Most Men are Single and have few Friends.

Is it possible that as a society we think everything is sexual harassment? Kinda hard to get a girlfriend when you are afraid to make a move because you are afraid of being accused of sexual harassment.

We have a victim mentality in this country and the me too movement scared the crap out of boys.
Is it possible that as a society we think everything is sexual harassment? Kinda hard to get a girlfriend when you are afraid to make a move because you are afraid of being accused of sexual harassment.

We have a victim mentality in this country and the me too movement scared the crap out of boys.

Not generally,.but I do think there is a lot of role confusion out there.
I'm sure you're trying to be funny, but I'm serious. This does not detract from real sexual assault, but there are videos of girls going to the gym accusing guys of staring. It's a serious problem.

I saw a video the other day of a guy that was blind who was kicked out for "staring" at a girl. I thought it was fake, but who knows now.
Is it possible that as a society we think everything is sexual harassment? Kinda hard to get a girlfriend when you are afraid to make a move because you are afraid of being accused of sexual harassment.

We have a victim mentality in this country and the me too movement scared the crap out of boys.
Especially at work. The young admin assistants get all offended when I give a nice compliment about their skirt or top. And at the trade show I just wanted to show her my hotel suite, how can that be misconstrued? I’m a hugger!
We’ve been married for 22 years, and a good female friend (no pic) of ours got divorced a few years back. She’s a Iowa 8/10, and fun to be with, we bring her tailgating at Kinnick, though she cannot hang long. Her stories about dating apps and trying to find a guy over the last few years are crazy and depressing. She’s still single and I can’t believe the guys she goes out with now. we need a OT dating app.
What we need are some pics.
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And then a guy gets married and hears “get off me, you are heavy.” Or “Are you through yet? One of us should be enjoying this.” Or the famous, “When you are inside me, I feel nothing.” Can’t win!
Well, like anything sex takes practice. But, the woman needs to be an active participant in the deal too or it doesn't work.
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What we need are some pics.
Well the new regime deleted the non-model looking pic from the other thread, I can’t remember which one, the Hampton inn chick named drew IIRC or where ever it was taken. So not a lot of incentive to post her. Try tinder in Dubuque, she likes Vikings and men in uniform and Prince. Good luck.
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Well the new regime deleted the non-model looking pic from the other thread, I can’t remember which one, the Hampton inn chick named drew IIRC or where ever it was taken. So not a lot of incentive to post her. Try tinder in Dubuque, she likes Vikings and men in uniform and Prince. Good luck.

Try again. We won’t say anything. Otherwise, some of you slithering sleuths need to get on it.
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Also, those poor boys are scared of being accused of sexual harassment. Thanks a lot Me Too Movement.

This is one of the best reasons I've ever seen for why dudes are single nowadays. Amazing.

I think it is because dudes have weak tiktok dance game. They need to stop eating the tide pods and start dancing and then then ladies will come flocking.
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I think it is because dudes have weak tiktok dance game. They need to stop eating the tide pods and start dancing and then then ladies will come flocking.
I don't think anyone can argue that. I can't believe nobody has thought of that yet.
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It's the way things are done anymore, my man. I met my current gf no pics on a dating app.

Before her, I banged quite a few randoms from apps too. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

I could write a book. There was a big change once I got over 50. There is a bigger shift away from casual sex it seems. It was also a lot harder. If I put in effort, I perhaps met 1-2 decent prospects a year.
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I saw an article, or a Toc, or maybe a comment here-

Parents raise their daughters how they should be treated in a relationship.

No one raises boys about what they should expect or be treated, just how they should treat women.

(At least where I’m from)

No point, but I found it interesting.
I'm happily married, but I would no clue how to meet someone special if I was single.

Online daters are creeps
Here’s how it’s done. Anyone tells you differently they don’t know their asses from their elbows.

1.) Take an honest inventory of yourself. Are you insanely good looking? What are you on a scale of 1-10? Resolve not to cold open girls that are hotter than you. (You can of course talk to, and end up banging them, but you’re going to need to be introduced more organically.)

2.) Jerk off. Don’t do it to pron because then you’ve had creepy thoughts in your head too recently. Just get your rocks off so you’re thinking clearly.

3.) Shower. Be well groomed. This isn’t to say don’t have a beard, but if you do, make it look neat. Look like you give a shit.

4.) Wear something that fits well and looks nice.

5.) Go out and say something funny or interesting to two or more girls (the best place to do this is waiting at the bar for a drink in my opinion). Something that used to work way better than it should’ve was that I’d tell girls I just saw two girls outside screaming at each-other over a guy named “Glenn.” If they laugh or ask follow up questions, you’re in. If not, get your drink, give them a nod and don’t talk to them again.

6.) When girls do talk to you, keep it about them unless they specifically ask you about yourself. Don’t ask questions just to be asking questions, but listen to the things they say with something funny or interesting to say. Don’t be negative or douchey (“That guy sucks… Our waitress is taking forever… I bet I could kick his ass… My boss is a dick… I was listening to Joe Rogan and…” - like sandpaper on a vagina.) Definitely don’t say anything creepy.

And that’s it. That’s how you get laid with like an 80% success rate. It doesn’t have to be any more complicated than that.

Hawk_82 is welcome.
It's the way things are done anymore, my man. I met my current gf no pics on a dating app.

Before her, I banged quite a few randoms from apps too. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
Sounds a lot like me. I’m in my 40s and have zero desire to go to bars or elsewhere to meet women. With dating apps, you don’t have to. Started using them a year after my divorce, which was 2019. Had my share of fun with several different women, but like the guys in Wedding Crashers, it gets old and you want to eventually settle down.

