Most of America's Problems are because there Aren't Enough Democrats in Congress

Have any elections been shown to have been wrongfully decided due to voter fraud in a court of law?
Of course not. Current law allows for mail-in and early voting. It is not illegal. Voter Fraud will be very, very difficult to prove.

The R's introducing these bills aime to restrict mail-in and early voting.
Anybody else curious what “independent” thoughts Larry has that doesn’t tow GOP/conservative thinking
Go ahead and just ask me what my thoughts are on any issue. Not sure why you need to get validation from other posters if you are curious.
Tom, these are very broad generalizations.

Banning Books - What is the content R's are trying to ban and at what grade levels?
CRT - Yes, some R's don't understand CRT. Just like some D's are for CRT being indoctrinated into young people.
Public Schools - There are differences of opinions on the best way to fund education and give all kids the best chance for a great education.
Funding Education - Whoever came up with the idea to fund schools based on property values has a lot of explaining to do. I can't think of a worse framework. I don't believe schools should be funded at a national level. I don't believe R's don't want schools well funded.

Very few people would want an uneducated populace. Many R's make the same accusations about D's.
Most of what you just posted here is nonsense. First tell me about CRT and how liberals want a college law course taught to public school children. Our top priorities are reading and math, so not sure where we would fit that in. Republicans are the ones bitching about public education and funding it. My governor told small district supers they were lucky to get what they got.
Sorry…but your both sides thinking is wrong.
Of course not. Current law allows for mail-in and early voting. It is not illegal. Voter Fraud will be very, very difficult to prove.

The R's introducing these bills aime to restrict mail-in and early voting.
Don’t forget to mention the ability for Republicans to remove and replace electors if elections don’t go in their favor. That’s a wee bit fascist, don’t you think?
That’s the endgame. Right in front of our eyes they’re trying to end our Republic. They say the quiet part out loud.
Go ahead and just ask me what my thoughts are on any issue. Not sure why you need to get validation from other posters if you are curious.
Ive scrolled through your post/like history and see your defense of GOP in this thread.

tell me, what positions do you align with democrats/criticize republicans on? if i had to go on a limb, is say you call yourself an independent because you support marijuana legalization and gay marriage.
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Most of what you just posted here is nonsense. First tell me about CRT and how liberals want a college law course taught to public school children. Our top priorities are reading and math, so not sure where we would fit that in. Republicans are the ones bitching about public education and funding it. My governor told small district supers they were lucky to get what they got.
Sorry…but your both sides thinking is wrong.
CRT - Let me start with my understanding of CRT, so you can clarify or correct any misunderstandings I might have. It is my understanding that CRT is not a course. If I am correct, then people who think it is a liberal agenda to have it taught in schools is ignorant on the matter. I might be ignorant on the matter too. The people who understand it the way I do and have concerns about it (which I do not) want to make sure rogue teachers are not purposefully or subliminally weaving the principles of CRT into their classrooms.

I do not have concerns about CRT concepts being woven into the classroom for the very reason you say. I believe teachers just want to educate kids and don't focus on all the other garbage. Now, sure, there are rogue teachers. There is nothing any of us can do about that.

It is my belief that some politicians (the ones getting the air time on TV) are using CRT to manipulate voters. But I also believe both political parties choose "issues" to manipulate their base. I don't believe one side is more guilty than the other.

GOP members attaching school funding to CRT are politically motivated. One has nothing to do with the other, in my opinion.

If my thinking is viewed as "both sides" then we can disagree. I just don't believe US Citizens are as polarized as Cable News wants us to be.
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A change back to more coups?
Democrats don't get to suck and still remain in power. People were better off financially under Trump and I don't think Trump should run again because he turns out the Democrat voters better than anyone but people were doing better under him.

The Democrat induced inflation is killing the middle class. Suburban housewives are starting to notice a little less food in the pantry, a little less gas in the van and a little less money in the bank account.
Ive scrolled through your post/like history and see your defense of GOP in this thread.

tell me, what positions do you align with democrats/criticize republicans on? if i had to go on a limb, is say you call yourself an independent because you support marijuana legalization and gay marriage.
The tone in which you are asking does not come across as constructive. It comes across as confrontational, but I am happy to share my thoughts. I have openly admitted to leaning conservative. I wish we had other options than "like". Sometimes a "like" is a like because it was constructive. Sometimes a "like" is I agree or support their view". I use "laugh" if something is funny, not because I am disagreeing in disrespectful manner.

