Marc Thiessen: If Biden wants to get more shots in arms, give Trump credit for the vaccines...

The Tradition

HR King
Apr 23, 2002
WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden missed his Independence Day target of getting first shots into the arms of 70% of American adults. If he wants to convince the vaccine-hesitant to get immunized — especially vaccine-hesitant Republicans — there is a simple way to do so: Give Donald Trump the credit he deserves for the vaccines.

Former presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter were all invited to record public service ads urging Americans to get vaccinated. The only former president not included was the one whose voice could have made the biggest difference — Trump.

This makes no sense. Today, it is Trump supporters who are most likely to remain unvaccinated. The 20 U.S. states with the highest vaccination rates all voted for Biden in 2020. Meanwhile, most of the 22 states with the lowest vaccination rates went for Trump — including almost all of the states with vaccination rates below 50%. A new Post-ABC News poll finds that while 86% of Democrats say they have received at least one dose, only 45% of Republicans have. And while just 6% of unvaccinated Democrats say they aren’t likely to get vaccinated, 47% of Republicans say they probably or definitely will not get shots against the virus.

If Biden wants to convince those Americans to get immunized, he should remind them that Operation Warp Speed — the greatest public health achievement in human history — was also the greatest achievement of the Trump presidency. All three vaccines that eventually received FDA approval received critical support from his administration. He provided $955 million to support the development of Moderna’s vaccine and another $1.5 billion to support large-scale manufacturing and distribution of the vaccine.

Before leaving office, Trump had contracted to buy at least 800 million vaccine doses with delivery by July 31 — enough to vaccinate every single American. He put us on track to end the pandemic, and get our lives back.

But instead of giving Trump credit for this accomplishment, Biden has tried to play down Trump’s role, falsely declaring that “my predecessor — as my mother would say, ‘God love him’ — failed to order enough vaccines.” Indeed, Biden has tried to take credit not only for vaccine distribution but also vaccine development, noting in a recent speech that “the science was done under Democratic and Republican administrations.” This is childish. Operation Warp Speed gave us the vaccines. Trump led it. It was his achievement. Full stop. Acknowledging this fact does not require Biden to gloss over what he considers Trump’s other manifold failures in office or his terrible behavior after the election. Biden is the one who promised to usher in a new era of bipartisanship, so why can’t he admit his Republican predecessor’s role in delivering the vaccines that are saving us?

If Biden isn’t comfortable touting Trump’s achievement, he could ask Trump to do it. Does Biden really think that voters in Trump states are going to be persuaded by appeals from Carter, Clinton and Obama to get immunized? Apparently, Biden considered asking for Trump’s help. In March, he said, “I discussed it with my team and they say the thing that has more impact than anything Trump would say to the MAGA folks is what the local doctors, what the local preachers, what the local people in the community say.” No, that’s not true. Indeed, an appeal from Trump may very well be the only thing that would convince some of his supporters to get their shots.

Of course, Trump does not need to wait for an invitation from Biden. He could set up vaccination sites at his rallies, which would give him an opportunity to tout his administration’s singular success in saving us from COVID-19. And Republican governors in pro-Trump states could record public service ads of their own featuring Trump urging his supporters to get the vaccines his administration produced.

But though those efforts might be useful, it is the sitting president’s responsibility to convince Americans to get immunized. While the Biden administration deserves credit for the effective distribution of the vaccines, it was President Trump who made the vaccines possible. The message to vaccine-hesitant Republicans should be: If you trust Trump, get your Trump vaccine.

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden missed his Independence Day target of getting first shots into the arms of 70% of American adults. If he wants to convince the vaccine-hesitant to get immunized — especially vaccine-hesitant Republicans — there is a simple way to do so: Give Donald Trump the credit he deserves for the vaccines.

Former presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter were all invited to record public service ads urging Americans to get vaccinated. The only former president not included was the one whose voice could have made the biggest difference — Trump.

This makes no sense. Today, it is Trump supporters who are most likely to remain unvaccinated. The 20 U.S. states with the highest vaccination rates all voted for Biden in 2020. Meanwhile, most of the 22 states with the lowest vaccination rates went for Trump — including almost all of the states with vaccination rates below 50%. A new Post-ABC News poll finds that while 86% of Democrats say they have received at least one dose, only 45% of Republicans have. And while just 6% of unvaccinated Democrats say they aren’t likely to get vaccinated, 47% of Republicans say they probably or definitely will not get shots against the virus.

