Missouri vs Biden


HR Heisman
Mar 18, 2021

Updates from MO AG on the Biden administration censoring Americans through social media. Lots of updates in the thread but one of my favorites was Biden’s lawyer seriously insinuating COVID caused a lot in the world to change, and thus, government censorship is permissible.

Quite entertaining to watch the leftists screech about Donald Trump being a fascist when they are in fact the ones limiting dissenting speech to their narratives.

Updates from MO AG on the Biden administration censoring Americans through social media. Lots of updates in the thread but one of my favorites was Biden’s lawyer seriously insinuating COVID caused a lot in the world to change, and thus, government censorship is permissible.

Quite entertaining to watch the leftists screech about Donald Trump being a fascist when they are in fact the ones limiting dissenting speech to their narratives.
Any elected official in that dumpster fire whose a Republican is a cultist hack. Gaslighting 101

Updates from MO AG on the Biden administration censoring Americans through social media. Lots of updates in the thread but one of my favorites was Biden’s lawyer seriously insinuating COVID caused a lot in the world to change, and thus, government censorship is permissible.

Quite entertaining to watch the leftists screech about Donald Trump being a fascist when they are in fact the ones limiting dissenting speech to their narratives.
You’re such a loser.
I remember when Gary Pinkle acted like a bitch & backed out of the home & home with the Hawks. Micah Hyde eventually got revenge.
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The Democrats directly interfered with the 2020 election using social media suppression and are now interfering with the 2024 elections by using a coordinated legal attack on the opposition leading candidate.

They are mainly looking to just move the needle 2-3% among voters with these election interference tactics.
The Google employees publicly blamed themselves for letting trump get elected in 2016. Big tech collectively put their finger on the scales to manipulate the public forum online from then on (they were doing it to a degree before but they dialed it up to 11 after 2016).
The Democrats directly interfered with the 2020 election using social media suppression and are now interfering with the 2024 elections by using a coordinated legal attack on the opposition leading candidate.

They are mainly looking to just move the needle 2-3% among voters with these election interference tactics.
The Google employees publicly blamed themselves for letting trump get elected in 2016. Big tech collectively put their finger on the scales to manipulate the public forum online from then on (they were doing it to a degree before but they dialed it up to 11 after 2016).
Pretty entertaining being a fly on the wall when these two go back & forth.
The Democrats directly interfered with the 2020 election using social media suppression and are now interfering with the 2024 elections by using a coordinated legal attack on the opposition leading candidate.

They are mainly looking to just move the needle 2-3% among voters with these election interference tactics.
You're gonna have to use the "sarcasm" emojis or people will think you're being serious.
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The Democrats directly interfered with the 2020 election using social media suppression and are now interfering with the 2024 elections by using a coordinated legal attack on the opposition leading candidate.

They are mainly looking to just move the needle 2-3% among voters with these election interference tactics.

Do the actual crimes Trump committed factor into your fantasy world at all?
Don’t deflect. This is about Biden, Democrats and voter suppression. We can talk Trump in the 947 other threads about him.

I replied to your comment in this thread that Biden had, and I'm quoting you here, "coordinated a legal attack on the opposition leading candidate". Hence my question about if that candidate actually committed a crime (and there's mountains of evidence of that, which can be discussed in the 947 other threads) how is that Biden/democrat voter suppression? Should a presidential candidate just get a free pass if they're doing well enough in the polls?
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Most of the paste eaters I went to high school with are sharing the same story. They are even babbling about the voter suppression nonsense. Great minds think alike, I suppose.
Most of the paste eaters I went to high school with are sharing the same story. They are even babbling about the voter suppression nonsense. Great minds think alike, I suppose.
I'm not surprised to hear that you were in the paste eating class growing up tbh
I can't think of any good reason for the federal government to exert pressure on social media platforms to censor free speech that would otherwise be permitted.

We already know the federal government hasn't been truthful about a lot of those topics they deemed as misinformation.
I can't think of any good reason for the federal government to exert pressure on social media platforms to censor free speech that would otherwise be permitted.

If there is a false viral story saying that there is a bomb threat at the World Series, should the government tell the platforms that’s the story is false and take it down because it’s creating a panic?
If there is a false viral story saying that there is a bomb threat at the World Series, should the government tell the platforms that’s the story is false and take it down because it’s creating a panic?
The federal government?

I'm sure all variety of law enforcement will be contacted by multiple media outlets and they will certainly say there's no credible threat, and that will be reported.
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The federal government?

I'm sure all variety of law enforcement will be contacted by multiple media outlets and they will certainly say there's no credible threat, and that will be reported.

Doesn’t do any good when a false report is going viral. That needs to come down now. Simply having the government, any government saying it’s false does little to stop the tide.

And yes the federal government in my example. Are you saying you are fine if a state government contacts the platforms but not federal?

And many events are designated w/ federal protection - Super Bowl, Olympics, political conventions …
If there is a false viral story saying that there is a bomb threat at the World Series, should the government tell the platforms that’s the story is false and take it down because it’s creating a panic?
The problem is that the government used big tech as a proxy to censor truthful information that they didn't approve of.
If there is a false viral story saying that there is a bomb threat at the World Series, should the government tell the platforms that’s the story is false and take it down because it’s creating a panic?
Is making a bomb threat already a criminal offense?
Is making a bomb threat already a criminal offense?

Sure, but not understanding how the fact that the viral poster can be convicted of a crime years later does anything to help defuse the panic at the scene at the moment?
Lol wake me when you got something. Like todays voter fraud gotcha. 🙄
Based on biden's track record with the Supreme Court you should be concerned. This wouldn't be the first loss or even the second one that they hand him lol
Sure, but not understanding how the fact that the viral poster can be convicted of a crime years later does anything to help defuse the panic at the scene at the moment?
You defuse the panic generated by a falsehood with….. the truth.
Not censorship.

Besides, they weren’t doing what your hypothetical portends. They were knocking people offline and suppressing their speech because they had the ‘wrong’ viewpoint.

Read the reporting from the people who went through the Twitter files emails between government agents and Twitter.
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