Mitchell health?

Good to go! He'll be in there this week, I think the Iowa offense gets its legs back with a strong running game and with Mitchell/Welsh/Daniels healthy, makes a huge difference.
Yeah I heard the same thing. I think he also may come in on defense in the Raider package.
Mitchell will also be serving as OC this week. Greg Davis is traveling to the Catalina Wine Mixer.
He's managed to unseat both Coluzzi and Duncan, too, I'm sure.

And the Batsignal now throws up an M.
OK. I bit on it. I still think he is tough as hell. Put 20 lbs on him and he is another Nick Bell.
Prestige Worldwide! Movie gets funnier each time you watch it. I just hope Mitchell didn't touch Akrum's drum set.
When are they going to throw Mitchell some slants or just tell him to run deep and throw him the ball? I also want to see him blitz more.

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