Mitchell and Canzeri Injuries?

So Weisman was on the sidelines today, we should have put him in there at the end.
As long as Wadley has no issues with fumbling, he is just as good, and certainly looks faster, than JC. Mitchell is a good power runner. Things aren't as bleak as I thought after Canzeri went down.

That said... this team is going to get smoked in the championship game if they get that far. Mabin is pretty weak and will get torched. Our line can't protect CJ regardless of who they trot out there. At this pace... CJ won't get thru the year. This is the worst O-line in recent memory.

o_O Huh?!
Never gets old:

I'd say it's elevated right now. We still have our #3 and #4 and Daniels is on the mend. You're right though, I love the Pakibomb Advisory System.
I'll clarify for those watching... the pass protection is the worst I've seen in the last ten years.

And the play calling adjusted for the injuries to the missing O-line talent. Lots of runs and lateral passing. I do believe we won the game by 30 points. When players get healed we will start to see more vertical routes and i am sure it will be more exciting to you.

But right now do what it takes to win.
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That was a response to

That was a response to someone that didn't agree with my assessment that this is not a great O-line. You think CJ would be in the condition he's in if my opinion wasn't accurate?

All it takes is one play to get to where CJ is. Obviously their have been protection issues, even before today (minus both tackles today). But the worst in the past 10 years is a stretch, IMO.

And if we get to the championship game relatively healthy, The only team that "could" smoke us in Ohio State. This is a better team than you're giving them credit for. The forever pessimist you seem to be.
Listen... I understand all the bandwagoners being giddy and all. But for those fans that have watched football for some time... CJ has taken a season of hits in the first seven games and his condition has come from more than taking a few hits while scrambling.

I realize when the receivers take so long to get separation, the o-line has to protect longer. But those of you that can't comprehend the weakness of the Iowa pass protection are simply not watching the games. The Pitt game showed their vulnerability, but the Line is not picking up the stunts and switches with much success and Beathard is paying the price for that.

But hey... Iowa is 7-0, so the O-Line must be great. Good job Bryan!

Watch some of these games tonite and see what pass protection looks like. Night and day.
Listen... I understand all the bandwagoners being giddy and all. But for those fans that have watched football for some time... CJ has taken a season of hits in the first seven games and his condition has come from more than taking a few hits while scrambling.

I realize when the receivers take so long to get separation, the o-line has to protect longer. But those of you that can't comprehend the weakness of the Iowa pass protection are simply not watching the games. The Pitt game showed their vulnerability, but the Line is not picking up the stunts and switches with much success and Beathard is paying the price for that.

But hey... Iowa is 7-0, so the O-Line must be great. Good job Bryan!

Watch some of these games tonite and see what pass protection looks like. Night and day.

To be expected. 2 starting tackles hurt. Starting guard moved to tackle. True freshman starting at guard. They have work to do on pass protection. Run blocking is pretty good, wouldn't you say?
Who's your future NFL lineman in this group? Little early to proclaim Daniels as that.

I'd wager that 6/7 if not all 7 of our top lineman (today's starters and the 2 injured tackles) all play in the NFL. I'm not saying they're all top 10 picks or that any of them will be a left tackle, but they'll all likely at least get a sniff.
To be expected. 2 starting tackles hurt. Starting guard moved to tackle. True freshman starting at guard. They have work to do on pass protection. Run blocking is pretty good, wouldn't you say?
Run blocking is awesome. No one is questioning that. But as teams scout Iowa and develop ways to top the run game... Iowa will be SOL given the pass protection we see now. And not so sure if and when the starting OTs return, that the pass protection gets a whole lot better. Both starters played against Pitt and CJ nearly got KO'd in that game. But we can always hope.
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I'd wager that 6/7 if not all 7 of our top lineman (today's starters and the 2 injured tackles) all play in the NFL. I'm not saying they're all top 10 picks or that any of them will be a left tackle, but they'll all likely at least get a sniff.
One word... Wow!
Run blocking is awesome. No one is questioning that. But as teams scout Iowa and develop ways to top the run game... Iowa will be SOL given the pass protection we see now. And not so sure if and when the starting OTs return, that the pass protection gets a whole lot better. Both starters played against Pitt and CJ nearly got KO'd in that game. But we can always hope.

Agreed. Pass protection will be paramount with CJ not being 100%. Iowa has time to work on the protection issues and improve. Works both ways.
Look at it this way... last season in the CCG, Wisky had Melvin Gordon and a much better O-Line than Iowa has this year. OSU stuffed Gordon and Wisky had no answer in the passing game. Now for Iowa to be against tOSU in Indy means the Hawks had ONE HELL OF A YEAR. Not many could have predicted that if it happens.
All I am saying is that the new fans on this forum need to temper their enthusiasm just a bit and realize this Iowa team has some glaring weaknesses. King can only cover one receiver, the kicking game has sputtered, and many of these injuries to starters don't heal in 1-2 weeks.
As long as Wadley has no issues with fumbling, he is just as good, and certainly looks faster, than JC. Mitchell is a good power runner. Things aren't as bleak as I thought after Canzeri went down.

