Marines Torch Fraudulant Ballots in Georgia

Real Raw News?

Real Raw News​

Real Raw News is an American fake news website created in April 2020.[1] Many of its published stories include misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines,[2][3][4] fictional arrests[5][6][3]and supposed executions of public figures.[1][3]
Real Raw News

@seminole97 @LuciousBDragon - Harris prohibited from requesting this story be removed?
I guess I’d ask why bother? Carter, Reagan, H.W. Bush, Clinton never bothered taking down the National Enquirer. Those guys were pushing alien sex with the President and Lonnie Anderson is a space lizard carrying Burt Reynolds human-lizard hybrid space baby type stories. Hitler alive and well on Mars too.

We survived all that just fine. We can survive more insanity.
At this point, I don't know. News anymore is so unreliable for much of anything.

Why do you care what my mind set is? Worry about yourself first.

People are concerned that if you don't have the ability to read this and instantly start questioning the validity for any number of reasons in the article's writing, but instead come here and post it and only acknowledge that you don't know whats real when called out on it, it is a sign that you have no bullshit detector and really need help to function on a daily basis.

You are either a complete troll or a mouth-breathing doofus that shouldn't be on the internet without supervision if reading that doesn't cause alarms to go off.

At least a modicum of "consider the source" would be a good starting step. I also worry about how many viruses you have on your computer if you bumble into that site and not instantly know it's fake.

PS, just a heads up, there is no Nigerian prince that wants to give you millions. Don't give him your bank account information. That one is for free.
test guy GIF
People are concerned that if you don't have the ability to read this and instantly start questioning the validity for any number of reasons in the article's writing, but instead come here and post it and only acknowledge that you don't know whats real when called out on it, it is a sign that you have no bullshit detector and really need help to function on a daily basis.

You are either a complete troll or a mouth-breathing doofus that shouldn't be on the internet without supervision if reading that doesn't cause alarms to go off.

At least a modicum of "consider the source" would be a good starting step. I also worry about how many viruses you have on your computer if you bumble into that site and not instantly know it's fake.

PS, just a heads up, there is no Nigerian prince that wants to give you millions. Don't give him your bank account information. That one is for free.
The mouth breathers are the ones who can't figure out that it's funny. I post stuff from Babylon Bee and most people on here freak out. Everyone needs to relax. It's election year and nothing is that damn important.

BTW, never once did I say I believed it or thought it was real.

Project much?
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OP, just to get ahead of the next false conspiracy theory you will likely fall into, don't beleive anything that Tucker Carlson and Darryl Cooper discuss as it relates to WW2. It is almost all crackpot revisionist history.

Also, please stay away from flat earth society websites. That is also proven to not be real.
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The mouth breathers are the ones who can't figure out that it's funny. I post stuff from Babylon Bee and most people on here freak out. Everyone needs to relax. It's election year and nothing is that damn important.

BTW, never once did I say I believed it or thought it was real.

Project much?
No way. You posted that thinking it was real, to spread the lie that the election was 'being rigged'.
The mouth breathers are the ones who can't figure out that it's funny. I post stuff from Babylon Bee and most people on here freak out. Everyone needs to relax. It's election year and nothing is that damn important.

BTW, never once did I say I believed it or thought it was real.

Project much?

No projection at all. You post nonsense repeatedly, then say "I don't know what is real!" You don't have a track record to show "it was a joke", you have a track record of nonsense which gives you no credence to rely on.

Thats not a humor site, that is a disinformation site. If you don't know the difference.... again, please have adult supervision when outdoors. And possibly indoors.
Yeah sure. A Marine Corps general is going to commit multiple different felonies on a hint from some random person? He wouldn’t just refer it to the FBI, local law enforcement or any other agency with the right jurisdiction?

The fact OP posts this as remotely believable is laughable.

OP - get your head out of your ass. You cannot be as dumb as you come across here.
I'm surprised Shaky put this great news in English, and not Russian.
The mouth breathers are the ones who can't figure out that it's funny. I post stuff from Babylon Bee and most people on here freak out. Everyone needs to relax. It's election year and nothing is that damn important.

BTW, never once did I say I believed it or thought it was real.

Project much?
Snl Dodge GIF by Saturday Night Live
No projection at all. You post nonsense repeatedly, then say "I don't know what is real!" You don't have a track record to show "it was a joke", you have a track record of nonsense which gives you no credence to rely on.

Thats not a humor site, that is a disinformation site. If you don't know the difference.... again, please have adult supervision when outdoors. And possibly indoors.
Does your ass squeak when you walk from being puckered up so much?
I guess I’d ask why bother? Carter, Reagan, H.W. Bush, Clinton never bothered taking down the National Enquirer. Those guys were pushing alien sex with the President and Lonnie Anderson is a space lizard carrying Burt Reynolds human-lizard hybrid space baby type stories. Hitler alive and well on Mars too.

We survived all that just fine. We can survive more insanity.

It’s a different time. Everyone knew the Enquirer and the Star. We had limited channels. Four networks, PBS, 1-2 papers in each town.

Now we have “media” entities that on first blush appear real. They pop up and disappear the next day. They look real.

We have people with millions of followers posting things like Biden in hospital and not expected to make it through the night. That post got millions of views before anyone jumped in.

Harris should be allowed to ask X to take this fake story down imo.
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The mouth breathers are the ones who can't figure out that it's funny. I post stuff from Babylon Bee and most people on here freak out. Everyone needs to relax. It's election year and nothing is that damn important.

BTW, never once did I say I believed it or thought it was real.


Your thread title is: Marines Torch Fraudulant Ballots in Georgia

And nowhere in the story or anything you posted did you say it is fake or might be fake.

You should stop lying.

You should also learn how to spell fraudulent.
It’s a different time. Everyone knew the Enquirer and the Star. We had limited channels. Four networks, PBS, 1-2 papers in each town.

Now we have “media” entities that on first blush appear real. They pop up and disappear the next day. They look real.

‘It’s different this time’

Poppycock. Before the Russians were behind every rock it was the British and their lies, yet our forefathers understood the cure was always liberty:

From Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 13 November 1787​

“…Wonderful is the effect of impudent and persevering lying. The British ministry have so long hired their gazetteers to repeat and model into every form lies about our being in anarchy, that the world has at length believed them, the English nation has believed them, the ministers themselves have come to believe them, and what is more wonderful, we have believed them ourselves. Yet where does this anarchy exist? Where did it ever exist, except in the single instance of Massachusets? And can history produce an instance of a rebellion so honourably conducted? I say nothing of it’s motives. They were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. God forbid we should ever be 20. years without such a rebellion. The people can not be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. We have had 13. states independant 11. years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state. What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”
Does your ass squeak when you walk from being puckered up so much?

Issue isn't my sense of humor. Is it your inability to admit you got duped...... OR, your nonsense was pegged as fraud so quickly by so many. I usually doubt that HBOT has foreign trolls on the site, it is the type of thread that makes me wonder if Im wrong.
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The mouth breathers are the ones who can't figure out that it's funny. I post stuff from Babylon Bee and most people on here freak out. Everyone needs to relax. It's election year and nothing is that damn important.

BTW, never once did I say I believed it or thought it was real.

Project much?
The only reason I’d freak out if you post something from the Babylon Bee is because they suck that badly. The next time they publish something funny will be the first time.
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