No question that General Patton was a prima donna,
and he even admitted it. Yet, the guy was passionate
about defeating the Germans and he did his part to
accomplish it.
It's amazing what an Academy Award winning movie and performance by lead actor will do for your reputation.
That said, I'm not trashing Patton. He struck fear in the German high command and his 3rd Army's trek to provide relief to the 101st Airborne at Bastogne is legendary.
I went to his Leadership Institute and Museum at Fort Knox this summer. Very impressive.
During a battle, he ordered each General under his command spend some time up at the front every day to bolster the morale of the troops.
After spending time at the front during a battle, Patton preferred to be transported back to the command area via small plane because he did not want the troops ever seeing him retreating in a jeep or his staff car. Appearances matter.
The pearl-handled revolvers he wore were not matched. One was pearl-handled, the other was ivory. Just little stuff on display at his museum.
He was an excellent athlete as a young man. He competed in the Olympics (I think it was 1912) for the U.S. in the decathlon. Finished 9th, I believe.
My Mount Rushmore list of U.S. Generals for WWII:
Dwight Eisenhower - incredible pressure and responsibility on his shoulders
Hap Arnold
Omar Bradley
Wainwright - highest ranking U.S. General captured during the war. Captured at Corrigedor (sp) when MacArthur left him swinging in the wind. Survived the Bataan death march and stood on the deck of U.S.S. Missouri to witness Japanese surrender. IMHO - they should have given him a sword and allowed him to decapitate the Japanese delegation.