Never in my Life have I been so Ashamed to be an American

There's some fairness to this point. I think we can all agree is that what really kept Biden's head above water were his advisers. But Trump doesn't even have that. He hired the dumbest people possible. We're stuck with a geezer even more out of it and a group of advisers equally as clueless.
You had me for a second, and then retreated back to normal. Dumbest people possible, cmon man. How about we just start with the VP - you really want to go to war with Kamala vs JD? And Bidens team was focused on DEI hires, they didn’t even attempt for competency. So again ur just being political, it’s a no context when comparing these past two admins. Just because they are Rs doesn’t mean they suck.
You had me for a second, and then retreated back to normal. Dumbest people possible, cmon man. How about we just start with the VP - you really want to go to war with Kamala vs JD? And Bidens team was focused on DEI hires, they didn’t even attempt for competency. So again ur just being political, it’s a no context when comparing these past two admins. Just because they are Rs doesn’t mean they suck.
How I don't have you on ignore is a wonder.
Would you use a scalpel to mow this field? Screw the chainsaw. They need to break out a bush hog.

PS: Sounds like what you really want is a democrook who would end DEI and USAID. Good luck with that shit. 😂😂😂

Dude, wtf are you talking about? Only a MAGA could come up with something this stupid.
I wanted to end DEI, I’m for the ending of the USAID. The cuts to the government were needed, but they are using a chainsaw to do a scalpels job. Elons tweeting, the possible selling of US lands and the tax breaks for the rich are nothing I wanted, and why I didn’t vote for him. We need a hero. I doubt any of the cucks who have a R by their name have the balls or intestinal fortitude to do what is right.
This post from someone I've previously classified as a MAGA is maybe about the most hopeful thing I've seen anywhere today.
There isn’t a dem on this board that has any credibility to criticize Trump and say he is inept after standing behind Biden for the last four years. You supported a guy who fell off his bike, was 50/50 making it successfully up a flight of stairs, couldn’t complete a full thought most days, and on and on. Admit he was incompetent and then we can have a conversation. Otherwise you are just being political and will never see anything good in Trump…which makes ur opinions worthless. How about try to add some value sometime and be subjective for one second.
You're just a cuck bitch troll but I can't let this go.

Biden's problem was that he was too old to run a modern campaign, he was mostly fine doing the job--although he was definitely past his prime--but you could make the same case against Ronald Reagan. And Biden certainly would be way way way better in every way than Trump if he was still President.

Biden still had his marbles, even though he was apparently starting to sundown. He was just fine in the press conference after the debate, actually gave some very thoughtful and cogent answers to some of the questions, especially on foreign policy. Worlds better than Trump.

You're just a cuck bitch troll but I can't let this go.

Biden's problem was that he was too old to run a modern campaign, he was mostly fine doing the job--although he was definitely past his prime--but you could make the same case against Ronald Reagan. And Biden certainly would be way way way better in every way than Trump if he was still President.

Biden still had his marbles, even though he was apparently starting to sundown. He was just fine in the press conference after the debate, actually gave some very thoughtful and cogent answers to some of the questions, especially on foreign policy. Worlds better than Trump.

Please enlighten me how Biden and Kamala would have handled that interaction with Z…other than folding and giving him another $100B.
There isn’t a dem on this board that has any credibility to criticize Trump and say he is inept after standing behind Biden for the last four years. You supported a guy who fell off his bike, was 50/50 making it successfully up a flight of stairs, couldn’t complete a full thought most days, and on and on. Admit he was incompetent and then we can have a conversation. Otherwise you are just being political and will never see anything good in Trump…which makes ur opinions worthless. How about try to add some value sometime and be subjective for one second.
Lol. Almost any breathing or not, non-maganazi would be better than that fat pile of orange shit.
Please enlighten me how Biden and Kamala would have handled that interaction with Z…other than folding and giving him another $100B.
WTF is wrong with you?

So you think Zelensky is an enemy/adversary of the United States and Biden/Kamala would be "folding" or what the hell ever if they treated him courteously and with respect?

I'm personally fine with contributing another $100 billion because it's a cheap price to further weaken Putin's autocratic Russia and its attempt to reconstitute the old Soviet Union and also serve as a warning to other aggressive dictatorial powers like China that they'll face United States opposition and dollars/materiel if they try to attack say Taiwan.

