New 9/11 Doc

I'll try to catch it. I don't believe any of the "Truthers" but enjoy these movies. I watched Loose Change when we first got Netflix and enjoyed it. I see why people like taking trips down the rabbit hole, but you can't stay down there and still be taken seriously.
This isn't what I expected as it is very much based in the sciences of how the buildings collapsed. Not a crackpot film.
Through the first 30 minutes, so far... lots of very interesting scientific analogy of energy, distribution, obstruction, and basic physics.

How anyone looks at those buildings falling and doesn't see a controlled demolition is beyond me. The moment it happened, I was watching and asked a friend who was watching with me "Can they pull buildings that fast? Why are they pulling them? Why not just let them burn?" I had no idea of conspiracy. I had no thought of who did anything. I just saw buildings falling exactly like a demolition! The details of why, how, who... didn't matter. They still don't really matter to me. I just know fire didn't cause them to collapse.
And some people wonder why others view scientist with a level of skepticism...
These guys sound very convincing and can present all types of hi tech scientific sounding evidence but in reality the first few minutes of the video makes it crystal clear what their aim is. Their cause it's clearly anti-war and they obviously view 911 as a hoax perpetrated to start the wars in the Middle East. The fact they are willing to bend scientific evidence in order to advance their agenda is pretty alarming.
You're welcome to debate me when given the chance. You never seem willing. Why the need to demonize?
Not trying to demonize you at all just know that these conspiracy thread is your kind of thread. My apologies that it came across that way.

Not much to debate with you since you have your mind made up. You believe it was a inside job and I don't.

The question I don't see answered is why do it? Why put together this big elaborate operation? Why hire a bunch of guys to hi-jack a bunch of planes and then fly them into buildings that you have pre-wired to take down?

How long would it take to rig and how much explosives would you need to bring down a world trade center building? Demo guys take a lot of time to rig a building to bring down how could a few guys do it and keep it all hidden?

These are some of the questions I would like to see answered
Not trying to demonize you at all just know that these conspiracy thread is your kind of thread. My apologies that it came across that way.

Not much to debate with you since you have your mind made up. You believe it was a inside job and I don't.

The question I don't see answered is why do it? Why put together this big elaborate operation? Why hire a bunch of guys to hi-jack a bunch of planes and then fly them into buildings that you have pre-wired to take down?

How long would it take to rig and how much explosives would you need to bring down a world trade center building? Demo guys take a lot of time to rig a building to bring down how could a few guys do it and keep it all hidden?

These are some of the questions I would like to see answered
Nevermind the fact that the supposed demolition of both buildings started right where the planes impacted. Pretty damn good aim there. Nor the fact that the second building hit was the first one to be brought down. And what about mysterious building 13? That has to be evidence this was controlled demolition right? Why bring it down seven hours after the Twin Towers then?
It's interesting how these conspiracy nuts are all so desperate for their theory to be true they will grab ahold of any shred of doubt that may exist and treat it as indisputable fact just to support their agenda.
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Not trying to demonize you at all just know that these conspiracy thread is your kind of thread. My apologies that it came across that way.

Not much to debate with you since you have your mind made up. You believe it was a inside job and I don't.

The question I don't see answered is why do it? Why put together this big elaborate operation? Why hire a bunch of guys to hi-jack a bunch of planes and then fly them into buildings that you have pre-wired to take down?

How long would it take to rig and how much explosives would you need to bring down a world trade center building? Demo guys take a lot of time to rig a building to bring down how could a few guys do it and keep it all hidden?

These are some of the questions I would like to see answered

I unequivocally believe the planes took down the WTC, but if you believe in the military industrial complex, it's easy to see why.

Billions of dollars injected into the mfg sector. Hell, I worked for two companies in the last 10 years that supplied numerous components to the MRAP vehicles, as a company we made a lot of profit on those parts.
You can play this whole conspiracy theory through in your head; acknowledge all of the cover up, etc. At the end of the day, though, your theory is that they were trying to hide a demolition by picking a method that looked like a demolition..... An expert could have easily accounted for that and planted the explosive differently, no? What, they didn't want to cause more casualties?
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Aside from them both going straight down, they don't look very similar. The top buckled in the middle and the bottom had the entire building fall. (It also incidentally started to twist at the bottom.)

