Morning Report — Biden: Economy is fine and polls are wrong


HR Legend
Gold Member
Oct 13, 2006
President Biden defended his economic record Wednesday, citing a recent consumer sentiment report that he said backs him up.

His green-eyeshade defense using a university report was not the sort of sales pitch many Democratic candidates preferred from Biden, who visited Racine, Wis., a battleground state that may decide next year’s Oval Office occupant. Trump won Wisconsin by one point in 2016 and Biden won the state by a point in 2020.

The president, comparing his policies with those of former President Trump, rejected polls that show that voters trust Trump on the economy more than they trust Biden.

During an interview with CNN, the president was hard pressed to construct an accessible story about how his economic policies are affecting real Americans.

“We’ve already turned it around,” Biden said from Wisconsin. “The polling data has been wrong all along.”

In an unusual concession about an election-year vulnerability, he added that polls show voters “think the nation’s not in good shape, but [they think] they’re personally in good shape.”

Biden recommended voters “look at the markets’” for reactions to the recent 1.6 percent gross domestic product report for the first quarter, which indicated a slowing economy. Cooling indicators of output are expected to lower inflationary pressures. Democratic presidents for eons have argued that Wall Street bets are not the real economy; Main Street holds the tape measure.

Voters complain about inflation, rising gas prices, high interest rates, unaffordable housing costs and the sticker shock of college tuition. Voters gauge the health of any economy relying on what they see and experience. They blame incumbent presidents when they’re anxious, and they look to political challengers when they’re shopping for change.

Even some of Biden’s closest allies and surrogates have conceded that his economic sales pitch to Americans “is a work in progress.” Election Day is six months away.

Former President Bill Clinton, who transformed George H.W. Bush into a one-term president amid a recession, told an audience two months after his inauguration, “I’d a lot rather get beat trying to put people to work than get beat fighting putting people to work.”

Biden conceded Wednesday that voters have many reasons for worrying their purchase power and their economic well-being have eroded. But he said 15 million jobs have been created during his term and wages are higher. He criticized Trump as invested in the wealthy, not the middle class, and as a spinner of economic promises, many of them illusions

If the Republicans could just find a candidate that isn't a complete disaster, they'd win in the biggest landslide since Reagan trounced Mondale. Seriously, RNC, you have to have someone that isn't a total jackass somewhere in the ranks.
If this is true then we are truly a stupid stupid populace.
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Dems are objectively better at the economy. Job productions, GDP growth, you name it. Dems consistently return better results.
That's simply not true. Pre-Covid, Trump's record on economy was stellar. It took the intelligence community unleashing a global pandemic to get him out of office because, as James Carville said, "it's the economy, stupid." Unemployment was down. African American unemployment was at record a record low. New businesses were up. The stock market was booming. Trump was on his way to an easy win in 2020 but the powers that be refused to allow it. And yes, I agree with Chuck Schumer who said the intelligence "has six ways from Sunday" to get back at you.
Circular reasoning based off the dubious belief correlation means causation.

As has been stated on here numerous times, the POTUS has very little to do with the economy. Economies grow or shrink at the local and state level. Companies are going to invest in places where taxes and regulations are lower. About the only thing you can say for Democrats on this issue is that California has one of the largest economies in the world despite being heavily controlled by Democrats.

Trust me, if you had Democratic control in all fifty states, the American economy would be shit.
That's simply not true. Pre-Covid, Trump's record on economy was stellar. It took the intelligence community unleashing a global pandemic to get him out of office because, as James Carville said, "it's the economy, stupid." Unemployment was down. African American unemployment was at record a record low. New businesses were up. The stock market was booming. Trump was on his way to an easy win in 2020 but the powers that be refused to allow it. And yes, I agree with Chuck Schumer who said the intelligence "has six ways from Sunday" to get back at you.
Trump was also given a major head start on a good economy in 2016. That was not the case for Biden.
That's simply not true. Pre-Covid, Trump's record on economy was stellar. It took the intelligence community unleashing a global pandemic to get him out of office because, as James Carville said, "it's the economy, stupid." Unemployment was down. African American unemployment was at record a record low. New businesses were up. The stock market was booming. Trump was on his way to an easy win in 2020 but the powers that be refused to allow it. And yes, I agree with Chuck Schumer who said the intelligence "has six ways from Sunday" to get back at you.
Slow your roll a bit there - yes the pre-Covid economy was doing fine as you stated…but it wasn’t a boom economy, nor did Trump turn around a declining economy that he’d inherited from Obama.

