Monty Python and The Holy Grail


HR Legend
Jul 22, 2011
Just watched it for the first time in probably 20 years. It’s not nearly as good as I remembered or how good people make it out to be. Outside of the now quadriplegic knight, there were no real funny parts.

If I rewatch Blazing Saddles will I be equally as disappointed?
I had the same experience with that movie. I have also rewatched some Mel Brooks movies and I wasn't as disappointed, but I wasn't blown away either.
Just watched it for the first time in probably 20 years. It’s not nearly as good as I remembered or how good people make it out to be. Outside of the now quadriplegic knight, there were no real funny parts.

If I rewatch Blazing Saddles will I be equally as disappointed?

I had the same experience, but I watched it with my kids and they loved it, so there's still hope.
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Just watched it for the first time in probably 20 years. It’s not nearly as good as I remembered or how good people make it out to be. Outside of the now quadriplegic knight, there were no real funny parts.

If I rewatch Blazing Saddles will I be equally as disappointed?

I still really enjoy Monty Python and the Holy Grail and absolutely love the slightly reworked Spamalot (I saw it with the original cast in the West End and again in a traveling show, plus I own the soundtrack). But I couldn’t stand Stripes when I saw it this year after not seeing it since the 80s.
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OP needs to go on the cart.
I had the same experience, but I watched it with my kids and they loved it, so there's still hope.
This must be happening because it is on Netflix, I watched it with my 12 and 16 year old and they loved it. And I was not into it like I once was. It really matches up well to the humor in the goofy YouTube videos these kids love nowadays.
I’ve always thought the first half of Stripes was hilarious and then it went downhill in the second half when they went to Czechoslovakia.
Have you ever seen the the scenes where they (Ramis and Murray) go to Central America and encounter the drug cartels? It's on the DVD with the extra scenes. Pretty funny.
I’ve always thought the first half of Stripes was hilarious and then it went downhill in the second half when they went to Czechoslovakia.

This is exactly correct. The movie is great up through the graduation from basic training. After that scene you should turn it off.
The Life of Brian, the Holy Grail, Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein are the 4 best comedies ever. Still are.
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Outside of the now quadriplegic knight, there were no real funny parts.

If I rewatch Blazing Saddles will I be equally as disappointed?
You didn't think a bunch of Knights getting torn to pieces by a rabbit or French dudes dumping shit on King Arthur or the witch test were funny?

You're dead to me....

Blazing saddles is still funny but makes you realize how much "what's acceptable" humor has changed. No way in hell that movie gets made now....ironically it's a pretty scathing satire vis a vis racists....


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That might be one of the funniest scenes tbh.

He must be royalty.....

This. I don’t know how you can’t laugh at that scene no matter how many times you watch it.

And just the little touches are hilarious.


Spaceballs, Robin Hood Men in Tights, The Producers, Young Frankenstein and Blazing Saddles are some of the best comedies of all time.
And they get funnier the more you watch them. History of the World is another one. Didn’t care for it that much when I saw it the first time.....after that, once you begin to understand the humor a bit more and catch things you missed, it gets better and better. “It’s good to be the King!”
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