Marijuana legalization - I support legalization when prescribed by a doctor. I do not support legalization for recreational use.

Gay Marriage - I have no issues with Gay Marriage

Pro-Life - I am highly convicted in my Pro-Life views.

Immigration - I want legal immigration and believe we have to make it an easier process. We need population growth. We need to do more to prevent illegal immigration. Others can decide if this aligns with D's or R's.

Education - I believe it should be determined by the states and local school boards. We have to find a different way to fund our schools. I don't know the pros/cons about vouchers. Unless I gain an understanding of how vouchers can improve education, I am against them. I have a huge problem with State of Iowa tax dollars being used to fund Catholic and any other private schools. This is happening and I am against it. I am a practicing Catholic.

Guns - I support the 2nd amendment, like most D's and R's do. I believe it is way to easy to get a gun and believe we all need to work together on sensible regulation to help ensure guns do not get in the wrong hands.

War - I hate war, but support providing Ukraine with anything they need to defeat Russia's invastion.

Climate Change - I believe the Climate is changing, but I don't know if it is man made or solar flares. I would prefer a clean planet over an unclean planet. We recycle, but we don't drive electric vehicles.

Deficit Spending - We all have to figure out how to eliminate our deficit. Neither political party seems to want to get spending under control. Our National Debt is a National Security interest.

Taxes - Do away with every single deduction and pay a % of what you earn. I don't care what that % is.

Charities - Religious charities should not be exempt from Taxes.

Ask me about anything else.
Don’t forget to mention the ability for Republicans to remove and replace electors if elections don’t go in their favor. That’s a wee bit fascist, don’t you think?
That’s the endgame. Right in front of our eyes they’re trying to end our Republic. They say the quiet part out loud.
If R's are removing and replacing electors if elections don't go in their favor is not acceptable. It wouldn't be if D's did it either. I don't know what R's are using for their reasons to remove and replace electors, but I doubt they are saying it is because the elections did not go in their favor.

If any of us allow that to happen, it is a problem for our republic. I agree with you on that. I am not willing to accept that this is the reason they are removing or replacing electors though. I am not willing to reject that reason either. I just have not seen any objective information on the subject.
Democrats don't get to suck and still remain in power. People were better off financially under Trump and I don't think Trump should run again because he turns out the Democrat voters better than anyone but people were doing better under him.

The Democrat induced inflation is killing the middle class. Suburban housewives are starting to notice a little less food in the pantry, a little less gas in the van and a little less money in the bank account.
This post is pure nonsense.
Of course not. Current law allows for mail-in and early voting. It is not illegal. Voter Fraud will be very, very difficult to prove.

The R's introducing these bills aime to restrict mail-in and early voting.
Restricting? Or changing them back to what they were before we had a global wide pandemic?
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Tom, these are very broad generalizations.

Banning Books - What is the content R's are trying to ban and at what grade levels?
CRT - Yes, some R's don't understand CRT. Just like some D's are for CRT being indoctrinated into young people.
Public Schools
- There are differences of opinions on the best way to fund education and give all kids the best chance for a great education.
Funding Education - Whoever came up with the idea to fund schools based on property values has a lot of explaining to do. I can't think of a worse framework. I don't believe schools should be funded at a national level. I don't believe R's don't want schools well funded.

Very few people would want an uneducated populace. Many R's make the same accusations about D's.
Using words like indoctrinated here makes you come across as a hard core RWer, no matter what you claim to be. It's like saying educating is indoctrinating, unless I am missing something.

I honestly don't understand what the issue is with CRT. From what I have gathered, it seems to hurt some people's feelings? Maybe you, or another poster, can explain what is wrong with teaching it, if anyone even knows?
The tone in which you are asking does not come across as constructive. It comes across as confrontational, but I am happy to share my thoughts. I have openly admitted to leaning conservative. I wish we had other options than "like". Sometimes a "like" is a like because it was constructive. Sometimes a "like" is I agree or support their view". I use "laugh" if something is funny, not because I am disagreeing in disrespectful manner.

Marijuana legalization - I support legalization when prescribed by a doctor. I do not support legalization for recreational use.

