Marg Meltdown

The thing about being on the right side of cultural norms and behavioral norms means that's exactly what you get to do.

Please explain where in the ticket price, Marg is figured in? Or where in the ticket price you get to have the players and people on the court watch you?
You're not on the right side of culture for ****s sake... wake up...🤣🤣
If you've reffed high school basketball in eastern Iowa for any amount of time, you've been yelled at by Margaret McCaffery. If you've been doing it as long as some of us have, you've also been yelled at by Tanya Alford (youth tournaments).
Tanya Alford must be one of the 2 that act like this in U.S like some idiots on here think...🤣
Oh stop. The woman has issues, and she displays it IN PUBLIC for everyone to see. That makes it fair game. A coaches wife getting kicked out of multiple college and high school gyms for that type of behavior is WAY over the line. Its like what happened to Mark Mangino while he was at Kansas. His son was the QB for Lawrence high school, and Mark got to walk the sidelines during games. Well one game he didn't like a call made against his kid and he charged the ref on the field and was ejected from ever attending another game at that school or even conference games. Just for the record the coach (and by extension his wife) are representing the University at any function their at. Not to mention he's paid a kings ransom to do that job. A little decorum from the coach AND his spouse, and his offspring is certainly not to much to expect...
I'm sorry, but I just can't see Mangino charging anywhere. Waddling, yes. Charging, no.

But I get the point. Just because you're the spouse of a head coach (or head coach) at a major university does not give you the license to act like a jerk [other preferred noun edited for said decorum], in fact the exact opposite is more appropriate. (particularly in a relatively small community where your celebrity is heightened.)
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A shirt like that is incredibly tasteless
It is also tasteless to issue a public statement that your son running over and killing a guy in a cross walk was totally unavoidable. Just comment on the incident being a tragedy and be done with it.

High school kids are going to behave like High school kids. A couple years back High school kids were chanting "Fire Fran" at one of Jack's games and PMAC and CMAC were there and they both got on Twitter after the game ranting about it. I think This was just before BTT and they went out and laid a 1st game turd in BTT like Fran's team's usually do.

The right thing to do is ignore it, bear it, keep your mouth shut OR quit taking the enormous amount of money for coaching a B-ball team. Let your job performance speak for itself.
I'm sorry, but I just can't see Mangino charging anywhere. Waddling, yes. Charging, no.

But I get the point. Just because you're the spouse of a head coach (or head coach) at a major university does not give you the license to act like a jerk [other preferred noun edited for said decorum], in fact the exact opposite is more appropriate. (particularly in a relatively small community where your celebrity is heightened.)
Hea, Mark destroyed a few Golden corrals in the KC area in his time in Lawrence...lolol..
I guess the "Fire Fran" crowd is getting bored with hammering McCaffery for everything, so they now turn on his wife. Usually the family is exempt from this BS. Hey, no one has taken their daughter to task. She's probably an easy target.
Jees, if you can't see anything wrong with the coaches wife having to literally be removed from college and high school games because of her behavior, then I don't know what else to say.
I'm sorry, but I just can't see Mangino charging anywhere. Waddling, yes. Charging, no.

But I get the point. Just because you're the spouse of a head coach (or head coach) at a major university does not give you the license to act like a jerk [other preferred noun edited for said decorum], in fact the exact opposite is more appropriate. (particularly in a relatively small community where your celebrity is heightened.)
I think I’ve shared this before, but I have a friend who has a friend who was a GA or something under Mangino. He said Mangino would take a shit, wipe his ass with a towel and throw it in a ball in the corner. This kids job was to clean/launder those things.
Probably a lot more than 2 you just never hear about the others. What kind of parent doesn't support and cheer their kids on? You want them to just sit on their hands during a game? And yelling at the refs when they make a bad call is pretty much a given in any sport.
Everyone has a smartphone and a large number of people (especially college age kids) are trying to be the next Zapruder. If anyone of any note (including D level celebs like Ms McCaffery) acts the fool in public it is going to be recorded and put on social media platforms.
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I think I’ve shared this before, but I have a friend who has a friend who was a GA or something under Mangino. He said Mangino would take a shit, wipe his ass with a towel and throw it in a ball in the corner. This kids job was to clean/launder those things.
Look at the pic of Mangino above. Looks like it would be a tremendous challenge for him to use the conventional method.
“The right side of cultural norms”…???
If I were you bulldogs, I wouldn’t watch the games. But to come here and publicly criticize a coach’s wife over something you honestly don’t know what it who was being said? Your “Fran hate” or “Fran frustration” has overwhelmed your ability to reason. Jeeeebus…. Take a deep breath…all of you all.

What she said in the press conference I referenced is public knowledge. When you make yourself a target, you take what is coming your way. She ain't Lute's wife.
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The coach’s wife…………..:rolleyes:
I dont think I’ll ever go down that road…..Have your fun….and enjoy your outrage!
Oh, you're so holier the us I guess, huh? Say want you want. Fran and by extension his wife, (especially when she crosses into territory where she doesn't have ANY business being, like berating writers at Frans post game pressers), ARE representing THE University of Iowa when in public, and very handsomely paid to do that. Everybody knows who she is when she has these very public rants, and its an embarrassment to her husbands employer. I'm pretty certain if Fran worked in an upper management position for some fortune 500 company and his wife was "removed" from numerous public functions involved with her husbands work for her outrageous behavior she'd get his ass fired.
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Oh, you're so holier the us I guess, huh? Say want you want. Fran and by extension his wife, (especially when she crosses into territory where she doesn't have ANY business being, like berating writers at Frans post game pressers), ARE representing THE University of Iowa when in public, and very handsomely paid to do that. Everybody knows who she is when she has these very public rants, and its an embarrassment to her husbands employer. I'm pretty certain if Fran worked in an upper management position for some fortune 500 company and his wife was "removed" from numerous public functions involved with her husbands work for her outrageous behavior she'd get his ass fired.
“holier than thou”? Nope…. Just smarter than most, J hope. Keep your eye on the ball here and don’t listen to all the extraneous noise. Fran’s bride has never been the issue.
“holier than thou”? Nope…. Just smarter than most, J hope. Keep your eye on the ball here and don’t listen to all the extraneous noise. Fran’s bride has never been the issue.
THE issue? No of course not. An issue, hell yes. A lot of coaches get upset about calls. Thats bad enough. How many school do you see their wives running around like a crazy person insulting people? If you're smarter then most , then that should be obvious. Hell, you don;t need to take the word of anyone here. The guys who cover the team have made their own comments about her behavior, although somewhat veiled because they don't want to get banned from covering the team. This was all known when Fran first came to Iowa 15 years ago. People from Siena were on here saying, watch out for Marge madness..
THE issue? No of course not. An issue, hell yes. A lot of coaches get upset about calls. Thats bad enough. How many school do you see their wives running around like a crazy person insulting people? If you're smarter then most , then that should be obvious. Hell, you don;t need to take the word of anyone here. The guys who cover the team have made their own comments about her behavior, although somewhat veiled because they don't want to get banned from covering the team. This was all known when Fran first came to Iowa 15 years ago. People from Siena were on here saying, watch out for Marge madness..

Marge Madness!!!!!!! Very good.