Mo Goodson on WUW

the president of the United States has zero to do with it
Zero to do with it? He said it was a hoax, then we had 15 cases that would soon be down to zero. He is now acting like it doesn't exist. Oh it's going to disappear right? He refuses to do anything about it, other than encourage opening everything up at all costs. How did all the other countries get it under control? They have a leader with a plan that isn't a friggin moron, one that actually listens to experts, and citizens that actually give a shit about one another enough to wear a mask, socially distance, stay out of bars, etc.
Zero to do with it? He said it was a hoax, then we had 15 cases that would soon be down to zero. He is now acting like it doesn't exist. Oh it's going to disappear right? He refuses to do anything about it, other than encourage opening everything up at all costs. How did all the other countries get it under control? They have a leader with a plan that isn't a friggin moron, one that actually listens to experts, and citizens that actually give a shit about one another enough to wear a mask, socially distance, stay out of bars, etc.
Trump never called it a hoax. U can fact check that. He also was called a racist for putting a travel ban on Asian flights when this all first started.
Zero to do with it? He said it was a hoax, then we had 15 cases that would soon be down to zero. He is now acting like it doesn't exist. Oh it's going to disappear right? He refuses to do anything about it, other than encourage opening everything up at all costs. How did all the other countries get it under control? They have a leader with a plan that isn't a friggin moron, one that actually listens to experts, and citizens that actually give a shit about one another enough to wear a mask, socially distance, stay out of bars, etc.

You better check on that whether all the other countries in the world have it under control. Me thinks not, and did you see where a higher % of Americans wear masks than do Canadians? That was in the NY Times. If you asked someone they would say Canadians do. If people are afraid to go out then don't go out. Go back and watch replays of newscasts during all the protests. No one gave a damn on the news networks back during those 2 to 3 weeks about the virus. As soon as those mostly quieted down, we were right back to virus stories and wild weather and fires.
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the president of the United States has zero to do with it

Yah, that's exactly the problem. President George W. Bush, a Republican, realized a pandemic was due and had the country ready for it. Obama prepared a pandemic playbook and left it for the next president. But Trump threw it all away and called the pandemic "a hoax" designed by Democrats for political purposes. And people like you, his devout cult followers, are guilty of aiding and abetting this national crisis. Meanwhile, Bush and other leading Republicans have announced they'll be voting for the Democrat in November because they are not freakin' crazy.

Had there been national leadership, you wouldn't have idiot GOP cult governors in Florida, Texas, Arizona and other states creating a perfect opportunity for the virus to explode, and it's doing just that, just as the experts--Dr. Fauci, for one--said it would.

You can say the moon is made of green cheese, the Earth is flat, and the grass is red all you want. You can ignore facts and evidence. You can say it over and over and over again and you will STILL be wrong.

But then that's the real problem: this country is full of brainwashed cult members, and logic, facts, and evidence have no impact on such entities.

When millions of people take their pandemic advice from a proven liar, a failed president, someone who has never, ever cared about anyone but himself, what can we do? So next time you Trump believers need a root canal or a cancer treatment, be sure you call Trump and follow his advice. You'll be fine. It'll all miraculously go away. But it'll help if you drink a little bleach.

The only hoax is the megalomaniac in the White House who is trying to destroy this country.

If baseball has to shut down, if there is no football this fall, if basketball season is ruined, there is one person to blame--the guy who gets his "exercise" riding around in a golf cart while the country is ravaged by a pandemic, the guy who has done nothing to contain it for at least five months.

God help us all.
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pamarcole said:
This is the proof of stupid people having a voice! I world wide problem but some think the problem is only here being drivin by Trump haters. I do believe that Trump has set the recovery back and people are dying because of him. let me explain ......His constant use of words like "hoax" and "fake news" has his followers believing that this is just that. I see it and hear it every day. The country's that both politicians and heath experts have been on the same page have done a much better job controlling this. Both Brazil and the USA have Presidents that refuse to face the issue and this thing is out of control in both of those counties. Meanwhile people are getting sick and some dying ......this is not a hoax or fake news ....wake up people!!

mtown66 said:
So, tell us in all the detail so we can fully understand, what should be done to halt the virus. What has Trump not done to help the states fight the virus? You do know that the Governor's have the authority over fighting the virus in their own states, right? Tell us exactly why the virus is spreading and link me to any site that has video of Trump calling the ''virus'' a hoax, not the media, the ''virus''. Not looking for your opinions, you already gave us those. I'm looking for facts.

