New Emerson Poll Has Trump Up 4 Nationally

I'm not the one saying certain democrats should be banned from consideration while claiming to love democracy in the same breath
You have, however, become obsessed with Trump lately. Obsessed.

If Trump were actually a candidate worth a shit, he should have Reagan vs. Mondale type numbers against the vegetable-in-chief.

And now with all the heavy hitters in the Democratic Party coming out publicly against Biden staying in the race, you best believe they are going to desperately seek out someone in the party who will appeal to more moderates. And if that does indeed happen, it’s quite possible all the edging and fapping you have done since Saturday will amount to nothing more than premature ejaculation.

So, yeah, I would be careful before blowing your wad all over your keyboard. Hey, don’t blame me for holding up the mirror when you’re providing the act. I think it’s gross, personally, watching you fap on here day and night to Trump. Hopefully this will convince you to pump the brakes a bit. Right now, you’re on the opposite end of the pathetic spectrum in comparison to Chishawk, but your act is still pathetic and again…a bit premature.

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The national polls are indeed completely irrelevant. The state polls are more relevant, but as you note, there is an eternity to go.

Personally, I don't think he's as much of a long shot as you think. It's as simple as this: PA. If Biden wins there, it gets much harder for Trump, and PA is a state that I'd never count Biden out in, particularly this far out.
Not necessarily. Trump really just needs Arizona, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Georgia. PA might not even matter
You have, however, become obsessed with Trump lately. Obsessed.

If Trump were actually a candidate worth a shit, he should have Reagan vs. Mondale type numbers against the vegetable-in-chief.

And now with all the heavy hitters in the Democratic Party coming out publicly against Biden staying in the race, you best believe they are going to desperately seek out someone in the party who will appeal to more moderates. And if that does indeed happen, it’s quite possible all the edging and fapping you have done since Saturday will amount to nothing more than premature ejaculation.

So, yeah, I would be careful before blowing your wad all over your keyboard. Hey, don’t blame me for holding up the mirror when you’re providing the act. I think it’s gross, personally, watching you fap on here day and night to Trump. Hopefully this will convince you to pump the brakes a bit. Right now, you’re on the opposite end of the pathetic spectrum in comparison to Chishawk, but your act is still pathetic and again…a bit premature.

I'm literally making the pitch to let kennedy fight to be the democrats nominee bc I would consider voting for him and think he would be a better pick than a Kamala harros type. Spare me the holier than thou act. I'm not buying your shtick anymore.
You have, however, become obsessed with Trump lately. Obsessed.

If Trump were actually a candidate worth a shit, he should have Reagan vs. Mondale type numbers against the vegetable-in-chief.

And now with all the heavy hitters in the Democratic Party coming out publicly against Biden staying in the race, you best believe they are going to desperately seek out someone in the party who will appeal to more moderates. And if that does indeed happen, it’s quite possible all the edging and fapping you have done since Saturday will amount to nothing more than premature ejaculation.

So, yeah, I would be careful before blowing your wad all over your keyboard. Hey, don’t blame me for holding up the mirror when you’re providing the act. I think it’s gross, personally, watching you fap on here day and night to Trump. Hopefully this will convince you to pump the brakes a bit. Right now, you’re on the opposite end of the pathetic spectrum in comparison to Chishawk, but your act is still pathetic and again…a bit premature.

What does a more moderate candidate look like from either party right now?
Wow is right! Guy is only up 4 over a guy who can't put 2 sentences together. Impressive!
Yeah, the two candidates we have to offer this country is pretty laughable. Sad, really 👎🏼

But to hate one of the candidates sooo much that you’re willing to vote for a guy that can hardly talk, can hardly walk, and supports the remembrance of people like George Floyd is beyond pathetic.
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Every poll has Joe losing. Every poll has everyone besides Joe faring better. The Dems best chance is to run what I've heard people call a blitz primary to identify the best candidate among a half dozen. If they did that they'd have a chance to excite the base and carve out their share of independents who don't like Trump but don't see a viable option today. The reality is that the majority of voters are still looking for a reason not to vote for the guy.
I get it, but I still believe there's a certain strong element of irrational panic going on here among democrats given the time til the election.

