Dumb post is retarded. (Lol, looks like I pushed the right buttons cuz......u mad bro. Lol) Nobody here is nervous. (Yes, you are.) Looking forward to it. (I'm looking forward to an Iowa win too. Great minds think alike!!!) Squawk eyes will be exposed by a 5-6 team. (Lol, no we won't.) We are smart fans (Keep telling yourself that.)....remember the poll they did? (No.)
You have a cute (Odd compliment but hey whatever floats your boat....), solid team. Would get rolled by MSU, OSU, Mich though. (No we wouldn't. We've already beat them. They just don't know it.) On the other hand we are getting better on both sides of the ball (Lol, no you're not.) and will be healthy for first time this year. (Good, so you'll have no excuses for losing then....) Check the spread when it comes out. (Vegas hates Iowa.) We'll see what insiders think of you (Insiders hate Iowa.)......it has to hurt knowing you will get beat in our worst year in decades and your best year ever. (It probably wouldn't because I've seen too many disappointing games/seasons to even be mad at this point, especially with the BTCG still on tap, but since we aren't losing, it's irrelevant.
And btw, your 2004 and 2007 teams are probably worse considering you gave up 50-70 pts on a consistent basis in those years. I think Kansas is still scoring touchdowns on you guys........................................Kansas.)