We could start with not talking politics on a post about locker room unity for one. Let it go for once. No one's mind is going to be swayed on an internet message board.
You might have noticed that I was replying to a post that you chose to ignore. Why is that? Maybe you simply agree with the liberals.
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Yah, that's exactly the problem. President George W. Bush, a Republican, realized a pandemic was due and had the country ready for it. Obama prepared a pandemic playbook and left it for the next president. But Trump threw it all away and called the pandemic "a hoax" designed by Democrats for political purposes. And people like you, his devout cult followers, are guilty of aiding and abetting this national crisis. Meanwhile, Bush and other leading Republicans have announced they'll be voting for the Democrat in November because they are not freakin' crazy.

Had there been national leadership, you wouldn't have idiot GOP cult governors in Florida, Texas, Arizona and other states creating a perfect opportunity for the virus to explode, and it's doing just that, just as the experts--Dr. Fauci, for one--said it would.

You can say the moon is made of green cheese, the Earth is flat, and the grass is red all you want. You can ignore facts and evidence. You can say it over and over and over again and you will STILL be wrong.

But then that's the real problem: this country is full of brainwashed cult members, and logic, facts, and evidence have no impact on such entities.

When millions of people take their pandemic advice from a proven liar, a failed president, someone who has never, ever cared about anyone but himself, what can we do? So next time you Trump believers need a root canal or a cancer treatment, be sure you call Trump and follow his advice. You'll be fine. It'll all miraculously go away. But it'll help if you drink a little bleach.

The only hoax is the megalomaniac in the White House who is trying to destroy this country.

If baseball has to shut down, if there is no football this fall, if basketball season is ruined, there is one person to blame--the guy who gets his "exercise" riding around in a golf cart while the country is ravaged by a pandemic, the guy who has done nothing to contain it for at least five months.

God help us all.

