Migrants in Denver refuse to leave encampments until their 13 demands are met by the Mayor

You know they can always go home where they can fly that flag all day long, right?

Yes. If it's so great why did they leave?
They love Mexico so much to fly the flag they can take their ass back across the border.

You can be proud of your heritage and at the same time realize it's not where your family has the best opportunity to thrive. People immigrate here all the time for a better life but are still proud of where they came from.

Sheesh, folks.
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You can be proud of your heritage and at the same time realize it's not where your family has the best opportunity to thrive. People immigrate here all the time for a better life but are still proud of where they came from.

Sheesh, folks.
These are not legal immigrants, they are ILLEGAL ALIENS......
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You can be proud of your heritage and at the same time realize it's not where your family has the best opportunity to thrive. People immigrate here all the time for a better life but are still proud of where they came from.

Sheesh, folks.
They should immigrate here legally. They can still be proud of their heritage.
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Here are their demands. This an episode of Candid Camera - right? Or, maybe a MAGA false flag operation?
Somebody explain this.

1 The migrants should be allowed to "cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients," including rice, chicken, flour, tomatoes and onions, instead of being served premade meals.

2 Have access to showers at all times and without time limits.

3 Visits by medical professionals will occur on a regular basis, with referrals for specialty care made as needed.

4 The group will receive the same housing support offered to others, and city officials will not "kick people out in 30 days without something stable established."

5 A "clear" and "just" process for removing someone, including verbal, written and final warnings.

6 Employment support, including work permit applications for those who qualify.

7 Free consultations with an immigration lawyer, as well as ongoing legal support provided by the city through immigration clinics and transportation to court.

8 Privacy for families in the shelter.

9 No verbal, physical or mental abuse by shelter staff and no 24/7 monitoring by law enforcement.

10 Transportation for children to and from school.

11 No separation of families, regardless of whether those families have children.

12 A meeting with the mayor and those involved in running the city's program to support migrants "to discuss further improvements."

13 All shelter residents will be provided with a document signed by a city official in English and Spanish and containing the list of demands and a number to call to report violations.
You want to send the migrants, causing issues, back to their countries? I'm good with that. Homeless Americans? If we're truly the greatest country in the world we wouldn't have homeless Americans on the streets. That's the kind of thing I am okay spending tax dollars on...not fancy lunches and dinners for members of Congress. Not overseas payoffs. Not talking helping Ukraine but all the other billions we waste across the pond.
I don’t know the answers. I’m just tired of the crap everywhere. Every other interchange or vacant lot. These aren’t temporarily homeless.
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But states don’t have to be welcoming.
I say send em to Martha’s Vineyard.
Tourist season is starting and busboys and dishwashers are in short supply. .
Of course the problem is if you aren't "welcoming" (i.e. addressing the problem of an influx of ill-equipped non-residents) the ripple effects are massive and can lead to even more cost on the back end. It's a tough balance to strike.
Of course the problem is if you aren't "welcoming" (i.e. addressing the problem of an influx of ill-equipped non-residents) the ripple effects are massive and can lead to even more cost on the back end. It's a tough balance to strike.

Not really,.. don't provide any services and they will move on.
I don’t know the answers. I’m just tired of the crap everywhere. Every other interchange or vacant lot. These aren’t temporarily homeless.
I agree...but there's more than enough money in America to figure out how to care for her citizens. We have several Americans who by themselves could end homelessness in the country and still be billionaires afterwards.
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What a mess. Gotta love it when uninvited guests start making those demands. As you can see, they want free food, free medical care, free housing and free attorneys. Note that they are flying the Mexican flag at their camp, too.

Some of those demands sent to Denver Mayor Mike Johnson include:

* Migrants will cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients provided by the City instead of premade meals – rice, chicken, flour, oil, butter, tomatoes, onions, etc

* Shower access will be available without time limits & can be accessed whenever

* Medical professional visits will happen regularly & referrals/connections for specialty care will be made as needed

* "Connection to employment support, including work permit applications for those who qualify,"

* "Consultations for each person/family with a free immigration lawyer."

* Privacy within the shelter once moved there

* "No more verbal or physical or mental abuse will be permitted from the staff, including no sheriff sleeping inside & monitoring 24/7 – we are not criminals & won’t be treated as such."

Here is video:

Related story:

All of this talk of the Mexican flag and being offended in this thread, and I see one flag on a single tent that isn't the Mexican flag. What am I missing? Relatedly, when I fly my State of Iowa flag in Denver, is that offensive?
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All of this talk of the Mexican flag and being offended in this thread, and I see one flag on a single tent that isn't the Mexican flag. What am I missing? Relatedly, when I fly my State of Iowa flag in Denver, is that offensive?

only if you go to the Denver mayor with a list of 13 or more demands, including free housing, free medical care, a grocery list of the free food that you demand, etc.
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Winter fixes a lot...
Turns out we have winter every year and the homeless population keeps growing.

And you definitely aren't a religious person, correct?
only if you go to the Denver mayor with a list of 13 or more demands, including free housing, free medical care, a grocery list of the free food that you demand, etc.
Fair, but where is the Mexican flag you noted?
All of this talk of the Mexican flag and being offended in this thread, and I see one flag on a single tent that isn't the Mexican flag. What am I missing? Relatedly, when I fly my State of Iowa flag in Denver, is that offensive?

Yes, keep that shit out of Denver. Now the tiger hawk.....
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Or the City could simply detain them and notify CBP and ICE to come get them (which probably won't happen).

There's no duty to provide free health care for every possible ailment. The only duty is to provide health care for life threatening issues in emergency rooms. If the city thinks it's cheaper to do that in the shelter, that's their financial decision.

These demands go way beyond what a US citizen gets.

The solution is to close the border, and speed up the deportation process. The cost for that is substantially less than providing ongoing care for millions of people here illegally.
These illegal migrants are empowered by Democratic politicians and liberalism that have rolled out the welcome mat for migrants over the years. I don’t know how one can argue that point.
These illegal migrants are empowered by Democratic politicians and liberalism that have rolled out the welcome mat for migrants over the years. I don’t know how one can argue that point.

it's now common knowledge that if you get into the country you have an 85% chance of being processed and released. all you have to do is say you fear for your life if you are sent back.
All of this talk of the Mexican flag and being offended in this thread, and I see one flag on a single tent that isn't the Mexican flag. What am I missing? Relatedly, when I fly my State of Iowa flag in Denver, is that offensive?

Actually, at the 1:53 mark you will see 2 flags (not one, as you wrongly claim) that are green, white and red.

And mentioning these foreign flags being flown, obviously, was a side note to the current border crisis situation and the fact that cities are being overrun. And the migrants in Denver, instead of showing gratitude for what they have been given and instead of complying with an order, instead are insisting that their demands be met before they will follow instructions from the city they occupy.
Not saying that it’s not a problem in Denver. But when I see an article like this, whether Fox News or MSNBC.. I scan the local news outlets for a closer perspective and also to see if it’s just a political thing that the national news outlets do. Not a single mention of this on the front page of thr Denver post website or the Denver7 news. I understand those orgs could be left leaning, but still, I’d like to think the locals would be covering this big time if the nationals are covering it.