If Biden wants to convince those Americans to get immunized, he should remind them that Operation Warp Speed — the greatest public health achievement in human history — was also the greatest achievement of the Trump presidency. All three vaccines that eventually received FDA approval received critical support from his administration. He provided $955 million to support the development of Moderna’s vaccine and another $1.5 billion to support large-scale manufacturing and distribution of the vaccine.

Before leaving office, Trump had contracted to buy at least 800 million vaccine doses with delivery by July 31 — enough to vaccinate every single American. He put us on track to end the pandemic, and get our lives back.

But instead of giving Trump credit for this accomplishment, Biden has tried to play down Trump’s role, falsely declaring that “my predecessor — as my mother would say, ‘God love him’ — failed to order enough vaccines.” Indeed, Biden has tried to take credit not only for vaccine distribution but also vaccine development, noting in a recent speech that “the science was done under Democratic and Republican administrations.” This is childish. Operation Warp Speed gave us the vaccines. Trump led it. It was his achievement. Full stop. Acknowledging this fact does not require Biden to gloss over what he considers Trump’s other manifold failures in office or his terrible behavior after the election. Biden is the one who promised to usher in a new era of bipartisanship, so why can’t he admit his Republican predecessor’s role in delivering the vaccines that are saving us?

If Biden isn’t comfortable touting Trump’s achievement, he could ask Trump to do it. Does Biden really think that voters in Trump states are going to be persuaded by appeals from Carter, Clinton and Obama to get immunized? Apparently, Biden considered asking for Trump’s help. In March, he said, “I discussed it with my team and they say the thing that has more impact than anything Trump would say to the MAGA folks is what the local doctors, what the local preachers, what the local people in the community say.” No, that’s not true. Indeed, an appeal from Trump may very well be the only thing that would convince some of his supporters to get their shots.

Of course, Trump does not need to wait for an invitation from Biden. He could set up vaccination sites at his rallies, which would give him an opportunity to tout his administration’s singular success in saving us from COVID-19. And Republican governors in pro-Trump states could record public service ads of their own featuring Trump urging his supporters to get the vaccines his administration produced.

But though those efforts might be useful, it is the sitting president’s responsibility to convince Americans to get immunized. While the Biden administration deserves credit for the effective distribution of the vaccines, it was President Trump who made the vaccines possible. The message to vaccine-hesitant Republicans should be: If you trust Trump, get your Trump vaccine.

Why not just have Trump come on to Fox, OAN and Newsmax and tell their mentally-challenged viewers (Fox to a lesser extent) to go and get vaccinated? Tell them it's amazing and only the best people do it.
There's some truth in this. Trump is a narcissist.

If Joe had praised Trump (pretty much a Trump requirement) for leaving him with a wonderful vaccine and asked him to encourage people to get vaccinated....he probably does it.

Unrealistic to expect Joe to do that considering Jan 6 and everything else Trump related but Donald is definitely pliable if fellated.
The author makes an assumption Trump wasn't included when we don't know if he was asked or not. Trump has never liked to share the spotlight or credit with anyone else so he very well may have declined the offer.

As others have already said, Trump has the bully pulpit at his rallies and can tout "his" vaccine and encourage his supporters to get vaccinated quite easily.
The author makes an assumption Trump wasn't included when we don't know if he was asked or not. Trump has never liked to share the spotlight or credit with anyone else so he very well may have declined the offer.

As others have already said, Trump has the bully pulpit at his rallies and can tout "his" vaccine and encourage his supporters to get vaccinated quite easily.

You have forgotten the new creed: it is the Democrats’ fault when Republicans behave poorly.
WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden missed his Independence Day target of getting first shots into the arms of 70% of American adults. If he wants to convince the vaccine-hesitant to get immunized — especially vaccine-hesitant Republicans — there is a simple way to do so: Give Donald Trump the credit he deserves for the vaccines.

Former presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter were all invited to record public service ads urging Americans to get vaccinated. The only former president not included was the one whose voice could have made the biggest difference — Trump.

