FWIW, If I were a gambling man, I'd bet on Justin taking the JUCO route...
I hope you are wrong for his sake, as he is better than that. A lot better than that.
I don't know what kind of money he "needs" to attend school. If it's a lot, or a full ride, then there may not be a lot of options that fit the caliber of wrestler that he clearly is. As we are all aware, very few full rides are given these days, and we clearly don't have that money available to us(even if TnT valued him as a full ride athlete).
So maybe a year or two at a JUCO(getting everything paid for), is the best route for Justin. This would allow him to choose where he wanted to go in a year, rather than "having" to go somewhere he doesn't want to.
I hope not, for his sake, but we will see. I for one would love to see him in our room.