You guys are giving Woody too much credit. He was schooled down low tonight by both Haas and Hammons. Did you guys miss all of those drop step hooks and banks shots that they scored on him? The only credit I can give Woody in that situation is that he didn't overreact and give too many frustration fouls in response. But he didn't stop those guys. Our guards made it hard to feed the post. But I'm not here to bust on the team, they showed a lot of heart tonight. Everybody did a little something, like Uhl, Wagner and Clemmons. Clemmons did his reckless behind the back pass again, which was on the money, but because it was unexpected, Uthoff(?) bobbled it and didn't take the open shot. And he was promptly yanked LOL. WOW just a very satisfying, well earned win. I'm proud of these guys. I can only hope that their confidence is sky high. Wish there wasn't such a long layoff between the Nebraska and MSU games.