This makes no sense. Today, it is Trump supporters who are most likely to remain unvaccinated. The 20 U.S. states with the highest vaccination rates all voted for Biden in 2020. Meanwhile, most of the 22 states with the lowest vaccination rates went for Trump — including almost all of the states with vaccination rates below 50%. A new Post-ABC News poll finds that while 86% of Democrats say they have received at least one dose, only 45% of Republicans have. And while just 6% of unvaccinated Democrats say they aren’t likely to get vaccinated, 47% of Republicans say they probably or definitely will not get shots against the virus.

If Biden wants to convince those Americans to get immunized, he should remind them that Operation Warp Speed — the greatest public health achievement in human history — was also the greatest achievement of the Trump presidency. All three vaccines that eventually received FDA approval received critical support from his administration. He provided $955 million to support the development of Moderna’s vaccine and another $1.5 billion to support large-scale manufacturing and distribution of the vaccine.

Before leaving office, Trump had contracted to buy at least 800 million vaccine doses with delivery by July 31 — enough to vaccinate every single American. He put us on track to end the pandemic, and get our lives back.

But instead of giving Trump credit for this accomplishment, Biden has tried to play down Trump’s role, falsely declaring that “my predecessor — as my mother would say, ‘God love him’ — failed to order enough vaccines.” Indeed, Biden has tried to take credit not only for vaccine distribution but also vaccine development, noting in a recent speech that “the science was done under Democratic and Republican administrations.” This is childish. Operation Warp Speed gave us the vaccines. Trump led it. It was his achievement. Full stop. Acknowledging this fact does not require Biden to gloss over what he considers Trump’s other manifold failures in office or his terrible behavior after the election. Biden is the one who promised to usher in a new era of bipartisanship, so why can’t he admit his Republican predecessor’s role in delivering the vaccines that are saving us?

If Biden isn’t comfortable touting Trump’s achievement, he could ask Trump to do it. Does Biden really think that voters in Trump states are going to be persuaded by appeals from Carter, Clinton and Obama to get immunized? Apparently, Biden considered asking for Trump’s help. In March, he said, “I discussed it with my team and they say the thing that has more impact than anything Trump would say to the MAGA folks is what the local doctors, what the local preachers, what the local people in the community say.” No, that’s not true. Indeed, an appeal from Trump may very well be the only thing that would convince some of his supporters to get their shots.

Of course, Trump does not need to wait for an invitation from Biden. He could set up vaccination sites at his rallies, which would give him an opportunity to tout his administration’s singular success in saving us from COVID-19. And Republican governors in pro-Trump states could record public service ads of their own featuring Trump urging his supporters to get the vaccines his administration produced.

But though those efforts might be useful, it is the sitting president’s responsibility to convince Americans to get immunized. While the Biden administration deserves credit for the effective distribution of the vaccines, it was President Trump who made the vaccines possible. The message to vaccine-hesitant Republicans should be: If you trust Trump, get your Trump vaccine.


Trump didn't develop them.
First vaccine out and approved had nothing to do with Trump or his administration.

And his gang did practically nothing to get vaccines "the last mile", just leaving that to the states to figure out; Biden implemented federal resources to assist on that.

This has absolutely nothing to do with "who's administration" the vaccines were created and approved under; it has EVERYTHING to do with the constant propaganda by Trump's gang and the rightwing media claiming "this is just the flu" and it's a "liberal hoax", etc etc etc.

Get Tucker Carlson and his buddies off the air and start promoting vaccines on the Right's platforms, and you'll see lots more people getting vaxxed.
There's some truth in this. Trump is a narcissist.

If Joe had praised Trump (pretty much a Trump requirement) for leaving him with a wonderful vaccine and asked him to encourage people to get vaccinated....he probably does it.

Unrealistic to expect Joe to do that considering Jan 6 and everything else Trump related but Donald is definitely pliable if fellated.
January 6th has nothing to do with it. Biden will never give Trump credit for anything because if he did, he would be primaried in 2024. Trump must be painted as the worst human to have ever set foot on the face of the Earth and anything less is unacceptable. Granted, Trump isn't far from it, but even suggesting Trump got something right is damaging to a Democrat's political career.
And his gang did practically nothing to get vaccines "the last mile", just leaving that to the states to figure out; Biden implemented federal resources to assist on that.