Is your theory that they tried to hide a demolition by doing a demolition?
My theory is fire doesn't bring down steel-framed skyscrapers. Never before or since 9-11 has fire brought down a steel-framed skyscraper. There is explosions, explosive evidence ALL OVER the place in all 3 collapses. I used WTC7 because no plane hit it, and it's blatantly obvious it's being pulled.

And, I don't think you'll find any two different buildings collapse identically in a demolition... but they're still being pulled. They do, however, all have an abundant evidence of explosions and explosives.




There's a pretty clear video of the one of the towers coming down where it collapses in right at the point of impact before it goes down. I'm too lazy to sift through the bajillion conspiracy videos to find it, but it's there. Doesn't look like a controlled demolition at all.
Not trying to demonize you at all just know that these conspiracy thread is your kind of thread. My apologies that it came across that way.

Not much to debate with you since you have your mind made up. You believe it was a inside job and I don't.

The question I don't see answered is why do it? Why put together this big elaborate operation? Why hire a bunch of guys to hi-jack a bunch of planes and then fly them into buildings that you have pre-wired to take down?

How long would it take to rig and how much explosives would you need to bring down a world trade center building? Demo guys take a lot of time to rig a building to bring down how could a few guys do it and keep it all hidden?

These are some of the questions I would like to see answered
Did I say that?
I unequivocally believe the planes took down the WTC, but if you believe in the military industrial complex, it's easy to see why.

Billions of dollars injected into the mfg sector. Hell, I worked for two companies in the last 10 years that supplied numerous components to the MRAP vehicles, as a company we made a lot of profit on those parts.
There are easier ways to start wars as we have seen.

To believe the M/I complex did this is pretty far out there IMHO. The amount of people that would have to be involved is pretty big and that is not a good thing for a conspiracy. The MIC benefitted from it but would they really have went to the extreme of putting together a group to hi-jack 4 planes another group to wire buildings for demolition and thought they could keep it all secret?
My theory is fire doesn't bring down steel-framed skyscrapers. Never before or since 9-11 has fire brought down a steel-framed skyscraper. There is explosions, explosive evidence ALL OVER the place in all 3 collapses. I used WTC7 because no plane hit it, and it's blatantly obvious it's being pulled.

And, I don't think you'll find any two different buildings collapse identically in a demolition... but they're still being pulled. They do, however, all have an abundant evidence of explosions and explosives.




Since 9-11 no airliners almost full of fuel have hit a building. When the trade centers were built I doubt they thought they would deal with a plane accelerating into with a target of dead center.
Since 9-11 no airliners almost full of fuel have hit a building. When the trade centers were built I doubt they thought they would deal with a plane accelerating into with a target of dead center.
No plane hit this building.


That's just a classic demolition.

"When the trade centers were built I doubt they thought they would deal with a plane accelerating into with a target of dead center." That's actually false. They were built with that in mind.
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So, yes, your position is that this whole thing was orchestrated to make a demolition look like a demolition? That's like faking a home invasion to cover up a murder of your wife, then using your own gun and leaving your fingerprints on it and storing it in your car.
Remember that time they found the passport of one of the hijackers at ground zero. That's good stuff. The fire was hot enough to melt a building to the ground that was completely set up for this exact type of incident but it couldn't burn that darn passport. And no I don't necessarily believe our government was involved. However a plausible deniability similar to Pearl Harbor and what FDR knew wouldn't surprise me. You stand down NORAD you stand down right now. Oh yeah and any other jets be sure to scramble them out over the ocean in the exact opposite direction.
Remember that time they found the passport of one of the hijackers at ground zero. That's good stuff. The fire was hot enough to melt a building to the ground that was completely set up for this exact type of incident but it couldn't burn that darn passport. And no I don't necessarily believe our government was involved. However a plausible deniability similar to Pearl Harbor and what FDR knew wouldn't surprise me. You stand down NORAD you stand down right now. Oh yeah and any other jets be sure to scramble them out over the ocean in the exact opposite direction.

Yes, because the entire plane was consumed in a fire within the walls of the towers. / sarcasm People within the walls lived. Is it so shocking that a passport made it? Numerous items made it - go to the memorial.

And never mind the TV replays which show debris flying through the buildings and ending up blocks away. You can do the physics calculation of an object hitting a structure several hundred feet in the air moving several hundred miles an hour and calculate a debris field. Hint - it doesn't stay with the confines of the burning structure.
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If only I'd known this thread was going to reappear, I would have bought tinfoil futures.
You're not willing to realize that the Bush Administration went into Iraq knowing that they weren't going to find WMD's. So I mean your credibility,'s kind of lacking.
No plane hit this building.