Met my current gf on a dating app, and we’ve been seeing each other almost 2 years. Hot little Asian doctor. We’re both busy with work and kids, so our time together is limited. Probably why it works and why we’re still together. Kidding, kind of.
Is it possible that as a society we think everything is sexual harassment? Kinda hard to get a girlfriend when you are afraid to make a move because you are afraid of being accused of sexual harassment.

We have a victim mentality in this country and the me too movement scared the crap out of boys.
I don't know if it's the MeToo movement exclusive or just bashing of men in general. At some point you can just sort of say to screw society and keep to yourself. Tonight I was having a nice dinner with my wife. We both work at the same place and the topic came up on expertise and I said our employer doesn't know the talents of the employees. She asked for an example and I said I was probably in the top 10 for my skills as a government lobbyist but they would never ask for my assistance in government affairs.

She turned to me and told me she couldn't believe I would say that. None of her female colleagues would presume they were that important. How did I know I was that qualified? Only a man would say that. I told her that I was confused and could call the governor right now or one of our senators from my cell phone. I sit on the board for two national medical societies and write their health policy. I asked who she thought was better. She didn't have an answer.

Now imagine that being brought up by someone you weren't married to for 20+ years and ask yourself would you sit through someone telling you "only a man would say that". Not worth the price of admission. I can see why guys choose to sit things out.
I don't know if it's the MeToo movement exclusive or just bashing of men in general. At some point you can just sort of say to screw society and keep to yourself. Tonight I was having a nice dinner with my wife. We both work at the same place and the topic came up on expertise and I said our employer doesn't know the talents of the employees. She asked for an example and I said I was probably in the top 10 for my skills as a government lobbyist but they would never ask for my assistance in government affairs.

She turned to me and told me she couldn't believe I would say that. None of her female colleagues would presume they were that important. How did I know I was that qualified? Only a man would say that. I told her that I was confused and could call the governor right now or one of our senators from my cell phone. I sit on the board for two national medical societies and write their health policy. I asked who she thought was better. She didn't have an answer.

Now imagine that being brought up by someone you weren't married to for 20+ years and ask yourself would you sit through someone telling you "only a man would say that". Not worth the price of admission. I can see why guys choose to sit things out.
This totally happened.
I don't know if it's the MeToo movement exclusive or just bashing of men in general. At some point you can just sort of say to screw society and keep to yourself. Tonight I was having a nice dinner with my wife. We both work at the same place and the topic came up on expertise and I said our employer doesn't know the talents of the employees. She asked for an example and I said I was probably in the top 10 for my skills as a government lobbyist but they would never ask for my assistance in government affairs.

She turned to me and told me she couldn't believe I would say that. None of her female colleagues would presume they were that important. How did I know I was that qualified? Only a man would say that. I told her that I was confused and could call the governor right now or one of our senators from my cell phone. I sit on the board for two national medical societies and write their health policy. I asked who she thought was better. She didn't have an answer.

Now imagine that being brought up by someone you weren't married to for 20+ years and ask yourself would you sit through someone telling you "only a man would say that". Not worth the price of admission. I can see why guys choose to sit things out.
I Guess If You Say So GIF
Just check out Reddit. Click an average male users account and see what they’re in to. >80% of the time it’s going to be some assortment of this:

Video games
Anime porn

Good luck getting pussy, bud. Our future is filled with incels.
Neither of mine (27 and 23) are in a relationship but both have friends they spend time with and both currently live at home. The oldest is high-functioning autistic. He has friends he goes out with and flies to Michigan several times a year to spend time with friends up there but I'm not sure he'll ever be in a committed relationship. We're working to get him capable of living completely independently since we ain't gonna be around forever.

My youngest works 40/week and is in school fulltime working on some kind of computer shit. He's getting his AWS certification in a few weeks so Amazon might be in his future (as it is in all of ours when Amazon owns EVERYTHING). He has friends he hangs out with here and he flies to Cali to spend time with his friends there and will likely move there after he finishes school.
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…but are still dangerous and unfair.

Maybe statistics can show a preponderance of a trait in the majority of the members of a group, but that does not mean any given member has the trait.
Correct, which is why nobody specific is mentioned.
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I asked chatgpt and this is what ai has to say. I didn't read it because it was too long.

There is no one definitive answer to why many young men are single nowadays as there are likely multiple factors that contribute to this trend. Here are some possible explanations:
  1. Delayed Marriage: Many young men are choosing to delay marriage and focus on their education, careers, or personal goals before settling down. This shift in priorities means that some men may not feel ready to commit to a long-term relationship until later in life.
  2. Changes in Gender Roles: As society becomes more gender-equal, traditional gender roles are changing, which can lead to confusion or uncertainty about what is expected of men in relationships. Some men may struggle to adapt to these changing expectations and feel unsure about how to navigate romantic relationships.
  3. Online Dating: The rise of dating apps and online dating has made it easier than ever for young people to meet potential partners. However, this has also led to a culture of casual dating and hookups, which can make it harder for men (and women) to find meaningful, long-term relationships.
  4. Economic Factors: Some studies have suggested that economic factors, such as high levels of student debt or a challenging job market, may be contributing to the decline in marriage rates among young people. Financial stress can make it harder for people to commit to long-term relationships or feel ready to start a family.
  5. Social Isolation: With the rise of social media and other digital technologies, some young men may be spending more time online than in real-life social interactions. This can lead to feelings of loneliness or social isolation, which may make it harder to form meaningful connections with others.
It's important to note that these are just a few of the many possible reasons why some young men may be single. Ultimately, the decision to pursue a relationship or remain single is a personal one that depends on a variety of factors, including individual goals, values, and life circumstances.