Mom files complaint with Tenn. school claiming students got lesson on ‘how to torture a Jew’

Thought on this part?

The 13-year-old also showed her mother an animated video she had watched in class, also reviewed by The Post. The video included images of a forked road, where the path of embracing God and Jesus led to a colorful place, while the other route led to darkness. Other parts of the video appear to show animations of the descendants of Abraham and Sarah, who are among the patriarchs and matriarchs of the Jewish people, as dark, shadowy figures with pointy noses grabbing for bags of coins — imagery that resembles antisemitic propaganda.
“When I saw that I was like, ‘Is this real? Did somebody actually put this in a public school class?’ ” Russo said.
I'd have to see the video. It's no secret Christians believe there are only 2 paths, the one to heaven and the one to hell. "Other parts of the video appear" is a highly suggestive phrase. If it is as the article suggests then it is unbiblical. True biblical Christianity views Abraham as a father of the faith. If someone can glean antisemitism from the Bible he or she is unorthodox and I would label them heretical.
I should've read the story first...The word in the OT translated as LORD is YHWH. It's traditionally been pronounced Ya-weh. Jews won't say the word. The teacher telling the students that making them say this word is torture is a joke. If there was ever a pearl clutching story, this is it.
Well, I’m going to guess there are at least some people who don’t find that joke funny. If the teacher knows anything about the subject matter, they know that.