Where do I start. Yes Obama had a pandemic playbook, but failed to replenish the national stockpile of PPE after his and Biden’s woeful response to the H1N1 pandemic. Completely botched vaccine program. Blind luck that the virus was far less virulent.
Obama is a proven liar. Biden is a proven liar. Trump’s a liar. Oh my.
To learn how not to manage a pandemic, one needs to look no farther than New York. Politicians and public health officials were encouraging people to get out and enjoy New
York in early March more than a month after Trump banned flights from China. De Blasio recommended movies to go see. And then in a stroke of brilliant judgement Andrew Cuomo orders covid + patients into nursing homes, the most vulnerable population. 8000 nursing home deaths later (probably more as he changed the way deaths were recorded) Cuomo fails to take any responsibility, but he sure gave great press conferences.
This was an unprecedented event. There was no playbook. Our experts including Fauci have made many conflicting statements. Data from around the world isn’t yet clear on the best management strategy. We’re learning as we go and yes we’re following the science, which currently is still immature. A second wave was expected as things opened up. The mortality rate is down significantly.There have been many management strategies worldwide. No clear cut winner. Lockdowns at this stage have not been proven to be of benefit. By all means social distance, protect the at risk, wear masks, and get our kids back in school.
Trump is trying to destroy the country? FAntifa (fascist anti fascists) and their ilk aren’t? They’re advocating violent revolution against our government and anyone who opposes them. Please let’s hear your defense of them.
Where do I start. Yes Obama had a pandemic playbook, but failed to replenish the national stockpile of PPE after his and Biden’s woeful response to the H1N1 pandemic. Completely botched vaccine program. Blind luck that the virus was far less virulent.
Obama is a proven liar. Biden is a proven liar. Trump’s a liar. Oh my.
To learn how not to manage a pandemic, one needs to look no farther than New York. Politicians and public health officials were encouraging people to get out and enjoy New
York in early March more than a month after Trump banned flights from China. De Blasio recommended movies to go see. And then in a stroke of brilliant judgement Andrew Cuomo orders covid + patients into nursing homes, the most vulnerable population. 8000 nursing home deaths later (probably more as he changed the way deaths were recorded) Cuomo fails to take any responsibility, but he sure gave great press conferences.
This was an unprecedented event. There was no playbook. Our experts including Fauci have made many conflicting statements. Data from around the world isn’t yet clear on the best management strategy. We’re learning as we go and yes we’re following the science, which currently is still immature. A second wave was expected as things opened up. The mortality rate is down significantly.There have been many management strategies worldwide. No clear cut winner. Lockdowns at this stage have not been proven to be of benefit. By all means social distance, protect the at risk, wear masks, and get our kids back in school.
Trump is trying to destroy the country? FAntifa (fascist anti fascists) and their ilk aren’t? They’re advocating violent revolution against our government and anyone who opposes them. Please let’s hear your defense of them.
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Where do I start. Yes Obama had a pandemic playbook, but failed to replenish the national stockpile of PPE after his and Biden’s woeful response to the H1N1 pandemic. Completely botched vaccine program. Blind luck that the virus was far less virulent.
Obama is a proven liar. Biden is a proven liar. Trump’s a liar. Oh my.
To learn how not to manage a pandemic, one needs to look no farther than New York. Politicians and public health officials were encouraging people to get out and enjoy New
York in early March more than a month after Trump banned flights from China. De Blasio recommended movies to go see. And then in a stroke of brilliant judgement Andrew Cuomo orders covid + patients into nursing homes, the most vulnerable population. 8000 nursing home deaths later (probably more as he changed the way deaths were recorded) Cuomo fails to take any responsibility, but he sure gave great press conferences.
This was an unprecedented event. There was no playbook. Our experts including Fauci have made many conflicting statements. Data from around the world isn’t yet clear on the best management strategy. We’re learning as we go and yes we’re following the science, which currently is still immature. A second wave was expected as things opened up. The mortality rate is down significantly.There have been many management strategies worldwide. No clear cut winner. Lockdowns at this stage have not been proven to be of benefit. By all means social distance, protect the at risk, wear masks, and get our kids back in school.
Trump is trying to destroy the country? FAntifa (fascist anti fascists) and their ilk aren’t? They’re advocating violent revolution against our government and anyone who opposes them. Please let’s hear your defense of them.

You may want to get some help and expand your reading a little. The Trump administration said there was a playbook and that they followed it. Also, blaming the Obama administration for a lack of PPE’s three years after Trump took office is crazy.
Yah, that's exactly the problem. President George W. Bush, a Republican, realized a pandemic was due and had the country ready for it. Obama prepared a pandemic playbook and left it for the next president. But Trump threw it all away and called the pandemic "a hoax" designed by Democrats for political purposes. And people like you, his devout cult followers, are guilty of aiding and abetting this national crisis. Meanwhile, Bush and other leading Republicans have announced they'll be voting for the Democrat in November because they are not freakin' crazy.

Had there been national leadership, you wouldn't have idiot GOP cult governors in Florida, Texas, Arizona and other states creating a perfect opportunity for the virus to explode, and it's doing just that, just as the experts--Dr. Fauci, for one--said it would.

You can say the moon is made of green cheese, the Earth is flat, and the grass is red all you want. You can ignore facts and evidence. You can say it over and over and over again and you will STILL be wrong.

But then that's the real problem: this country is full of brainwashed cult members, and logic, facts, and evidence have no impact on such entities.

When millions of people take their pandemic advice from a proven liar, a failed president, someone who has never, ever cared about anyone but himself, what can we do? So next time you Trump believers need a root canal or a cancer treatment, be sure you call Trump and follow his advice. You'll be fine. It'll all miraculously go away. But it'll help if you drink a little bleach.

