New Here. 2007 player. MI beat us this way.

I seen that too. Fast Decisions. Sometimes wrong, sometimes missed opportunities. The play was a PI and a bad no call. The defender knew he was beat and yanked down on receivers jersey. The yank stopped momentum to the ball for the receiver. To call that uncatchable was an over site. Question: Why was this not at least defensive holding?
Exactly. But also Michigan knew exactly what play was coming with Martin on the field.
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I go back to the corner throw to Martin. So we put a little used WR in the game who isn't as skilled at that play as Smith or IMS and then throw it 15 yards out of bounds. You can't afford to give plays away in any game, but definitely not in defensive battles like that one. Could have run some tempo at MI so they couldn't make 6 adjustments before the snap. Crazy talk I know.

For the love of God! He did NOT throw it 15 yards OOB. It landed about 2-3 yards out of bounds. If Martin had made it to the spot he was supposed to get to, it would have been shoulder-facemask high. He didn't get to that spot because he got mugged along the way. It wouldn't have been any different if it was Smith, ISM, Tracy, Ragaini, or Julian Edelman. It was blatant holding/PI. Stanley had a terrible game but that play was in no way on him.
I seen that too. Fast Decisions. Sometimes wrong, sometimes missed opportunities. The play was a PI and a bad no call. The defender knew he was beat and yanked down on receivers jersey. The yank stopped momentum to the ball for the receiver. To call that uncatchable was an over site. Question: Why was this not at least defensive holding?
Because holding on a receiver is a penalty before the ball leaves the QB's hand. The intention of the rule is the receiver is not an option to be thrown to because he is held.

Pass interference is the penalty once the ball is in the air. The intention of the rule is that the receiver has been thrown to and is impeded from making the catch.

They are not overlapping rules. They apply at different times. In the case of pass interference it requires the pass to be catcheable based on the concept that when thrown to the receiver was in a position to catch the ball.

So no holdimg is not holding as much as you want it to be
Because holding on a receiver is a penalty before the ball leaves the QB's hand. The intention of the rule is the receiver is not an option to be thrown to because he is held.

Pass interference is the penalty once the ball is in the air. The intention of the rule is that the receiver has been thrown to and is impeded from making the catch.

They are not overlapping rules. They apply at different times. In the case of pass interference it requires the pass to be catcheable based on the concept that when thrown to the receiver was in a position to catch the ball.

So no holdimg is not holding as much as you want it to be

Yes, that is my understanding of the rule as well. Defensive holding would not apply because the football was in the air at the time of the mugging.

However, the judgement that the ball was uncatchable was ridiculous. It was clearly pass interference.
They ran a 6-3-1 split on defense all game. Fake 6 rushers, back off 3 into passing lanes, blitz the middle LB on a delay. You beat this by slanting, cross patterns, screens, Qb runs, draws or having Jonathan Taylor rush the center consistently. Play selections were poor. OL did not adjust at half. QB played scared, wouldn't you?

Jake C?
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But this isn't what happened against Michigan. Iowa didn't go with the traditional Iowa approach. They went to a pass heavy offense despite being in a one score game. They went empty set frequently. They did become predictable because they played an empty set with a QB who wasn't a threat to run. They also ended up becoming predictable because they tried to pass on second down so much and went backwards. 6 of the 8 sacks were on 2nd down.
Also why do people look at the OSU game and see that as a tendency breaking game. They ran the ball and threw it to the tightends a bunch. I would argue they were a little more aggressive than they typically are but the schemes were typical Iowa. Of the 2 games the Michigan game was much more divergent from the 'Iowa style' than the OSU game.
I see it as different because the staff found a weakness and they kept going at it time and again.
That is NOT what KF normally does.
Usually they revert back to the same 10 base plays and he looks for his players to execute and continue to improve and get better. It's understandable what's he's trying to do but that doesn't mean it's the best way to win football games.
I see it as different because the staff found a weakness and they kept going at it time and again.
That is NOT what KF normally does.
Usually they revert back to the same 10 base plays and he looks for his players to execute and continue to improve and get better. It's understandable what's he's trying to do but that doesn't mean it's the best way to win football games.
Why are you ignoring the OC's roll in calling the plays?
Why are you ignoring the OC's roll in calling the plays?
Lol, does the OC not call the plays the HC wants to see from a game plan?
In the OSU whipping game they saw OSU had a soft spot and they exploited it and the HC and the play callers haven't changed since then so what role is different?
For the love of God! He did NOT throw it 15 yards OOB. It landed about 2-3 yards out of bounds. If Martin had made it to the spot he was supposed to get to, it would have been shoulder-facemask high. He didn't get to that spot because he got mugged along the way. It wouldn't have been any different if it was Smith, ISM, Tracy, Ragaini, or Julian Edelman. It was blatant holding/PI. Stanley had a terrible game but that play was in no way on him.

Watch that play again and tell me that the ball was only overthrown by 2-3 yards. The refs called it uncatchable and that is not a 2-3 yard overthrow. Even if you were right, why throw that to a little used WR who doesn't know the right spot to be in. What excuses do you have for tonight's performance? Stanley's pick was way overthrown to a wide open WR but I suppose he was in the wrong spot too.
If you really want to be frustrated watch Brandon Smith at the bottom of the screen on that play. The cornerback has inside leverage so at the LOS it doesn't look like he will be able to get inside, which is why I think Stanley went to the fade. But Smith smokes the corner at the line crosses his face and has inside leverage and 2 steps on him heading to the endzone.

Stanley misses open guys every game. Had Goodson open for a TD but instead forced it to the TE who was not open. One would think a 5th year senior who is lauded by the coach for his football IQ would be able to understand progression and discern open vs. smothered.