Gay Marriage - I have no issues with Gay Marriage

Pro-Life - I am highly convicted in my Pro-Life views.

Immigration - I want legal immigration and believe we have to make it an easier process. We need population growth. We need to do more to prevent illegal immigration. Others can decide if this aligns with D's or R's.

Education - I believe it should be determined by the states and local school boards. We have to find a different way to fund our schools. I don't know the pros/cons about vouchers. Unless I gain an understanding of how vouchers can improve education, I am against them. I have a huge problem with State of Iowa tax dollars being used to fund Catholic and any other private schools. This is happening and I am against it. I am a practicing Catholic.

Guns - I support the 2nd amendment, like most D's and R's do. I believe it is way to easy to get a gun and believe we all need to work together on sensible regulation to help ensure guns do not get in the wrong hands.

War - I hate war, but support providing Ukraine with anything they need to defeat Russia's invastion.

Climate Change - I believe the Climate is changing, but I don't know if it is man made or solar flares. I would prefer a clean planet over an unclean planet. We recycle, but we don't drive electric vehicles.

Deficit Spending - We all have to figure out how to eliminate our deficit. Neither political party seems to want to get spending under control. Our National Debt is a National Security interest.

Taxes - Do away with every single deduction and pay a % of what you earn. I don't care what that % is.

Charities - Religious charities should not be exempt from Taxes.

Ask me about anything else.

You have my vote.
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Using words like indoctrinated here makes you come across as a hard core RWer, no matter what you claim to be. It's like saying educating is indoctrinating, unless I am missing something.

I honestly don't understand what the issue is with CRT. From what I have gathered, it seems to hurt some people's feelings? Maybe you, or another poster, can explain what is wrong with teaching it, if anyone even knows?
I think this is a very constructive post.

I think we should all take some time to better understand what it is and what it is not.
Democrats don't get to suck and still remain in power. People were better off financially under Trump and I don't think Trump should run again because he turns out the Democrat voters better than anyone but people were doing better under him.

The Democrat induced inflation is killing the middle class. Suburban housewives are starting to notice a little less food in the pantry, a little less gas in the van and a little less money in the bank account.
What specifically have the Democrats done to cause the inflation that is occurring?
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Democrats don't get to suck and still remain in power. People were better off financially under Trump and I don't think Trump should run again because he turns out the Democrat voters better than anyone but people were doing better under him.

The Democrat induced inflation is killing the middle class. Suburban housewives are starting to notice a little less food in the pantry, a little less gas in the van and a little less money in the bank account.
Democrats are causing global inflation?? That’s what you’re saying.
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I thought your weekends were so so consumed with lesson plans and coaching that you barely had time for anything outside of teaching? Don't the kids deserve better than you spending all your time on HORT?
Most of America's problems are because there are multiple cultural groups trying to coexist, they can't. Progressives and conservatives don't have much common ground to work with and the gulf between their differences is expansive.
Most of America's problems are because there are multiple cultural groups trying to coexist, they can't. Progressives and conservatives don't have much common ground to work with and the gulf between their differences is expansive.
Multiple cultural groups can co-exist and do. It’s the career politicians and vocal minority that makes it hard.
Multiple cultural groups can co-exist and do. It’s the career politicians and vocal minority that makes it hard.
Along with social media causing further divide and media profiting off causing even more division. Otherwise there would not be the problems. I bet most people don't even know the political or cultural differences in their own neighborhoods.
Democrats don't get to suck and still remain in power. People were better off financially under Trump and I don't think Trump should run again because he turns out the Democrat voters better than anyone but people were doing better under him.

The Democrat induced inflation is killing the middle class. Suburban housewives are starting to notice a little less food in the pantry, a little less gas in the van and a little less money in the bank account.

Biden and Psaki have assured us that inflation is mostly Putin's fault.
Democrats are causing global inflation?? That’s what you’re saying.
As goes the dollar so goes the world...

The dollar remains the world's reserve currency today. Central banks held 59% of their reserves in U.S. dollars during the fourth quarter of 2020, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).7
Many of the reserves are in cash or U.S bonds, such as U.S. Treasuries. Dollar-denominated debt outside the U.S. continues to rise, with levels reaching $12.6 trillion as of mid-2020

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