Murin going on 10 right now. Against a guy with a t-shirt under his singlet.
Is he also wearing tennis shoes with the laces taped?Murin going on 10 right now. Against a guy with a t-shirt under his singlet.
Parker won in ot.Emery Parker, the 3 seed at 174, loses 7-5 in SV
Diehl lost to Lizak.Looks like Happel gets a rematch with Diehl from Maryland next round.
3X OR St Champ. 4th in PAC-12 last year. Not someone Murin should get dominated byMurin got straight up worked there by some guy I don't know.
It was hardly a domination. He had the guy in a roll through tilt, but the arm slipped and he was stuck in a tight headlock. I was surprised he couldn’t recover, but not like the guy was racking up points.3X OR St Champ. 4th in PAC-12 last year. Not someone Murin should get dominated by
Happel wrestling Jacob Lizak. Any relation?
It was hardly a domination. He had the guy in a roll through tilt, but the arm slipped and he was stuck in a tight headlock. I was surprised he couldn’t recover, but not like the guy was racking up points.
Go to FlozoneSorensen vs Budock from ODU
In on td within 10 seconds. 2-0
Escape. Budock in on single, td. 2-3
Lost sorensen match feed.
In starts down, up and out 3-7.
Turk attempts a throw, no go.
Turk attempts blast double. No go
Turk loses 3-8. Didn't look good.
When he got reversed and stuck he was down 2-0 and the opponent did not have riding time. But, if you want to consider that a thrashing, go right ahead. I do not.He got taken down and ridden out for a huge chunk of the first period, then reversed and pinned in the second. It was a pretty thorough thrashing.