More Trump insurrection details in Woodward book released

So, a mob of thousands of people showed up at a Stop the Steal rally, then went on to storm the Capitol and Trump was an innocent bystander? Why on earth do you think they were there? any other election, Congress certifying the election is almost a complete non-story.
Donald Trump is a shit-heel. He's a lot of things, actually. But, he knew exactly how far he could go, from a legal perspective, and still get the result he wanted... without being personally responsible. Everyone saw what he did. He knows what he did. But, legally, he didn't do enough to be held responsible or he'd have already been arrested, indicted and convicted. He's clever enough- from a lifetime of fvcking people over- to know how far is too far.
I apologize for the F Bomb on you but your being obtuse here. Our main foreign adversary being tipped off the President is a deranged madman was for all our good.
The key point of this is China is our key adversary. Heck, they just sailed their warships off the coast of Alaska today…in a clear show of power.
Yep. Our Republic and Democracy is on the brink because of the Republican party enabling a mentally ill madman 2016-Current.
Our republic is on the brink because our enemies know we have a feckless leader more inclined to tell them a story about a fist fight with corn pop in the 50s than a bomb blowing up thier mainland. In russia and china to beat your opponent you kill them. No handshake, good game, election again in 4 years. They see weakness and they strike, they see a weak leader and even you have you acknowledge that. The cyber shit, china backing the taliban, china/russia giving the world the middle finger on covid data. The only reason this shit is happening is they dont fear anyone.

Trump had nothing to do with China sitting off the coast of alaska.
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People criticizing the General for contacting China may not realize that if the Chinese saw the trump administration preparing for a possible attack, they may have struck first. This is not some insignificant game that trump was playing.
Thousands of people showed up to protest, something well within thier rights and a very common practice at the time if you recall. A small percentage of them went into the capital and those people have been rightly fined/ imprisoned. You can piss and moan all you want but if there was anything remotely creditable they would hang trumps ass from thr nearest tree. 8 months later, cant produce shit.

this was normally a political non-event, who gave them the idea to protest it?
Donald Trump is a shit-heel. He's a lot of things, actually. But, he knew exactly how far he could go, from a legal perspective, and still get the result he wanted... without being personally responsible. Everyone saw what he did. He knows what he did. But, legally, he didn't do enough to be held responsible or he'd have already been arrested, indicted and convicted. He's clever enough- from a lifetime of fvcking people over- to know how far is too far.
Agreed, but somehow you have people arguing Trump had nothing to do with the events of the day.

this was normally a political non-event, who gave them the idea to protest it?
O jesus. Uhhh. The founding fathers? Martin luther king? Any other mother ****er who protested against something under freedom of speech? Your going in circles for somwthing thst isnt there. If they had shit, we would know. Its been 8 months.
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The top general of the USA having secret talks with his Chinese counterpart in absolute disregard for the chain of command and USA policy. I hope he gets court marshaled.
Agreed, but somehow you have people arguing Trump had nothing to do with the events of the day.
I guess their conscience is clear if they can say "legally, he did nothing wrong." A lot of people do that in a lot of different ways, actually. It's why we cannot legislate morality and why people can justify some of the most horrible things imaginable.
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O jesus. Uhhh. The founding fathers? Martin luther king? Any other mother ****er who protested against something under freedom of speech? Your going in circles for somwthing thst isnt there. If they had shit, we would know. Its been 8 months.
Yes, the Founding Fathers gave them the idea that the 2020 election was stolen and Trump was the rightful winner of the election.

this isn’t in dispute. The fact that he might not be legally liable doesn’t absolve him of responsibility.
This is the same shit that has been rehashed 4k times. You of all people should know the peaceful transition bit was all the news at the time. Change your pants chris, if the dude would have incited anything you would have 700 tweets by now , but, instead, multiple investigations have been done and they dont have shit.

Is this it chris? Is this when they get Trump or can you acknowledge you have drank the piss flavored kool aid for the last 8 months?
Seems like you have been drinking the kool aid for a long time, little boy.
Yes, the Founding Fathers gave them the idea that the 2020 election was stolen and Trump was the rightful winner of the election.

this isn’t in dispute. The fact that he might not be legally liable doesn’t absolve him of responsibility.
Uhhh. Yea it does. The court of public opinion is a ****ing joke in 2021.
If Woodward is to be believed…it’s exactly what he did.
So you're just fine with a lunatic president having the ability to launch a preemptive nuclear strike against another world power? Part of the goddamn problem the last 5 years is a bunch of cowards just going along with a fascist wannabe. Someone needed to grow a pair and make sure Trump didn't do something disastrous. 90% of the R's in Congress wouldn't do it. Pence tried to NOT do it.

Trump was different than any POTUS we have ever had and he needed to be checked. You're defending a crazy man. Maybe you're for fascism. Not sure.
So you're just fine with a lunatic president having the ability to launch a preemptive nuclear strike against another world power? Part of the goddamn problem the last 5 years is a bunch of cowards just going along with a fascist wannabe. Someone needed to grow a pair and make sure Trump didn't do something disastrous. 90% of the R's in Congress wouldn't do it. Pence tried to NOT do it.

Trump was different than any POTUS we have ever had and he needed to be checked. You're defending a crazy man. Maybe you're for fascism. Not sure.
What a shitty stance. They went against thr chain of command because orange man bad. Horeeeey sheet.
This should be good, what conspiracy theory or propaganda have i bought into or promoted limp dick?
LOL. Everything the trumper or his minions tells you. And then you go into your little shit diapered baby phase calling everyone pisspants and other toddler names. What a shithole you must live in.
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So you're just fine with a lunatic president having the ability to launch a preemptive nuclear strike against another world power? Part of the goddamn problem the last 5 years is a bunch of cowards just going along with a fascist wannabe. Someone needed to grow a pair and make sure Trump didn't do something disastrous. 90% of the R's in Congress wouldn't do it. Pence tried to NOT do it.

Trump was different than any POTUS we have ever had and he needed to be checked. You're defending a crazy man. Maybe you're for fascism. Not sure.
I stand with Vindman on this one
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The hatred for Trump causes a lot of people to believe that Milleys actions are justified. This is a guy calling his BFF saying he might be late for the game. This is top level national security
THE PRESIDENT TRIED TO END OUR DEMOCRACY AND STEAL POWER....THAT is the primary takeaway you should have here.
They're both right. Milley was right in protecting his country from a domestic threat but he should now be willing to face the legal consequences for his actions.
I agree and am fine with that. But the lead takeaway here should be Trump was trying to steal power. Full stop.
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