Todd Lickliter coached at Iowa for 3 seasons and finished 8th, 10th, and 9th in the league. He never finished lower than 10th. Fran McCaffrey has finished 11th ('17-'18).I will add my two cents, his deserved credit for bringing Iowa back from the Lickliter Cliffs is not that relevant today, but it keeps him from being fired.
The "Lickliter cliffs" are vastly overblown folklore. Lickliter wasn't bad enough for long enough to have done any kind of lasting damage to the Iowa program. Lickliter finished 9th his last season, and Fran finished 10th in his first.
Is Fran a better coach than Lickliter was? Certainly. Did Fran McCaffrey ressurect and rebuild from scratch a bottom of the barrel, completely ruined program?
No. That's a children's story complete with monster and hero. Not reality.