Name the strongest and weakest units


Oct 1, 2001
on the team this year. My opinion for the strongest unit is the offensive backfield. They have a superb QB and three proven running backs. They also are behind a strong O-line.

The weakest unit would be the special teams kicking group. To me, they are a complete unknown.
I concur the backfield is strong. Defensive backfield is a close second.

I'd say WR's are the weakest due to unknowns besides MVB. DE's would be my runners up since Nelson and Hesse, although good potential and size, are still young and experienced.
Kicking game most worrisome (time will tell if weakest) and my strongest is tie between LBs & Secondary & Off Backfield (like 3 good flavors of ice cream - i cannot pick).
Kicking game concerns me. I can't really tel enough from the spring game to categorize strongest and weakest units.
The strongest unit is QB. CJB has a chance to become the greatest Hawkeye QB of all-time. He will be a top 20 pick and I've been saying this since the Pitt game when he turned a Rudock debacle into a W. The way the team responded to the Sex Cannon was palpable.

Weakest unit - WR, just like it is almost every year. For us to contend for B1G/NC, this needs to be proven incorrect. Looking at you, McCarron, Scheel, Smith, and Falconer. Step up to the plate and eat.
IMHO, the strongest position group are the DBs. They can survive just fine if Dez were to miss some time, with Josh Jackson and Ojemudia filling in. I can't say the same if CJB were to miss some time in Offensive backfield.

Weakest - WR. Broken record. Sounds like we just got weaker, there, with Jonathon Parker's foot injury (per another thread).

I am confident in the 5 starters on the OLine. Nervous about the next man in... and that is a position that ALWAYS needs a few good replacements.

If Mends is as fast and disruptive as I think he can be, the LB group might be pushing hard to get the vote as our best.

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