Men Flood Women's Job Fair After 'Lying' About Being Nonbinary

Because he is fat. You just aren't smart. I worry that you are a real person but I lean towards @gamedayron01 NewsMax troll.
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You just crank that old C-Pap up to 10, Fatty!

Are you saying they were being forthright and honest?

No, I don't know what they were being. Seemingly as how there is nothing one can do that is inconsistent with being non binary I am not sure anyone can say you are lying.
The organizers of a career fair that intended to deny access to men.
And? There are women’s career fairs. Minority career fairs. College career fairs…etc. It’s really common for there to be a variety of these things targeting certain populations. It’s really not a big deal.
And? There are women’s career fairs. Minority career fairs. College career fairs…etc. It’s really common for there to be a variety of these things targeting certain populations. It’s really not a big deal.
I still can’t get past the $1300 entrance fee. I would guess the corporations would also have to pony up to be present? What in the hell was going on at that conference to charge $1300 to get in? Free massages? Better have a top shelf open bar. Whoever organized this made some serious cash.
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I still can’t get past the $1300 entrance fee. I would guess the corporations would also have to pony up to be present? What in the hell was going on at that conference to charge $1300 to get in? Free massages? Better have a top shelf open bar. Whoever organized this made some serious cash.
Yeah, I don’t know about this one. I go to a fair number of conferences and courses with a range from free to $1500-ish. Usually depends on how vendor-focused it is - the more vendors are there to engage & sell, the cheaper it is. The more it’s education/discussion based with fewer sponsors, they tend to cost more.

I just can’t get that worked up about this one from either side. If a bunch of men who identify as non-binary went, cool. If a bunch of cis men went intentionally to take up the bulk of the spots and send some sort of message and wreck what the hosts were going for, then it’s an asshole move, but I guess it cost them each $1300 to be an asshole and there’s no real check against it.

If the organizers do anything to try to stop that next year, maybe they make it less publicly available and work through support organizations to fill registrations, but maybe the public facing nature where anyone can walk in is worth this potential outcome.
And? There are women’s career fairs. Minority career fairs. College career fairs…etc. It’s really common for there to be a variety of these things targeting certain populations. It’s really not a big deal.
Like I said, discrimination is okay when the right people do it.
Are you trying to suggest there are no men-only organizations in the US?
That is an interesting question and I am sure there are or you wouldn't ask it, but trying to think of any off the top of my head and not using Google, all I can think of is Hair Club. Back in the day, Lion's Club, Kiwanis, Augusta National, Scouts (not to mention the Good Old Boys Club), etc were men only. And I don't care at all if they hold women's only networking/job fair events, makes sense to me, I am just trying to come up with organizations that are men only today.
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That is an interesting question and I am sure there are or you wouldn't ask it, but trying to think of any off the top of my head and not using Google, all I can think of is Hair Club. Back in the day, Lion's Club, Kiwanis, Augusta National, Scouts (not to mention the Good Old Boys Club), etc were men only. And I don't care at all if they hold women's only networking/job fair events, makes sense to me, I am just trying to come up with organizations that are men only today.
There aren't any that still exist in a format like these women's groups are utilizing. Women have demanded entry while maintaining their own exclusive spaces.
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An event billed as the largest gathering of women and nonbinary technologists in the world was recently dominated by men, causing uproar among attendees and leading to apologies from organizers.

The in-person Grace Hopper Celebration was organized by AnitaB and took place from September 26-29 in Orlando, Florida. Activities included a career fair and expo, in addition to opportunities for those in the industry to seek prospective career opportunities and to mingle with others. Singer and actor Janelle Monáe was one of the keynote speakers.

But instead of catering to its intended audience that paid about $1,300 per ticket just to get in the doors, organizers soon realized that cisgender men had flooded the conference allegedly for their own personal gain.

"This is supposed to be a joyous event that centers around you," AnitaB Chief Impact Officer Cullen White told attendees on September 27. "Yesterday, it became clear that there are a far greater number of cisgender men attending than we anticipated.

"Simply put, some of you lied when you registered. And as evidenced by the stacks and stacks of resumes you're passing out, you did so because you thought you could come here and take space to try and get a job. We need male allies; we need men who want to celebrate women, work with and for women. So, we welcome men in this space—to learn and support and improve."

