New ISU Staff

The same Tony Nelson that EVERY SINGLE hawk fan complained about being the most boring wrestler in the country. Nelson was one of the strongest guys in the country, that is why he won 2 titles, not because he was a dynamic wrestler.
So you're going to completely discount Berhow coaching a multiple time national champ, because it does't support your argument? No point in us having a conversation.
Ok, why would he take a volunteer job over a paying job at the OTC? Any way we can add to the coaching staff as it currently is to add riding and help 157-184?

He will be making more than Zadick and DSJ, I guarantee it. He is taking a better paying job at ISU than he had at the OTC.

We may not like Dresser but he is one hell of a fundraiser and unless we change things, we will be passed by them.
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What are you doing to help the cause? I hope that anyone complaining is also an active donor to the HWC. Not that I'm a fan of complaining, but if you're just sitting on your hands and complaining, it's all the more unseemly.

I don't think private donations to the HWC is necessarily the solution or even the impetus that will spark the outside-the-box / forward thinking from our coaching staff that the poster is expressing concern about.

While other programs are progressing with tangible moves -- on the surface -- it appears things have gone somewhat stale in Iowa City at a time when we're not winning and haven't been for a while. When Tom or Terry come out and tell us fans that we're not donating enough and that's why we're not winning, then I can make that leap ... but until then, I expect them to figure it out since that's their job. Now, I don't take Tom or Terry as 'ask for help' kind of guys, and as much as I appreciate that, it may also be part of the problem.
What are you doing to help the cause? I hope that anyone complaining is also an active donor to the HWC. Not that I'm a fan of complaining, but if you're just sitting on your hands and complaining, it's all the more unseemly.

Well they need to be a lot more social with their HWC donors. When my buddy donates a substantial amount and then Tom/Terry don't acknowledge him or send him a thank you card or anything for that matter, that should tell you something. Said buddy no longer donates and no longer has season tickets.

You HAVE to connect with your fan base and be engaged. This is where Gable was great, he called my grandfather (former season ticket holder and HWC donor) in the hospital after his heart attack and wished him well and then 3 weeks called him again to see how he was doing. That's called customer service.
Well they need to be a lot more social with their HWC donors. When my buddy donates a substantial amount and then Tom/Terry don't acknowledge him or send him a thank you card or anything for that matter, that should tell you something. Said buddy no longer donates and no longer has season tickets.

You HAVE to connect with your fan base and be engaged. This is where Gable was great, he called my grandfather (former season ticket holder and HWC donor) in the hospital after his heart attack and wished him well and then 3 weeks called him again to see how he was doing. That's called customer service.
I agree. This has to change
I don't think private donations to the HWC is necessarily the solution or even the impetus that will spark the outside-the-box / forward thinking from our coaching staff that the poster is expressing concern about.

While other programs are progressing with tangible moves -- on the surface -- it appears things have gone somewhat stale in Iowa City at a time when we're not winning and haven't been for a while. When Tom or Terry come out and tell us fans that we're not donating enough and that's why we're not winning, then I can make that leap ... but until then, I expect them to figure it out since that's their job. Now, I don't take Tom or Terry as 'ask for help' kind of guys, and as much as I appreciate that, it may also be part of the problem.
Who ever said private donations are the sole solution? Of course there are many aspects of the solution, but an army of Iowa wrestling fans donating to the HWC most certainly is a part of the solution. And if people want to spout off anonymously on message boards about all that's wrong with Iowa wrestling but refuse to pitch in, they're part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

And if you think everyone in the wrestling office and the Athletic Department is eating bon-bons, you're way off. Work is being done to right the ship. No, things aren't ideal at the moment, but I guarantee that our staff will do all they can to get the Hawks back on top where they belong. I can also guarantee that quite a few fans are motivated to help make a difference. There are very simple things fans can do to help. Use Amazon Smile and donate what you can to the HWC for starters. That's easy, and it's fun to be part of the process, IMO. Or you can sit and whine. Hopefully we'll have more action-takers than whiners. Frankly, I'm sick and tired of the whiners.
Well they need to be a lot more social with their HWC donors. When my buddy donates a substantial amount and then Tom/Terry don't acknowledge him or send him a thank you card or anything for that matter, that should tell you something. Said buddy no longer donates and no longer has season tickets.

You HAVE to connect with your fan base and be engaged. This is where Gable was great, he called my grandfather (former season ticket holder and HWC donor) in the hospital after his heart attack and wished him well and then 3 weeks called him again to see how he was doing. That's called customer service.
My experience has been 100% the OPPOSITE of what you describe. Couldn't be any more opposite.