First, every poll does not have joe losing (and the 538 prediction model actually shows him winning 53 out of 100), and every poll does not have everyone besides joe faring better. For example, today's I.A. battleground polls show joe outperforming Harris in AZ, NV, and FL. And most of the ones that matter are within MOE. And another note re: Emerson - it's a RV poll, not a LV poll.

To be sure, Joe has his problems, and big ones at that. He's the guy we elected to be the grandfather to calm us down after 2016-20, and he's ended up as the grandfather who's just letting the grandkids run hog wild. And most importantly, Trump suffers from all of the same vulnerabilities that you note above with respect to Biden. To the extent that Trump has one advantage, at least right now, it's simple enthusiasm gap. And the gap there may be self-inflicted.

Finally, I think people have not really considered the vulnerabilities associated with a switch, both in terms of negative democratic effects (he did get chosen through popular primaries, and his ties to the AA community are formidable) and positive republican effects (motivation associated with electoral messaging that d's are ultimately just motivated by a lust for power).

Maybe you're right. It may be that Trump does win 300+ EVs if things are left alone. But from where I sit, come November, it's just as likely he loses with about 265.
I'm literally making the pitch to let kennedy fight to be the democrats nominee bc I would consider voting for him and think he would be a better pick than a Kamala harros type. Spare me the holier than thou act. I'm not buying your shtick anymore.
And what “shtick” would that be?

Just curious how your mind works. 😋
Yeah, the two candidates we have to offer this country is pretty laughable. Sad, really 👎🏼

But to hate one of the candidates sooo much that you’re willing to vote for a guy that can hardly talk, can hardly walk, and supports the remembrance of people like George Floyd is beyond pathetic.
It's not about hate. It's about voting for a guy who's shown over and over again to be unfit to serve. It's about voting for a guy who's very own cabinet members have said the same thing. It's about a guy that watched the capital under attack from the White House with a hard on because he wasn't willing to allow for a peaceful transfer of power. This ain't rocket science.
The Dems are in crisis mode entering the front door of their own convention, LOL!

They know they have to run Heels Up Harris on top of the ticket if Joe bails and they are scared shitless.

Meanwhile in Milwaukee the GOP is having one of the best conventions of all time.
It's not about hate. It's about voting for a guy who's shown over and over again to be unfit to serve. It's about voting for a guy who's very own cabinet members have said the same thing. It's about a guy that watched the capital under attack from the White House with a hard on because he wasn't willing to allow for a peaceful transfer of power. This ain't rocket science.
The way Trump seemed to not discourage the Jan 6th deal is pretty lame, but, what about the rest of his presidency?

What about Biden’s 3+ years so far? Not doing a darn thing about the border…celebrating the life of George Floyd…pushing the narrative that White people should inherently feel a sense of guilt for being White? Talk about causing division!

In my opinion, the negatives of Joe’s actions/inaction greatly outweighs Trumps. Too easy.
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Because he's not even a Democrat today?
He was a Democrat until the democrats told him it was biden or bust! Which was insane bc the president is insane! Thankfully people will now finally admit it. He only became an enemy bc the left views anyone who dissent as an enemy. You guys chased tulsi off too. Two great candidates to run ve either biden or trump in a sane election.
He was a Democrat until the democrats told him it was biden or bust! Which was insane bc the president is insane! Thankfully people will now finally admit it. He only became an enemy bc the left views anyone who dissent as an enemy. You guys chased tulsi off too. Two great candidates to run ve either biden or trump in a sane election.
What's insane is that you think Kennedy can run as a Democrat in the same cycle that he ran as an independent. Go back to school Scruddy.
Both sides should be nervous.

If I'm right, I want Biden to run. No way he does so winning just got harder.

If I'm left, I'm scared to pick the replacement. You have one shot and not much time.
I think this scares the bejeesus out of Trump supporters who believed this was over and are about to start screaming "This isn't fair!! The Demorats are cheating again!!

The Dems thought they'd already lost so no biggie.
Dems now only expect 25% of the donations originally expected for this month.

White House (in denial?) now claiming polls are not that accurate and Biden is still the candidate. (This just released today despite all the rumors it is the end for Biden.)
I think this scares the bejeesus out of Trump supporters who believed this was over and are about to start screaming "This isn't fair!! The Demorats are cheating again!!

The Dems thought they'd already lost so no biggie.
Who’s gonna step in and beat Trump?

That joker from California?