Movie or TV Series Scenes that Gave You Goosebumps

rl stine 90s GIF
Not sure if goosebumps is quite right, but this scene absolutely gutted me as a kid. And I think it only gets sharper after getting older. Painfully accurate representation of depression and suicide and how it affects everyone involved.

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Too lazy to look up the YouTube links, but ones that stand out for me are .....

- Last scenes in The Walking Dead series premiere's teaser open, the little girl zombie dragging that ratty old doll as she stumbled along at that abandoned gas station, then dropping the doll as she 'rushed' Rick before he put her/it down.

- Again the TWD series premiere, when Rick & Morgan (& his son) are cowering in Morgan's living room and the zombie that was Morgan's wife walks up to the door and after looking in the peep hole, jiggles the locked door's handle as she tries to enter the home. (I realize it makes absolutely no sense at all that a zombie, let alone a non-just turned one, was capable of that but it was a powerfully tense moment at the time I first watched it)

- Honestly, most of the TWD premiere stands out for me. Sad to think how much I disliked what the show - and all its spinoffs - turned into years down the road.

- And finally, most of the original Pet Semetary movie qualifies personally, both because of how young I was when I first watched it and also because something in the movie almost really struck close to home.
I weirdly got goosebumps at the final boxing fight of "the fighter" in the moment when lampley says "as micky ward pounds away" and his former heroine addict/incarcerated brother (Bale) celebrates in the corner. Even though that fight was vs Neary and not Gatti when lampley said that.
Opening scene of Children of Men

This movie is a masterpiece of long shot cinematography and the the no cut opening scene just drew me in right away. Alfonso Cuaron is a treasure of movie making.
The St. Crispin's Day/Band of Brothers speech from Henry V gets me every time. It has been done by Laurence Olivier and Richard Burton and was even performed in the movie "Tombstone." Here it is from Kenneth Branagh:

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A very underrated show because of the way it jumped the shark was Sleepy Hollow (2013) that aired on Fox.

It was a horror/adventure show that basically filled the Fall/Halloween time slot for Fox around that time.

I can't find the scene right now, but towards the end of like the first or second episode, there's a scene where after teasing the main demon villain of the season, one of the main characters is looking through either a mirror or a window and there's a shadowy figure in the background and you kind of think nothing of it.....then the camera cuts to the main character who thinks she sees something.....and then it cuts back to the window.......and the shadowy figure comes flying at the window out of nowhere and scares the sh** out of the main character and basically everyone that watched that scene in real time, from what I remember when that series first aired.............................

I will try to find it, but that is my contribution to this thread.
Not sure if goosebumps is quite right, but this scene absolutely gutted me as a kid. And I think it only gets sharper after getting older. Painfully accurate representation of depression and suicide and how it affects everyone involved.

You SOB. You just brought up a memory about Atreyu and Artax that I had long tucked away. GD that scene hurt.

I prefer to think of the positive moments like Falcor!!