This is the key. All first hand reports describe the Trump Admin’s “finish line” was getting the vaccines approved. They had no plan for manufacture or distribution. I even read that at one point, Jared and Trump were working on a “reality competition” between states to see who got the most vaccines, and who didn’t.
January 6th has nothing to do with it. Biden will never give Trump credit for anything because if he did, he would be primaried in 2024. Trump must be painted as the worst human to have ever set foot on the face of the Earth and anything less is unacceptable. Granted, Trump isn't far from it, but even suggesting Trump got something right is damaging to a Democrat's political career.
If Democrats would just praise Republicans as much as Republicans praise Democrats.
January 6th has nothing to do with it. Biden will never give Trump credit for anything because if he did, he would be primaried in 2024. Trump must be painted as the worst human to have ever set foot on the face of the Earth and anything less is unacceptable. Granted, Trump isn't far from it, but even suggesting Trump got something right is as damaging to a Democrat's political career as a Republican suggesting he did something wrong.
Finished that for you.
WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden missed his Independence Day target of getting first shots into the arms of 70% of American adults. If he wants to convince the vaccine-hesitant to get immunized — especially vaccine-hesitant Republicans — there is a simple way to do so: Give Donald Trump the credit he deserves for the vaccines.

Former presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter were all invited to record public service ads urging Americans to get vaccinated. The only former president not included was the one whose voice could have made the biggest difference — Trump.

This makes no sense. Today, it is Trump supporters who are most likely to remain unvaccinated. The 20 U.S. states with the highest vaccination rates all voted for Biden in 2020. Meanwhile, most of the 22 states with the lowest vaccination rates went for Trump — including almost all of the states with vaccination rates below 50%. A new Post-ABC News poll finds that while 86% of Democrats say they have received at least one dose, only 45% of Republicans have. And while just 6% of unvaccinated Democrats say they aren’t likely to get vaccinated, 47% of Republicans say they probably or definitely will not get shots against the virus.

If Biden wants to convince those Americans to get immunized, he should remind them that Operation Warp Speed — the greatest public health achievement in human history — was also the greatest achievement of the Trump presidency. All three vaccines that eventually received FDA approval received critical support from his administration. He provided $955 million to support the development of Moderna’s vaccine and another $1.5 billion to support large-scale manufacturing and distribution of the vaccine.

Before leaving office, Trump had contracted to buy at least 800 million vaccine doses with delivery by July 31 — enough to vaccinate every single American. He put us on track to end the pandemic, and get our lives back.

But instead of giving Trump credit for this accomplishment, Biden has tried to play down Trump’s role, falsely declaring that “my predecessor — as my mother would say, ‘God love him’ — failed to order enough vaccines.” Indeed, Biden has tried to take credit not only for vaccine distribution but also vaccine development, noting in a recent speech that “the science was done under Democratic and Republican administrations.” This is childish. Operation Warp Speed gave us the vaccines. Trump led it. It was his achievement. Full stop. Acknowledging this fact does not require Biden to gloss over what he considers Trump’s other manifold failures in office or his terrible behavior after the election. Biden is the one who promised to usher in a new era of bipartisanship, so why can’t he admit his Republican predecessor’s role in delivering the vaccines that are saving us?

If Biden isn’t comfortable touting Trump’s achievement, he could ask Trump to do it. Does Biden really think that voters in Trump states are going to be persuaded by appeals from Carter, Clinton and Obama to get immunized? Apparently, Biden considered asking for Trump’s help. In March, he said, “I discussed it with my team and they say the thing that has more impact than anything Trump would say to the MAGA folks is what the local doctors, what the local preachers, what the local people in the community say.” No, that’s not true. Indeed, an appeal from Trump may very well be the only thing that would convince some of his supporters to get their shots.

Of course, Trump does not need to wait for an invitation from Biden. He could set up vaccination sites at his rallies, which would give him an opportunity to tout his administration’s singular success in saving us from COVID-19. And Republican governors in pro-Trump states could record public service ads of their own featuring Trump urging his supporters to get the vaccines his administration produced.

But though those efforts might be useful, it is the sitting president’s responsibility to convince Americans to get immunized. While the Biden administration deserves credit for the effective distribution of the vaccines, it was President Trump who made the vaccines possible. The message to vaccine-hesitant Republicans should be: If you trust Trump, get your Trump vaccine.

