My second player of the game


LOTS of unsung heroes on this team stepped it up, even in small roles and short minutes.
But those were really really valuable minutes.

Hawks' Defense the past 2+ weeks is light years better than it was earlier in the season. They frustrated the shit out of Purdue.

We had to win "2 Road Games" to win this Championship against Indiana and Purdue.
CMac with the and 1 on Williams. That was special🙂
If I had to choose ONE key play, that would probably be it. I mean it was so damn smart, so clutch, and to take that contact and still force that shot up and in for the 3-point play at THAT crucial moment . . . WOW. Say what you will, but CMac has been a huge cog in the Hawkeyes' wheel of success the last several weeks. And that play was as big as any.

BTW: This was such a complete TEAM win that it's just incredible. I mean the 11th and 12th guys off the bench did some key things, and there's no way to say enough good things about Tony P and Joe T. When Joe plays defense, his eyes light up like a four-year-old's on Christmas when he sees that pony. I mean, I don't know if I've ever seen a deeper, more complete, more enjoyable Iowa team than this one right now, and my first memories of Iowa basketball go all the way back to the 1960s. (A time you can find online or in bookstores everywhere.)
Talking about playing two ‘road’ games in the BTT, could have happened in Chicago with jNW and Illinois (if Illinois would have beaten Indiana).
I truly believe Joe T deserves to be nominated for second player of the game. Many guys contributed but he brought as much off the bench as I've seen in a long time. His defense drove Perdue crazy. Both out front and under the bucket.
Totally agree. I said before the game that he could well be the difference maker. I think he was and I was yelling for more playing time in the second half. His play was changing the entire game and had Purdue all discombobulated.
Talking about playing two ‘road’ games in the BTT, could have happened in Chicago with jNW and Illinois (if Illinois would have beaten Indiana).
Champaign to Chi is similar drive as Indy but Iowa would have way more alumni in Chi like most of the bten teams. And NW doesn't really have fans, it should be in Chicago. Way better tourist options if your team loses early too