Mike Johnson Just Confirmed How Unserious He Is

Unfortunately, he doesn’t need to provide any evidence. With the assistance of the right wing propaganda outlets, the cult will not only believe this they will repeat it and invent a multitude of imaginary additional incidents.
There are TONS of "trust me bro" idiots out there. You ask for a source for their ridiculous and of course they don't have it because it doesn't exist. But you should totally believe them because they are in the know and you aren't 🙄
There are TONS of "trust me bro" idiots out there. You ask for a source for their ridiculous and of course they don't have it because it doesn't exist. But you should totally believe them because they are in the know and you aren't 🙄
TikTok livestreams discussing politics have the same underlying consistent themes. Dumb Trump supporters who say "Trust me bro!" when they struggle to find a source for their claims and they all read these from the same tired script distributed by their braindead GOP leaders. Their favorite sources, when they actually offer one, is usually Reddit or just "the internet".

We're surrounded on all sides by some really stupid people.
TikTok livestreams discussing politics have the same underlying consistent themes. Dumb Trump supporters who say "Trust me bro!" when they struggle to find a source for their claims and they all read these from the same tired script distributed by their braindead GOP leaders. Their favorite sources, when they actually offer one, is usually Reddit or just "the internet".

We're surrounded on all sides by some really stupid people.
I believe I had just watched one of these livestreams when I made this comment. A lot of them will be asked for a source and they say hold on I'll go get it then they run away and don't come back.