So tell Republicans if they eat their carrots and take their vaccine, they’ll grow up big and strong like Superman?

I’m a parent of a toddler. This sounds very familiar.
Big Pharma/Big Gov has tried the carrot, their next/only option is the stick seeing how everyone that wants a shot has had one by now.

Send the inventory overseas to any country willing to take them and move on.
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This is dumb and clearly a ploy to artificially prop up Trump. These people have been bred to mistrust information. Nothing Joe says will change that. And unless Trump can grift money from this, he won't go along with it.
Nice pro American attitude.:rolleyes: Moron
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So tell Republicans if they eat their carrots and take their vaccine, they’ll grow up big and strong like Superman?

I’m a parent of a toddler. This sounds very familiar.
I'm sure you've eaten your share of carrots in your day.;)
Biden’s mistake was not tying that last $1400 to getting the shot. Tjat was a huge mistake. Likely the biggest mistake he will make as president.
A couple of thoughts -

1. I'm not sure that would be legal

2. I'm not sure if Congress would have passed it

3. Pretty sure he will make bigger mistakes.

This is dumb and clearly a ploy to artificially prop up Trump. These people have been bred to mistrust information. Nothing Joe says will change that. And unless Trump can grift money from this, he won't go along with it.

No, it's not dumb. And it isn't what Joe says that matters at this point. Give the idiot credit for Warp Speed and fast tracking the vaccine. Ask him to record a public service announcement and air it over and over.

It's not going to convince all the idiots, but it will help.
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Or we could just let the dumb and brainwashed people not get the vaccine and see where that lands them.

At this point, I’m entirely content to let natural selection take over.
How about we do whatever it takes to get these idiots to get vaccinated. The longer they don't, the more the virus mutates, and the better chance of us sane people that got vaccinated will be vulnerable again.

You think getting these anti-vaxxers that have the mental capacity of a rock or have half their teeth missing because they can't figure out how to brush their fuggin teeth, are going to do it? I don't, these people are lost in the head. A wittle needle is scary dawg!
No, it's not dumb. And it isn't what Joe says that matters at this point. Give the idiot credit for Warp Speed and fast tracking the vaccine. Ask him to record a public service announcement and air it over and over.

It's not going to convince all the idiots, but it will help.
If Trump were a normal, decent human being I would agree with you. However, nothing we’ve seen in the past five years shows us he’s willing to do anything that would benefit others more than him.
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This is the key. All first hand reports describe the Trump Admin’s “finish line” was getting the vaccines approved. They had no plan for manufacture or distribution. I even read that at one point, Jared and Trump were working on a “reality competition” between states to see who got the most vaccines, and who didn’t.

But they did get the vaccines approved. So why deny it publicly because it was under Trump that it happened? Why not do as the Author of the article said and give him credit for that and ask him to record a public announcement? For the good of the country.

As I mentioned above, the longer the virus makes it's rounds, the more variants, and the more chances of those that did get vaccinated becoming vulnerable to the virus again.
You think getting these anti-vaxxers that have the mental capacity of a rock or have half their teeth missing because they can't figure out how to brush their fuggin teeth, are going to do it? I don't, these people are lost in the head. A wittle needle is scary dawg!

It's attitudes like yours that will not make this any better. Just insult them every chance you get.

Hell, Our VP said she would take the vaccine if Trump said to. WTF?
But they did get the vaccines approved. So why deny it publicly because it was under Trump that it happened? Why not do as the Author of the article said and give him credit for that and ask him to record a public announcement? For the good of the country.

As I mentioned above, the longer the virus makes it's rounds, the more variants, and the more chances of those that did get vaccinated becoming vulnerable to the virus again.
But they’ve never denied that the vaccines were developed under Trump. However, Trump also wants credit for the things he wasn’t involved with, like the successful rollout that was initially botched.

as others have said, there’s nothing stopping him from discussing this at his rallies.
It's attitudes like yours that will not make this any better. Just insult them every chance you get.

Hell, Our VP said she would take the vaccine if Trump said to. WTF?

