Well, let's forget about the Towers for a minute. Let's ask ourselves what any cop would do if a crime was committed. No conspiracy. Just good detective work. Cui bono goes back to the days of Cicero. Who benefitted from this? We know that this was the event that catapulted our country into our interventionist excursions into the ME. We know that over $1TRILLION $$$$ has been spent to fight a tactic known as terrorism. Look...over here AQ. No...over here ISIS. Now they're in (pick a country). Bad men everywhere. Problem is...they're both a creation of Washington.
We know that the neocon think tank, Project for a New American Century (PNAC), called for a Pearl Harbor like event in 1997 to get us into the ME. We know that the Patriot Act was written at a CFR study group by Gary Hart and Warren Rudman in 1998 looking for an event to implement the consolidation of federal agencies morphing into the Dept. of Fatherland Insecurity. Sorry, that was after the bombing of the Reichstag and Hitler & Goerring blamed it on the Communists and installed the Enabling Act. I meant to say the Dept. of Homeland Security. It was passed in the middle of the night w/o anyone reading it. The Bill of Rights was lost that day.
We know, as I posted today in the Iran deal thread, that General Wesley Clark was told 9 days after 9/11, that DC targeted 7 countries for invasion. He told this in 2007. It has all come true and then some. We know that immediately following the planes hitting the Towers, the evidence was carted off onto a ship. It was a FRIGGING crime scene. You can't tamper with that. Who gave that order? We had learned 30 years after the JFK assassination of Operation Northwoods. It was signed off by the Joint Chiefs of Staff that they wanted to bomb buses and trains in the US and blame Fidel Castro so they could sell war to the American schmuck/ citizen. Google it. So, yes. Our leaders do think of killing our own to achieve their goals. History is littered with false flags. While you're at it...Google Sibel Edmonds (FBI translator) and FBI Special Agent, Colleen Rowley.
Why did Condi Rice say no one could ever imagine anyone flying planes into bldgs. as her defense for not stopping it, when she had said just that weeks before? The people who prosecuted the war in Iraq knew that WMD's were a lie as they were being told. There is evidence of that. Lastly for now, ain't no way in flipping hell a few scattered office fires can make a bldg. collapse into its own footprint in less than 10 seconds w/o ever being hit by a plane. Even if you say it could (a 1st in history) the iron beams would still be standing erect. They vaporized into thin air. there was no jet fuel on it to make EVERY BEAM collapse.