******Midlands Session 1*****

Sorensens Mat cam keeps freezing. He's up 20-7 in the third. Glosser is down 4-2 to O'Connor after 1
Start of 3rd - Sorensen 15-7 with 3:04 of RT
Starts down Escape
Single - TD 18-7
Escape, looked for cow catcher. Firemans to outside single, 20-8
Go behind 22-9,
go behind 24-10
go behind 26-11
Tech fall. Great showing.
When he got reversed and stuck he was down 2-0 and the opponent did not have riding time. But, if you want to consider that a thrashing, go right ahead. I do not.
Seemed like a solid beatdown to me while I was watching.
Tsirtis down 2-0 to Barone from Illinois going into 3rd. Tsirtis has RT and starting on bottom.
Glosser - Start of 3rd Period (Missed the first 2)
3-5 against O'Connor from NC
Glosser in on single, stalling called on NC.
1:10 left still 3-5
O'Connor in on single for 2. 3-7
Glosser in on single. Fleeing 4-7
4-7. Glosser loses.
He got taken down and ridden out for a huge chunk of the first period, then reversed and pinned in the second. It was a pretty thorough thrashing.
Did you watch the match?
It was not a thrashing. Murin hit a great double where his opponent made a desperation counter and it worked.
Agreed he was being ridden hard
He had the tilt but as he was rolling through the arm slipped and he got caught in a bad spot.
In my opinion, a thrashing is a tech fall when the other guy takes you down a bunch of times with back points. This was far from that. This will be a great learning experience for him. If they wrestle again I put $25 that he wins the match.
He got outwrestled in every position, scored zero points, and got pinned. Thank you for your permission.
Did you watch the match?
It was not a thrashing. Murin hit a great double where his opponent made a desperation counter and it worked.
Agreed he was being ridden hard
He had the tilt but as he was rolling through the arm slipped and he got caught in a bad spot.
In my opinion, a thrashing is a tech fall when the other guy takes you down a bunch of times with back points. This was far from that. This will be a great learning experience for him. If they wrestle again I put $25 that he wins the match.


No, I'm just making things up as I go along.
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Lugo vs Maruca - ASU
1:24 left. No shots yet
Maruca in on single i think (spotty coverage) No points
1:04 left 0-0
Lugo with a snap down tried the cow catcher - no go
Maruca half shot - Lugo front head and arm. End of 1 0-0
2nd Period - Lugo
Maruca starts down
Escapes quickly 0-1
Lugo in on a single near the edge of the mat - stalemate
Lugo in on single again near edge, scramble, nothing :06 left
End of 2nd 0-1
Tsirtsis just beat Barone of ILL in Tsirtsis like fashion 4-4 in TB2 on about an extra 12 secs or so of riding time
3rd Period - Lugo
Lugo Down - big mat return for Maruca
OOB with 1:04 left, RT at :45 seconds for Maruca

Kemdawg vs Donner of RU
TD 2 within 10 seconds
Escape 2-1
Kem head inside single TD - 4-1
Kem with the PIN
Lugo with Escape with :38 seconds left 1-1 but Maruca has RT
Bad shot single, gets buried and TD

Loses 4-1.
Lugo really should be better from bottom. Yeesh.
That issue has limited his ability to beat really good d1 guys throughout his career. He wont be a high placer in 2019 and 2020 unless Iowa can coach him up from bottom.
Best guess:

125 - Lee
133 - Glynn
141 - Murin
149 - Lugo
157 - (na)
165 - Young
174 - (na)
184 - (na)
197 - Warner
285 - Costello

7-man team, but I'm assuming that Turk/Happel also count at 141, and Glosser also counts at 149. So really it's a 9-man team...
I thought Glynn/Young etc. didn't count as they are attached... otherwise this team would probably score more than 10 points