I mean, was I wrong in saying that these people have half their teeth missing when they have half their teeth missing? And Anti-vaxxers are not smart, that's not an opinion.
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WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden missed his Independence Day target of getting first shots into the arms of 70% of American adults. If he wants to convince the vaccine-hesitant to get immunized — especially vaccine-hesitant Republicans — there is a simple way to do so: Give Donald Trump the credit he deserves for the vaccines.

Former presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter were all invited to record public service ads urging Americans to get vaccinated. The only former president not included was the one whose voice could have made the biggest difference — Trump.

This makes no sense. Today, it is Trump supporters who are most likely to remain unvaccinated. The 20 U.S. states with the highest vaccination rates all voted for Biden in 2020. Meanwhile, most of the 22 states with the lowest vaccination rates went for Trump — including almost all of the states with vaccination rates below 50%. A new Post-ABC News poll finds that while 86% of Democrats say they have received at least one dose, only 45% of Republicans have. And while just 6% of unvaccinated Democrats say they aren’t likely to get vaccinated, 47% of Republicans say they probably or definitely will not get shots against the virus.

If Biden wants to convince those Americans to get immunized, he should remind them that Operation Warp Speed — the greatest public health achievement in human history — was also the greatest achievement of the Trump presidency. All three vaccines that eventually received FDA approval received critical support from his administration. He provided $955 million to support the development of Moderna’s vaccine and another $1.5 billion to support large-scale manufacturing and distribution of the vaccine.

Before leaving office, Trump had contracted to buy at least 800 million vaccine doses with delivery by July 31 — enough to vaccinate every single American. He put us on track to end the pandemic, and get our lives back.

But instead of giving Trump credit for this accomplishment, Biden has tried to play down Trump’s role, falsely declaring that “my predecessor — as my mother would say, ‘God love him’ — failed to order enough vaccines.” Indeed, Biden has tried to take credit not only for vaccine distribution but also vaccine development, noting in a recent speech that “the science was done under Democratic and Republican administrations.” This is childish. Operation Warp Speed gave us the vaccines. Trump led it. It was his achievement. Full stop. Acknowledging this fact does not require Biden to gloss over what he considers Trump’s other manifold failures in office or his terrible behavior after the election. Biden is the one who promised to usher in a new era of bipartisanship, so why can’t he admit his Republican predecessor’s role in delivering the vaccines that are saving us?

If Biden isn’t comfortable touting Trump’s achievement, he could ask Trump to do it. Does Biden really think that voters in Trump states are going to be persuaded by appeals from Carter, Clinton and Obama to get immunized? Apparently, Biden considered asking for Trump’s help. In March, he said, “I discussed it with my team and they say the thing that has more impact than anything Trump would say to the MAGA folks is what the local doctors, what the local preachers, what the local people in the community say.” No, that’s not true. Indeed, an appeal from Trump may very well be the only thing that would convince some of his supporters to get their shots.

Of course, Trump does not need to wait for an invitation from Biden. He could set up vaccination sites at his rallies, which would give him an opportunity to tout his administration’s singular success in saving us from COVID-19. And Republican governors in pro-Trump states could record public service ads of their own featuring Trump urging his supporters to get the vaccines his administration produced.

But though those efforts might be useful, it is the sitting president’s responsibility to convince Americans to get immunized. While the Biden administration deserves credit for the effective distribution of the vaccines, it was President Trump who made the vaccines possible. The message to vaccine-hesitant Republicans should be: If you trust Trump, get your Trump vaccine.

That's just a huge steaming pile of feces. Trump already "endorsed" the vaccine.

It didn't "move the needle" among his cult.
If Trump were a normal, decent human being I would agree with you. However, nothing we’ve seen in the past five years shows us he’s willing to do anything that would benefit others more than him.

I've already seen a clip of him telling people to get the vaccine, months ago. But it sure as hell didn't get a lot of air time.

70+ million people voted for that idiot. And we know he loves the spotlight. Give credit where credit is due and ask him to record a public announcement.

And how about the other side stop acting like kids too, ala Kamala Harris saying she wouldn't take the vaccine if Trump said to?
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I mean I can appreciate the concept of coddling his cult like they are children, but I really doubt it'll mean much coming from Biden. Biden is a Demon Rat. He has dementia, used to work with that ape Obama and is in bed with the lying fake news media.

Why would they listen to what he says?
The OP suggestion won't happen,.. entirely too much hatred going both directions between Biden & Trump.