Marriage advice

The best perspective on marriage advice is to know the
difference between a constructive discussion and a
destructive discussion.

A Construction discussion focuses on the issues at hand.
Husband: "Honey, we both need to eat more healthy food."
Wife: "Dear, we both need to stop snacking all day."

A Destructive discussion attacks the other person.
Husband: Honey, you are starting to get fat, do you want
to look like your obese mother?"
Wife: "Dear, you need to get rid of that spare tire around
your stomach, you look like the Good Year Blimp."
The roles are reversed at our house. Mrs. Herk is tall and thin and works out all the time. I'm fat.

So I can tell you what Mrs. Herk says to motivate me.
  1. Yo, fat ass!!!
  2. Geez you breath hard.
  3. You have no portion control.
  4. All I do is enable you!!
  5. God damn it you're like you're like your mother.
  6. Walk, don't waddle!!!!
  7. I don't believe you're not diabetic!! You're living on barrowed time buster.
  8. You know your son is going to be a fat bastard too, right?
  9. JHC you're a sedentary SOB!!!
  10. Holy shit your cloths are big!!!!
  11. Do you want to barrow one of my bras?
  12. I'm not buying anything sweet.
  13. You were going to start working out with me 15 years ago.
  14. Get off me, I can't fugging breath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm pretty sure any of that would motivate me. Why can't women be the same?
How do I tell the misses shes getting a little chunky?
A farmer friend of mine, married less than a year, told his bride he would move her and her stuff to the hog finishing unit if she started packing on the pounds. She received the message load and clear and never put on much weight (except during 3 pregnancies). They just celebrated their 39th anniversary and she still looks fine.

You’re friends with CeMar?? :eek:
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No need to tell your wife that she's fat,.... If you take it upon yourself to eat healthy and workout regularly she will begin to address her condition....
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No need to tell your wife that she's fat,.... If you take it upon yourself to eat healthy and workout regularly she will begin to address her condition....

I told her to get a salad tonight at chilis and we were going to skip the free chips and salsa. she turned into the hulk she was so hangry

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