richard Nixon.[33]

In 1969, Biden practiced law, first as a public defender and then at a law firm headed by a locally active Democrat,[35][33] who named him to the Democratic Forum, a group trying to reform and revitalize the state party;[36] Biden subsequently reregistered as a Democrat.[33] He and another attorney also formed a law firm.[35] Corporate law did not appeal to him, and criminal law did not pay well.[13] He supplemented his income by managing properties.[37]

Biden ran for the 4th district seat on the New Castle County Council in 1970 on a liberal platform that included support for public housing in the suburbs.[38][39] The seat had been held by Republican Henry R. Folsom, who was running in the 5th District following a reapportionment of council districts.[40][41][42] Biden won the general election, defeating Republican Lawrence T. Messick, and took office on January 5, 1971.[43][44] He served until January 1, 1973, and was succeeded by Democrat Francis R. Swift.[45][46] During his time on the county council, Biden opposed large highway projects, which he argued might disrupt Wilmington neighborhoods.[46]

We know. You’ve already said it. And said it. And said it. And said it.

It’s really flimsy and in no way germane to the point of this thread other than to help with this really weak point you’re CLEARLY determined to make. It obviously means a lot to you.

Still flimsy. Sorry you didn’t know that when the FEDs raid a place, no matter if it’s John Gotti’s house or Donald Trump’s, deadly force is on the table. Follow less crazy shit on Twitter. You’re pissing your pants over a nothingberder.
Feel free to dispute the part about Joe Making all his money in politics. 580k isn't bad scratch.

Did I dispute that or try?

You are apparently upset Joe made 2 million in 3.5 years compared to the orange grifter in chief.

Never saw you complain about Trump grifts but 580k a year is a bridge too far for you apparently.
Did I dispute that or try?

You are apparently upset Joe made 2 million in 3.5 years compared to the orange grifter in chief.

Never saw you complain about Trump grifts but 580k a year is a bridge too far for you apparently.
That's not what I'm "upset" about and not even what we were discussing.

Feel free to read any of my post containing the words coat tails in this thread. I don't admire the Trumps or Kushner, they were born on third base. Third base was a name.they could sell, not the united states government. Nobody is doing business with Biden because they want to be part of his next Las Vegas Hotel.
That's not what I'm "upset" about and not even what we were discussing.

Feel free to read any of my post containing the words coat tails in this thread. I don't admire the Trumps or Kushner, they were born on third base. Third base was a name.they could sell, not the united states government. Nobody is doing business with Biden because they want to be part of his next Las Vegas Hotel.

I have no idea what point you are trying to make and suspect you don’t either.
Care to admit you were duped OP?

"The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force," the FBI said in a statement Tuesday evening. "No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter."

Multiple former FBI and DOJ officials also confirmed the standard nature of the inclusion of the deadly force policy.

"Anytime the fbi takes an adversarial action like executing a search warrant, there is a deadly force policy," former DOJ official and ABC News contributor Sarah Isgur tweeted. "If there is danger to you or public and there's no alternatives, you are authorized to use deadly force. This is standard policy."

Care to admit you were duped OP?

"The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force," the FBI said in a statement Tuesday evening. "No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter."

Multiple former FBI and DOJ officials also confirmed the standard nature of the inclusion of the deadly force policy.

"Anytime the fbi takes an adversarial action like executing a search warrant, there is a deadly force policy," former DOJ official and ABC News contributor Sarah Isgur tweeted. "If there is danger to you or public and there's no alternatives, you are authorized to use deadly force. This is standard policy."

Thank you for proving my point. Like I mentioned earlier, if trumps wife or anyone of his goons would have fired at federal agents. They would have returned fire. What if Trump was sleeping in a room next door and was shot? All of you would have been celebrating.
Yet you get your panties in a bunch when a black woman who surrounded herself with bad people and situations was shot after her boyfriend opened fire on agents.
Tell me, why do you think it was alright that Biden approved deadly force if needed yet you are so against what happened when deadly force was used in a different raid.
Let’s try and use better examples then the usual you’re an idiot response, pointing out a type or MAGA’s. If you read what I’ve said, I had no problem at all with him saying to use deadly force if needed. I support it in all situations.
If your place is being raided, you probably did something wrong.
You aren’t making the point you think you are. But, walk around with your chest out if it makes you feel better.
I have too many ignores to get the gist of every thread sometimes, so I'll ask this anyway. Doesn't Trump have Secret Service protection still? Did the FBI really want to have a shootout over this? This whole story, what I've seen of it, scares the shit out of me if it's true.
It’s another made up bullshit scare tactic from MAGA world. They are not operating in objective reality.
we should pay politicians with special money that they aren't actually allowed to use to buy things!
On account of they made it working in politics!!!