That said... this team is going to get smoked in the championship game if they get that far. Mabin is pretty weak and will get torched. Our line can't protect CJ regardless of who they trot out there. At this pace... CJ won't get thru the year. This is the worst O-line in recent memory.
Plus Leshun will likely be healthy in two weeks also. We look good at RB.
False. Nothing in reality supports this belief.

Your fear is just that, fear.

Take heart, these Hawks are a legitimately good football team.
Agreed, the D is legit, the offense is coming together, and our special teams is decent. Koehn needs to get out of his funk though. 3 missed PAT's shows me some signs of a lack of confidence.
Boy, I'm glad I enjoyed the game I saw that we won, and appreciate how awesome this TEAM is doing, despite all the injuries, and realize how hard it is to be 7-0 even without injuries, and didn't spend my time watching the game that Mitch was watching, where everything sucked and shows we will be destroyed if/and/or when we play a good opponent.
The team is playing tough and smart this year, with resilience...haven't seen that in a few years...nice surprise.

Good coaching also, creative...
I need to repeat this, apparently. NW is NOT a top 25 team and they gave up about midway thru the 3rd quarter. Iowa dominated the 2nd half, for sure. But the NW receivers couldn't catch a pass if you walked up to them and placed the ball in their hands.

I never said everything sucked, but you've got selective reading skills by the looks of it. Iowa has the deepest stable of backs in recent memory and that is taking the heat off other deficiencies.
I need to repeat this, apparently. NW is NOT a top 25 team

How can you say that? Stanford and Duke are nice wins.

#15 Stanford is 6-1 and just scored 56 on #18 UCLA. Northwestern held them to 6 points!

#25 Duke is 5-1.

Northwestern lost to two top 20 schools badly but you can't just discount those wins.

They are 2-2 against the top 25. Sounds like they belong to me.
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Did you watch the game today? NW is horrible. Yes, Iowa dominated them in their house, but they won't win many more games this season.
IA needs to pass protect better. We block when running the ball pretty dang good. Pass pro, poor. CJ needs to get the ball in other plarrs hands. So, handoffs, short quick passes, shuttle pass, screens, etc.

If IA makes it to big championship game, I hope we stay competitive. WI lost 59-0. Embarrassing!!
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I'll bite on the NFL talent question. Blythe will be a midround pick 2nd-4th round and will have a solid to good NFL career. Walsh will be an undrafted FA. Ike and Boone will be mid to late round picks 4th-7th round. Welsh will be a midround pick 3rd-5th round. Daniels will be a high to mid round 1st-3rd round pick. Croston will be an undrafted FA.
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I'll bite on the NFL talent question. Blythe will be a midround pick 2nd-4th round and will have a solid to good NFL career. Walsh will be an undrafted FA. Ike and Boone will be mid to late round picks 4th-7th round. Welsh will be a midround pick 3rd-5th round. Daniels will be a high to mid round 1st-3rd round pick. Croston will be an undrafted FA.
This is probably about right. It is possible that Boettger or Myers could improve significantly and improve their stock.
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Look at it this way... last season in the CCG, Wisky had Melvin Gordon and a much better O-Line than Iowa has this year. OSU stuffed Gordon and Wisky had no answer in the passing game. Now for Iowa to be against tOSU in Indy means the Hawks had ONE HELL OF A YEAR. Not many could have predicted that if it happens.
All I am saying is that the new fans on this forum need to temper their enthusiasm just a bit and realize this Iowa team has some glaring weaknesses. King can only cover one receiver, the kicking game has sputtered, and many of these injuries to starters don't heal in 1-2 weeks.

No, no they don't. That is part of being a fan. They can get as geeked up as they want about this season, because this is fun. Even more so because it was so unexpected. If it goes south, then maybe the disappointment will be greater....but so what. THIS. IS. FUN.

Who the hell do you think you are coming on here acting smarter than everyone and telling people to calm down and how they should feel about this? If it's not fun for you, I don't give a rip...but I am not going to temper sh!t.

All you sad sack, trolling, pessimistic types jump all over people on here when we tell you not to be so critical of the Hawks. I see it on here all the time. "Don't tell me how to be a fan"...."I'ts not my fault I am keeping it real"....."just because you can't be objective, don't tell me I cannot be"......and the list goes on and on.

So get off your frickin' high horse and shut your mouth with this "you need to temper" crap because no I do not. In fact just go sit in the corner and come back when things aren't so great....hopefully some time far into the future. And when the disappointment comes, we will deal with that too because that also is part of being a fan.
I can understand the fans being upset with the pass protection, but I say pick your poison.
Option #1: We want/like CJB looking deep but yet we lack the elite speedy reciever to get down the field quickly which takes time, which doesn't help the line to pass protect for 5 seconds rather than 3-4.
Option 2: Rudock checkdown (which is what separates CJB and Rudock right?)...recievers not having to run deep routes and the lineman don't have to block long, which in return CJB stays healthy hopefully.
Put the blame on the line if you want but I think it's all part of being 7-0 and not 4-3 with option #1. Option #2 CJB might be healthier but it's not what we want as fans to see, from what I read on here. I wouldn't change anything, in fact I wonder if Boone Myers and Ike Boetger are that much better (with the few weeks of experience that they have) then the line we've had the last 2-3 weeks and when they come back do they get their spot back? Does each player know their role on this team? I trust that Coach Ferentz will make the best decision and we all respect that decision.
No, no they don't. That is part of being a fan. They can get as geeked up as they want about this season, because this is fun. Even more so because it was so unexpected. If it goes south, then maybe the disappointment will be greater....but so what. THIS. IS. FUN.