That's just a classic demolition.

"When the trade centers were built I doubt they thought they would deal with a plane accelerating into with a target of dead center." That's actually false. They were built with that in mind.
What is funny is that the NIST report has BLATANT lies, in it. All up and down the report, that have been refuted, proven, and shown on video to be completely wrong, yet no one cares.
Yes, because the entire plane was consumed in a fire within the walls of the towers. / sarcasm People within the walls lived. Is it so shocking that a passport made it? Numerous items made it - go to the memorial.

And never mind the TV replays which show debris flying through the buildings and ending up blocks away. You can do the physics calculation of an object hitting a structure several hundred feet in the air moving several hundred miles an hour and calculate a debris field. Hint - it doesn't stay with the confines of the burning structure.

Just curious how you think a plane that almost completely shredded upon impact, lost most of it's fuel during the explosion, somehow had enough fuel to go all the way down the 'elevator shaft', in order to weaken the bottom columns, which supposedly helped the building collapse at near free fall speeds?

How did the force from the top, create more force than what was pushing back against it from the bottom, which according to 'physics experts' is MUCH more force than what the top could have overcome. I mean if the top had partially fallen off and sloppily fell leaving most of the building intact, then you would have an argument. Instead it 'pancaked', all the way down and was completely finished falling in less than 20 seconds.

You're no more a physics expert than anyone here bud. If common sense tells you that impossible circumstances led to an even more impossible outcome, then that is on you.

The NIST report by the way, has been proven time and time again, to have blatant lies. It says, that no one heard blasts, Yeah, except for all the videos of people talking about hearing blasts. That's just one of them.
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Through the first 30 minutes, so far... lots of very interesting scientific analogy of energy, distribution, obstruction, and basic physics.

How anyone looks at those buildings falling and doesn't see a controlled demolition is beyond me. The moment it happened, I was watching and asked a friend who was watching with me "Can they pull buildings that fast? Why are they pulling them? Why not just let them burn?" I had no idea of conspiracy. I had no thought of who did anything. I just saw buildings falling exactly like a demolition! The details of why, how, who... didn't matter. They still don't really matter to me. I just know fire didn't cause them to collapse.

Wow. You're officially crazy. And you'd be one of the first ones to scream that Obama CAN'T possibly be a muslim or not born in the U.S.
-Drills going over the very same scenario took place the day of the attack

-Norad planes didn't make it to even one of the planes, despite how much time they had.

-pools of molten steel underneath the wreckage.

-thermite found on scene

-steel from buildings immediately shipped to China

-Multiple instances of witnesses claiming they heard explosions.. ON CAMERA.

-Multiple instances of FIREFIGHTERS, saying they heard explosions,...ON CAMERA.

-Owner of building took out a HUGE insurance claim after this, and also signed for insurance prior to the attack.

-Building 7 was full of Federal Offices, including FBI, IRS, etc.

-Calls made by passengers in planes via cell phones..? Impossible to do at the time, and mostly impossible to do that even today.

-Bin Laden, IMMEDIATELY called out on this, DESPITE, no proof whatsoever that it was him.

These are just a few questions.
Wow. You're officially crazy. And you'd be one of the first ones to scream that Obama CAN'T possibly be a muslim or not born in the U.S.
He's not you idiot. Do you really think that the elites would let a Jihadist in office? Use your common sense. How stupid can some of you be?
What so you call mustard gas?
So we killed 3,000 or our Americans to get mustard gas? Yeah. If you want to be proud of being the modern day Nazi of America, then fine.
But all that has been accomplished is that our soldiers died, and it was simply for economic power. Geopolitical power too. Make you feel good?
Remember that time they found the passport of one of the hijackers at ground zero. That's good stuff. The fire was hot enough to melt a building to the ground that was completely set up for this exact type of incident but it couldn't burn that darn passport. And no I don't necessarily believe our government was involved. However a plausible deniability similar to Pearl Harbor and what FDR knew wouldn't surprise me. You stand down NORAD you stand down right now. Oh yeah and any other jets be sure to scramble them out over the ocean in the exact opposite direction.

And tornadoes will take out one house and leave the one next door alone. Shit happens and it's sometimes unexplainable, but it happens.
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