More Americans oppose Kavanaugh confirmation than support it

I still stand by my day one statement that Kav is getting dropped. This is now the second poll showing opposition to him rising after the allegation.
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It is best not to govern by poll numbers IMO. If we did, the Affordable Care Act would not have become law. Years later, it polls more favorably. I imagine that if we decided on Supreme Court justices based upon poll numbers, we would have Justice Oprah Winfrey, Justice George Clooney, and Justice Beyonce.
Justices almost always poll well. Kav is the first to sink this low. It's probably a pretty good sign that someone with less baggage should fill the job. Even Republicans are lukewarm about him.
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It is best not to govern by poll numbers IMO. If we did, the Affordable Care Act would not have become law. Years later, it polls more favorably. I imagine that if we decided on Supreme Court justices based upon poll numbers, we would have Justice Oprah Winfrey, Justice George Clooney, and Justice Beyonce.

Judge rapist is the first scotus candidate to poll this poorly. SAD!
That statement says a lot about you. I pray for the safety of the women around you.
And you being okay with a man being labeled a rapist under these circumstances says a lot about you. Let me ask you this, who is more close to the truth, someone describing this as unsubstantiated fondling, or one concluding this was rape?
Only a sick misogynist would equate sexual assault, with fear of death, as fondling.

You’re sick.
No, I'm skeptical. If what she described actually happened, I'd agree with you.
Now can you admit labeling him a rapist is sick as well?
We don’t know without an investigation.

I’ve never called him a rapist, but at the same time people who commit ‘sexual assault’ should be drawn and quartered as far as I’m concerned.

That's a bit harsh. What do you advocate for murder?

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