I agree that without Covid he likely wins reelection, as sad as that is to contemplate. It would be amusing however to see him be forced to negotiate with a Democratic congress.
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Circular reasoning based off the dubious belief correlation means causation.

As has been stated on here numerous times, the POTUS has very little to do with the economy. Economies grow or shrink at the local and state level. Companies are going to invest in places where taxes and regulations are lower. About the only thing you can say for Democrats on this issue is that California has one of the largest economies in the world despite being heavily controlled by Democrats.

Trust me, if you had Democratic control in all fifty states, the American economy would be shit.

Idk, seems like state economies on the coasts are doing fine - mostly blue states there.

I agree with your basic premise - POTUS gets too mu individual credit/blame regarding the economy. There is a growing pattern however across 6 separate administrations over 30 years of better economic numbers with democrat presidents vs GOP presidents.
Slow your roll a bit there - yes the pre-Covid economy was doing fine as you stated…but it wasn’t a boom economy, nor did Trump turn around a declining economy that he’d inherited from Obama.

I agree that without Covid he likely wins reelection, as sad as that is to contemplate. It would be amusing however to see him be forced to negotiate with a Democratic congress.
D's controlled the House 2018-2022

Just sayin.
Idk, seems like state economies on the coasts are doing fine - mostly blue states there.

I agree with your basic premise - POTUS gets too mu individual credit/blame regarding the economy. There is a growing pattern however across 6 separate administrations over 30 years of better economic numbers with democrat presidents vs GOP presidents.
I tend to agree. You can't dismiss decades of evidence so easily. In addition, states they are mostly D have typically been economic drivers while those state that are mostly R have not done well. This isn't all states, but overall D states have done much better.
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the intelligence community unleashing a global pandemic

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I think the initial inflation hurt Biden and people are still not over the sticker shock of prices.

I mean back when I was in college gas was like $1.50 and I remember filling up my car thinking that I couldn't believe how expensive gas was. But my perspective was warped by in my childhood gas was always 90 cents a gallon.

It takes a while to re-orient your brain to changes in prices. And when everything changes in price it affects you. That's why I think most people are saying they are personally better off now than 4 years ago but are convinced the economy is trash despite every indicator saying we're doing well.
I think the initial inflation hurt Biden and people are still not over the sticker shock of prices.

I mean back when I was in college gas was like $1.50 and I remember filling up my car thinking that I couldn't believe how expensive gas was. But my perspective was warped by in my childhood gas was always 90 cents a gallon.

It takes a while to re-orient your brain to changes in prices. And when everything changes in price it affects you. That's why I think most people are saying they are personally better off now than 4 years ago but are convinced the economy is trash despite every indicator saying we're doing well.
Inflation is cumulative.
Dems are objectively better at the economy. Job productions, GDP growth, you name it. Dems consistently return better results.
That is true for upper income earners. Times have rarely been better than now.
States don't pay the bills, people pay the bills.

If I live in NY all my life and move to Florida to collect SS and Medicare, I still paid the bills in NY.
If his source is the percentage of taxes paid to the federal government divided by the dollars received from the federal government that data is skewed.

The states that have the highest dollars received per dollar paid also happen to have the highest ratios of federal individual taxes paid to business income taxes paid.

Statistics can be manipulated. It isnt quite as clear as one might think.
I think geography has more to do with states success or failure than political policy. California's economy didn't suffer while Arnold was Governor. If the next governor of Florida is a democrat I don't think it will crush the economy here either.

Just like recruiting in football... the warm weather states with beaches and theme parks and tourism will always out perform rural fly over country no matter who is running things.
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Gotta love the Rs in this thread. Dems create more jobs. Doesn't matter. Dems have more economic growth. Doesn't matter. Dem lead states are the economic powerhouses of this country. Doesn't matter. It's one excuse after another.

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