Trump/Vance are throwing away our soft power leadership of the free world, which in the end is going to be zillions of dollars more expensive for the United States than a few more hundred billion provided to a country fighting for its life against a dictator.
There isn’t a dem on this board that has any credibility to criticize Trump and say he is inept after standing behind Biden for the last four years. You supported a guy who fell off his bike, was 50/50 making it successfully up a flight of stairs, couldn’t complete a full thought most days, and on and on. Admit he was incompetent and then we can have a conversation. Otherwise you are just being political and will never see anything good in Trump…which makes ur opinions worthless. How about try to add some value sometime and be subjective for one second.
I'll bite....Biden was incompetent

Now you go....NVM, I'll start.... Trump is far worse than incompetent, he's an unbelievably dense buffoon who is owned by dark money oligarchy.

If you can't see how he's doing our enemies bidding, then YOUR opinion is worthless.
GOP politicians that have the inclination and ability to stand up to this chaotic mess are all so balkanizied themselves that I'm sure most have been caught off guard by this as well.

It's sad but I continue to have a better grasp on how authoritarian governments take hold.
We are living it buddy! I honestly cannot believe what I have seen in America ever since 1/6/21 to today…when did folks stop taking Civics and Government classes?
Please enlighten me how Biden and Kamala would have handled that interaction with Z…other than folding and giving him another $100B.
The press would not have been invited to oversee…. And hence 99.99% of the problem would have been eliminated!
WHO the phuque invites “the press” into a crucial and private negotiation like this….other than a couple of obtuse ignorant inexperienced puppy dogs?
How phuquin’ dumb are our President and vice-President? Obviously pretty phuquin stupid.
There isn’t a dem on this board that has any credibility to criticize Trump and say he is inept after standing behind Biden for the last four years. You supported a guy who fell off his bike, was 50/50 making it successfully up a flight of stairs, couldn’t complete a full thought most days, and on and on. Admit he was incompetent and then we can have a conversation. Otherwise you are just being political and will never see anything good in Trump…which makes ur opinions worthless. How about try to add some value sometime and be subjective for one second.
Harris voter checking in.

Biden was incompetent and his combo of narcissism, senility and f*ckhead family gave the presidency on a platter to Trump. Biden is a HUGE part of the mess we now find ourselves in. He is the second worst president in modern memory as a result of his inability to admit he should only serve one term. But he is still a million times more competent than Trump who is the worst president in American history.

Was never MAGA but was never going to vote for a progressive. The border, DEI, pro Islamic candidates… will never get my vote. Neither will MAGA
That’s your line in the sand for giving democracy to facists?

Look, maybe I’m giving you too much respect. You always seemed like a level headed guy. I may not agree with you on things, but you aren’t an idiot.

I have to think you knew what was coming with another term by Trump? It’s the fact that you are smart enough to see all that, and not vote for Harris that blows my mind.

Maybe I’m giving you too much credit, idk.
No there isn't. Judging us losers that post here to the same standard as the POTUS is part of the nationwide brain damage that led us here in the first place.

Agree. The damage they're doing is because they are dumb and incompetent, deliberately placed in these positions to create chaos.

Conspiracy theorists for FBI leadership positions. Even Hoover is turning over in his grave.

Stupid TV host for Secretary of State? JFC.

Anti Vaxxer, conspiracy theorist for HHS. How many people will die?

Foreign agent for CIA Director. OMG!

An AG in waiting as the Turd's personal attorney.

And on and on.

Great job, U.S. Seante. Orange Turd. Red America.
No, show me democratic candidates who take a stand on the border and trans in sports.
My man, the President of the United States just handed our country over to Putin on a platter, on live TV, and you're over here still talking about trans in sports.

Do you understand what happened yesterday? Like do you truly understand what took place in the Oval Office for the world to see? That's our President. The guy you "unintentionally" supported because you're too worried about the 2 or 3 trans athletes participating in sports.
Are those the two most important issues for you? How are you impacted by immigrants and trans in Clarinda?
Immigration needs improved to keep anyone who has ever committed what would be a felony, out of our nation, but allow good hard workers in. The trans things is a matter of principle and common sense. Be trans, that’s ok, but don’t play women’s sports.