Did I mention Joe Biden made his money working in politics? Because he made his money in politics.

Even the money he didn’t make in politics, he made in politics.

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MAGAs: OMG!!! Biden used the DOJ to try and take Trump out with deadly force!!!!

Also MAGAs: Trump's lawyers are currently arguing before the Supreme Court for Absolute Immunity for the President to take anyone out with deadly force.

Rest of Americans: Are you guys seriously listening to yourselves here???
MAGAs: OMG!!! Biden used the DOJ to try and take Trump out with deadly force!!!!

Also MAGAs: Trump's lawyers are currently arguing before the Supreme Court for Absolute Immunity for the President to take anyone out with deadly force.

Rest of Americans: Are you guys seriously listening to yourselves here???

@MAGAs Have Left The Chat

@ihhawk Has Left The Chat
@Whiskeydeltadeltatango Has Left The Chat
@Ferentz_Fan Has Left The Chat

@RicoSuave102954 Has Left The Chat
I no longer wonder how people end up in Scientology or at Jonestown or Waco. Just weak-minded and desperate to believe in something.

I’ve never doubted it. People NEED something. It’s in our DNA. I only remain disappointed in myself and my own laziness for having the ability to recognize it and not create my own cult that ends up with me having sexy times with tons of hot women all at once and a bunch of losers giving me lots of money for nothing…..I mean their salvation.
I’ve never doubted it. People NEED something. It’s in our DNA. I only remain disappointed in myself and my own laziness for having the ability to recognize it and not create my own cult that ends up with me having sexy times with tons of hot women all at once and a bunch of losers giving me lots of money for nothing…..I mean their salvation.
You want to open a crossfit gym?
What was Joe Biden before joining the democrats? A law clerk, fresh out of school, for 18 months.

He is a career politician who has made his monwy selling bullshit to idiots who still think he is going to tax hia friends after 40 years.

Biden earned a Juris Doctor from Syracuse University College of Law in 1968. He ranked 76th in a class of 85 students after failing a course because he plagiarized a law review article for a paper he wrote in his first year at law school.[25] He was admitted to the Delaware bar in 1969.[4]

Biden clerked at a Wilmington law firm headed by prominent local Republican William Prickett in 1968 and, he later said, "thought of myself as a Republican".[33][34] He disliked incumbent Democratic Delaware governor Charles L. Terry's conservative racial politics and supported a more liberal Republican, Russell W. Peterson, who defeated Terry in 1968.[33] Local Republicans attempted to recruit Biden, but he registered as an Independent because of his distaste for Republican presidential candidate Richard Nixon.[33]

In 1969, Biden practiced law, first as a public defender and then at a law firm headed by a locally active Democrat,[35][33] who named him to the Democratic Forum, a group trying to reform and revitalize the state party;[36] Biden subsequently reregistered as a Democrat.[33] He and another attorney also formed a law firm.[35] Corporate law did not appeal to him, and criminal law did not pay well.[13] He supplemented his income by managing properties.[37]

Biden ran for the 4th district seat on the New Castle County Council in 1970 on a liberal platform that included support for public housing in the suburbs.[38][39] The seat had been held by Republican Henry R. Folsom, who was running in the 5th District following a reapportionment of council districts.[40][41][42] Biden won the general election, defeating Republican Lawrence T. Messick, and took office on January 5, 1971.[43][44] He served until January 1, 1973, and was succeeded by Democrat Francis R. Swift.[45][46] During his time on the county council, Biden opposed large highway projects, which he argued might disrupt Wilmington neighborhoods.[46]
Tell us how you reallllyyyy feel.

I'm just gunna wonder when they gunna indict Kurshner over how he got his money from the Saudis.