The only hoax is the megalomaniac in the White House who is trying to destroy this country.

If baseball has to shut down, if there is no football this fall, if basketball season is ruined, there is one person to blame--the guy who gets his "exercise" riding around in a golf cart while the country is ravaged by a pandemic, the guy who has done nothing to contain it for at least five months.

God help us all.
So you are saying you don't like Trump????
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Zero to do with it? He said it was a hoax, then we had 15 cases that would soon be down to zero. He is now acting like it doesn't exist. Oh it's going to disappear right? He refuses to do anything about it, other than encourage opening everything up at all costs. How did all the other countries get it under control? They have a leader with a plan that isn't a friggin moron, one that actually listens to experts, and citizens that actually give a shit about one another enough to wear a mask, socially distance, stay out of bars, etc.
Other countries have it under control?
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If Trump were to lose, and I don't think he does, this virus would be eradicated in the United States by Thanksgiving.

I ask again, as others have, and I look forward to your answer...does this mean it will be eradicated in other countries as well right after the election and if exactly does this all happen?
Other countries have it under control?
China's supposedly has only a few thousand deaths. If that is even remotely true they're doing well. if that is a flat out lie then I don't understand why most of the world isn't all on their ass,!! I still don't trust those bastards....
I ask again, as others have, and I look forward to your answer...does this mean it will be eradicated in other countries as well right after the election and if exactly does this all happen?
It will magically disappear in the US, and if it doesn't the fear factor will certainly recede immediately. I'm only talking about the states and I am absolutely not a truther about this. It's not good but you have to mitigate your own risk and life has to move forward, period.

No matter as Biden is going to get pummeled. One debate is all it will take, and he will debate in person.
He's the challenger, not the champ, and he doesn't set the terms.

And I don't care if you or anyone else agrees with me or not as, I think, we're all welcome to our own opinions.
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It will magically disappear in the US, and if it doesn't the fear factor will certainly recede immediately. I'm only talking about the states and I am absolutely not a truther about this. It's not good but you have to mitigate your own risk and life has to move forward, period.

No matter as Biden is going to get pummeled. One debate is all it will take, and he will debate in person.
He's the challenger, not the champ, and he doesn't set the terms.

And I don't care if you or anyone else agrees with me or not as, I think, we're all welcome to our own opinions.
China's supposedly has only a few thousand deaths. If that is even remotely true they're doing well. if that is a flat out lie then I don't understand why most of the world isn't all on their ass,!! I still don't trust those bastards....
Well China's numbers are bogus. Anything coming out of that country is just a lie.
But besides that, I'm merely pointing out the words "under control". Brazil, India, Russia, Mexico, South Africa, etc etc. None have it "under control". When people in this country say we have more new cases because we are testing more, it is 100% true. 3rd world countries aren't testing. Slums in Mexcio, India, etc etc, do people really believe they are testing and reporting the same way we are?
Wish we could get rid of you instead.
You may want to get some help and expand your reading a little. The Trump administration said there was a playbook and that they followed it. Also, blaming the Obama administration for a lack of PPE’s three years after Trump took office is crazy.

I read a lot. The H1N1 epidemic was in 2009-10 so Obama had 5 years to replenish the PPE stockpile his administration had used up. Trump’s fault. Got it.
I read a lot. The H1N1 epidemic was in 2009-10 so Obama had 5 years to replenish the PPE stockpile his administration had used up. Trump’s fault. Got it.

So it is not Trump’s fault that his administration did not replenish the PPE in his first three years in office?
Trump never called it a hoax. U can fact check that. He also was called a racist for putting a travel ban on Asian flights when this all first started.
Bullshit he called it a democratic hoax. It's on tape.
Much more than we do.

Not going to jump into the politics of this on the football board, but I do hope more people mask up and avoid large crowds, whether it be bars, protests, whatever. Just try to be a little smart and sensible.
Much more than we do.
Yes, I bet those countries that can't even feed people are testing like crazy in their outlying poverty stricken areas. I bet that's happening and they are reporting their numbers.
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