Looks like Trump is getting zero poll bump taking one to the ear.

After Hillary I no longer believe in polls. I still have to believe the majority of Americans don’t want someone as godawful as Trump, in office. If we let this happen we will get what we have earned. If people want to ignore Project 2025 and everything in it, basically protecting everyone who’s privileged and screw everyone else then we will all suffer. No SS. No medicaid. Longer work months for employees of businesses. Cutting benefits to veterans. Attacking women’s rights. LGBTQ rights. All very Christian things for well off white people to be excited about, I guess.


The polls were accurate in 2016. She won the popular vote by the predicted amount. She had a 75% chance of winning the electoral college, but lost basically every toss up state. If the poll says she’s up by .5%, then she loses by .5%, you can’t really say the poll was “wrong.”
Biden can't win. One of the most interesting things about the debate was that Trump didn't really go at Biden for his gaffes and he mostly backed off his more aggressive attack language.I think this is either coached or natural instinct that recognized that Democrat voters would be deflated by the debate and one of the few things that could motivate them would him being an asshole.

The election will be won by the candidate that motivates their fringe voters and Biden has no juice at the moment and I don't anticipate there is much he can do to change this. If they want to win they need a new candidate.
12 Romney/Obama was supposed to be close, 16 Hillary favored. 20 Biden favored more than he won by. Honestly have no clue anymore about models or polls.
Think Trump will win, but won’t be a landslide. Tribal politics. Not much cross over anymore. But wouldn’t be shocked if somehow he still lost. October Surprise or some other crazy thing between now and election night..
Can it really be called a landslide if Trump wins the battleground states and loses the popular vote by a healthy margin?

I feel like we need a new definition for an electoral landslide.