Who the hell do you think you are coming on here acting smarter than everyone and telling people to calm down and how they should feel about this? If it's not fun for you, I don't give a rip...but I am not going to temper sh!t.

All you sad sack, trolling, pessimistic types jump all over people on here when we tell you not to be so critical of the Hawks. I see it on here all the time. "Don't tell me how to be a fan"...."I'ts not my fault I am keeping it real"....."just because you can't be objective, don't tell me I cannot be"......and the list goes on and on.

So get off your frickin' high horse and shut your mouth with this "you need to temper" crap because no I do not. In fact just go sit in the corner and come back when things aren't so great....hopefully some time far into the future. And when the disappointment comes, we will deal with that too because that also is part of being a fan.
Amen! Mitchyboy isn't the expert he likes to think he is if he doesn't think 3 of the starters on the OL from yesterday will collect checks from the nfl. It's been a fun season and it's killing the haters - I absolutely love it. They can keep "mitching" about the Hawks and their "weak" schedule and the "weak" big 10 and how Iowa will get killed in Indy. I'm enjoying the Hawks run and am also getting a little satisfaction out of the haters excuses / suffering.
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Austin Blythe will be the next NFL Lineman since someone asked who on this line will be in the NFL. I would wager to say that one of the Sophomore tackles will eventually be, and the Freshman Daniels, once he gets stronger and some experience might be an NFL draftee....Some day. These guys are young, need reps to grow. They are beat up, patched up, but still knocked the shit out of the Illini and WIldcats DL's. You know Mitch, when teams blitz, sometimes they get through, the nature of football. I don't know CJ's number of sacks this year, but I wouldn't think it was any higher then the average. Of course, I don't know what the average is.
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IA needs to pass protect better. We block when running the ball pretty dang good. Pass pro, poor. CJ needs to get the ball in other plarrs hands. So, handoffs, short quick passes, shuttle pass, screens, etc.

If IA makes it to big championship game, I hope we stay competitive. WI lost 59-0. Embarrassing!!

OSU - 34, Indiana - 27. I have no reason to believe we get destroyed if we make it to the CCG.
This is probably about right. It is possible that Boettger or Myers could improve significantly and improve their stock.

I think Walsh is underrated in this assessment. Going into the year I'd agree. I've seen a website (can't remember what it is called) that grades college o-linemen had Walsh as one of the top guards in the country through the first 4-5 weeks. I think he'll get drafted.

In general under KF, if somebody is good enough to be a multiyear starter on the offensive line, they are drafted. Very few don't so it would be safe to say there are at least 6 linemen on the current roster that will be drafted to play o-line in the NFL. The starting 5 at the beginning of the year plus Daniels will play in the NFL.
I don't give a flying fart who the next NFL lineman for Iowa is. I only care if they kick the shit out of who Iowa plays.

And Iowa's line indeed kicked the shit out of NW today.
They did indeed. Helluva job for a bunch of mixed-bag 1st and 2nd teamer's.
You're confusing winning with talent. CJ got mauled against Pitt with our full line of starters all healthy. We're beating bad teams. It's winning football. You are the one who doesn't know football if you think this group is even CLOSE to average in pass protection.

No. We are beating GOOD teams. Our SoS is on par with the Top Ten teams in the country, and is currently among the best/toughest in the B10.

OSU has a SoS at least 20 or 25 steps below ours. I realize they are playing 'big name' teams, but many of those teams have really sucked this year so far. Go look at the posts regarding Iowa's SoS so far; it's not what the media outlets are making it out to be.
Listen... I understand all the bandwagoners being giddy and all. But for those fans that have watched football for some time... CJ has taken a season of hits in the first seven games and his condition has come from more than taking a few hits while scrambling.

I realize when the receivers take so long to get separation, the o-line has to protect longer. But those of you that can't comprehend the weakness of the Iowa pass protection are simply not watching the games. The Pitt game showed their vulnerability, but the Line is not picking up the stunts and switches with much success and Beathard is paying the price for that.

But hey... Iowa is 7-0, so the O-Line must be great. Good job Bryan!

Watch some of these games tonite and see what pass protection looks like. Night and day.
Pitt has an outstanding defense and Illinois and Wisconsin aren't too far behind. I think we've faced to best defenses we'll face during the regular season and getting the OL healthy will help to keep C.J. healthy.
There are very few Iowa starting OL that don't spend time on NFL teams.
Need to establish some criteria. 'Spend time on NFL teams' means? Invite to camp? Make the practice squad? Make the active roster for regular season games? Helps to establish what we debate.

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