Maybe mrs Palin should stop worrying about politics

I disagree, TB. An 26 year old adult, regardless of where he lives, is not his parent responsability.
Correct.... But
When you blame it on Obama AND have teen pregnancies while beating the family values drum, we can look down on your parenting skills.
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you guys ever watch the show, "Alaska state troopers"?? I think you pretty much have to be trailer trash and drunk and running around in a dwi situation 24-7 to live there

Yes, because entire populations are represented by a handful of nuts that are on reality shows.
When do the Palins get their own reality show? Not the Palins love Alaska but the dysfunctional former first family of Alaska show that everyone would watch.
Hmm. Palin was the VP candidate of a veteran who suffered tremendously for the rest of us. She is now supporting a man who disrespected that veteran, and who has mocked people with disabilities (Palin has a disabled child). She suggests her son suffers from PTSD and deserves privacy. And, here she is, someone who should be vehemently opposed to the bullying of Trump, but she's basking in the glow.
No public comments supporting the young woman threatened by Track Palin, either. If it is PTSD I am not sure how much blame he carries, but there should be empathy directed towards the young woman.
Not to worry. Once Trump is elected, his first elected task will be to "pardon" young Palin. Then he will appoint SILLY Sarah to DHS. win/win