Men apparently took discounted academic tickets from women who sought them, as well as interview slots and recruiting opportunities—all things to which male attendees had "no right" to infringe based on who the event was for, White said.

"So, let me be perfectly clear: Stop, White said.
Joanna Schwartz, a marketing professor at Georgia College & State University, told Newsweek via email that her institution sent 25 women but no men.

While she did not personally attend, she knew others who did and relayed their discontent with the conference.

"Unlike previous years, there were a lot of guys who really seemed to be taking over the spaces," Schwartz said. "And unlike events in the past where everyone was polite and supporting and creating an uplifting space for supporting women and nonbinary people in the field, this year men were pushing and shoving to get in the front of access to the presentation booths...I heard this year's conference described as disappointing and desperate."

She added: "To be clear, these weren't nonbinary or trans women who are an extremely small part of the computing field and go to that space in [the] community. These were men who didn't respect that space. Given recent reverse discrimination cases, it could be that they felt entitled to not only enter but dominate that space."

One social media user asked AnitaB what they were doing beyond calling out male attendees to ensure that the women and nonbinary people received their proper resources.

"Our first step toward creating a plan for change is to *listen*, and we are in the process of developing a collaborative avenue for GHC attendees to share more so we can do just that," AnitaB responded through its account on X, formerly Twitter. "Throughout this process, we will be transparent."

The response stirred more of an uproar on all sides of the political spectrum, with some joking that AnitaB had no plan in place to counter the possibility of the event being overrun by cisgender men. Others called out the organization for having a white male as its chief impact officer and for not speaking up strongly enough for allies at the conference.

"You should try answering the question," said one X user. "Or another question: how will you determine who qualifies as NB [nonbinary] and who doesn't? What specific characteristics will you use?"

Some female attendees posted videos on TikTok criticizing the event being overrun by men who were allegedly cutting in front of them in recruiting lines.
One woman named Lily, a product designer from San Francisco, expressed her anger towards how the event unfolded and questioned why men wanted to infiltrate a space meant to provide representation to females in the tech field. Her TikTok post has been liked nearly 350,000 times.

"This year has been the first year where there has a been an insane amount of men who went, and they're not going to listen to the sessions and learn," Lily said, noting how Grace Hopper was a pioneer computer scientist, mathematician and Navy admiral. "They were there just purely for the career fair."
On the final day of the conference, AnitaB's vice president of programs, Amanda Hill-Attkisson said the organization's mission has always been to challenge gender discrimination, racial discrimination, sexual harassment, discounting and pay standards.
"But it's not supposed to happen here," Hill-Attkisson said. "I deeply apologize to those who did not have the experience they expected. Next year, we will be much clearer about expectations and very swift in our enforcement. And I promise we see you, we hear you, we are taking your input forward. Changes will be made."
Next year's event will take place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

It is difficult to imagine a man would be so weak-minded as to go to a women's job fair, JFC how soft you are as a man.
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It is difficult to imagine a man would be so weak-minded as to go to a women's job fair, JFC how soft you are as a man.
That is bad. And that a trans would show up is weird too. What idiot would do that? Talk about a job fair killer.
That is bad. And that a trans would show up is weird too. What idiot would do that? Talk about a job fair killer.
The hate you have for trans is odd. I understand the sports and bathroom stuff but you just have hate. It's not healthy.
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JFC what a joke. Further proof that some “groups” who claim they are all about inclusivity and anti-discrimination actually discriminate…. but are too stupid to realize it.
I would love more opportunities to discriminate specifically against protestants and evangelicals in a way that they couldn't easily ignore. Do you have any suggestions. The worse it makes their lives the better
It's not "hate" in his mind he's a soldier in the army of the Lord. It's love
Are you sure? This seems to be the only issue he flies off the handle on. Like I said, I am totally against transgenders in girls'/womens' sports and the bathroom thing is ridiculous. After that let them be.
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Are you sure? This seems to be the only issue he flies off the handle on. Like I said, I am totally against transgenders in girls'/womens' sports and the bathroom thing is ridiculous. After that let them be.
He hates gays too. I think he's from that Lutheran denomination that is all the social conservatism of Catholics and none of the charity