Nearly 250 years ago, a group of colonists who were sick and tired of living under the rule of a monarchy on the other side of an ocean went to war...

Here’s the dirty little secret that’s not so secret - this is the offensive scheme KF wants. Ousting Brian does nothing if he just plugs someone else in to coach this same approach and scheme.

That’s not a defense of Brian, I’m not invested in him as OC, it’s just the reality.

I will say, I thought the author of that piece would have done better to A) not compare KF to a king when there’s no corollary to the people who revolted and led a revolution…that’s just not how college football works and B) the chart was super lazy - he double-counted 2022 in order to make things look worse. He’d probably have been able to make a stronger case if he lined up all the years, because there’s a pretty stark level of decline…..instead, took the biggest outlier and used it twice.