It sounds like your friend quit donating a few years ago. At least based on my experience in recent years, the response has been fantastic. Probably because things have been learned and the approach has changed. I suspect your buddy would have a very different experience if he donated now.

Your feedback is constructive, though, and I absolutely agree that donors need to be shown that their efforts are appreciated. I think the HWC is improving in this area. Would be great if your buddy started donating again -- I can pretty much guarantee he'd be very pleased with the response.
Well they need to be a lot more social with their HWC donors. When my buddy donates a substantial amount and then Tom/Terry don't acknowledge him or send him a thank you card or anything for that matter, that should tell you something. Said buddy no longer donates and no longer has season tickets.

You HAVE to connect with your fan base and be engaged. This is where Gable was great, he called my grandfather (former season ticket holder and HWC donor) in the hospital after his heart attack and wished him well and then 3 weeks called him again to see how he was doing. That's called customer service.

They will either figure it out and stay top contenders or they won't. If they don't get it done then someone new will come along that will. ISU is going to look like Christmas morning being all shiny and new and coming off being one of the worst programs in the country. They have no where to go but up which will create excitement. In the end they will need real results or this fancy stuff will look like wrapped up crap.

I hope our Admin get their heads out, it is sad when Pollard looks more dedicated.
Who said that I think our coaches aren't working their tails off? I doubt anyone out works those guys, but I also question if we might be getting outsmarted. Here's the deal, even the best CEO's seek the help of consultants. Iowa Wrestling should be no different. Is there a guy on staff with a Marketing or Sales background? Wrestling, in general, is terrible on the business side of things. We hire former wrestlers and assume we can make business savvy leaders out of them??? It's insane.

As much as I hate them, just look at what PSU is doing. They are obviously winning the money game, and it's probably not by luck. They have a system and they're following it. And say what you want, but they created a brand called FUN. That's not easy to do. What have we heard about our financial situation and what's our brand that we're trying to sell to top out-of-State talent: Hunting, fishing, and country music?
ISU upgrading doesn't mean that we downgraded. I, and it seems like most Hawk fans with a brain, have thought that the development was there in our wrestlers. It was the recruiting that needed to be addressed (and it is being addressed pretty well).

The best part of this is that our schedule up to Midlands is a bunch of D3's, juco, and ISU. Now there will be one meet before Christmas worth watching.
Would hate to have a 2X Champion (4X AA) come through the program, no matter how many points.
Other than McDonald and Metcalf who was the last non Gable coached wrestler to win 2 championships.
And Juergens was a redshirt Gables laat yrar and TJ Williams would be the last.
So in 20 years, Iowa has had only 4 multi time Champs and none more than 3.
Who said that I think our coaches aren't working their tails off? I doubt anyone out works those guys, but I also question if we might be getting outsmarted. Here's the deal, even the best CEO's seek the help of consultants. Iowa Wrestling should be no different. Is there a guy on staff with a Marketing or Sales background? Wrestling, in general, is terrible on the business side of things. We hire former wrestlers and assume we can make business savvy leaders out of them??? It's insane.

As much as I hate them, just look at what PSU is doing. They are obviously winning the money game, and it's probably not by luck. They have a system and they're following it. And say what you want, but they created a brand called FUN. That's not easy to do. What have we heard about our financial situation and what's our brand that we're trying to sell to top out-of-State talent: Hunting, fishing, and country music?
No, thats the stereotype that hawkeye haters are trying to sell to the rest of the nation. You can find diverse personalities and interests on the team if you look hard enough. Cory Clark likes rap music and playing video games, Alex Meyer is going to be a Doctor. Not everyone is a dumb brute wrestler, that only likes hunting and fishing. Believe it or not, former wrestlers can have the ability to be very savvy in business and marketing! You don't graduate from college with a degree in wrestling, critical thinking skills learned in most majors can apply to sales and marketing, especially when you're marketing a wrestling program. Did you completely ignore the posts by Randy Novak who is ON the HWC board the past few days? There are other forces at work here than the lack of business savvy on our coaching staff. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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ISU upgrading doesn't mean that we downgraded. I, and it seems like most Hawk fans with a brain, have thought that the development was there in our wrestlers. It was the recruiting that needed to be addressed (and it is being addressed pretty well).

The best part of this is that our schedule up to Midlands is a bunch of D3's, juco, and ISU. Now there will be one meet before Christmas worth watching.
Those meets will sure fill the pockets.
I wonder how much Dresser funds some of those things himself? I know he is heavily invested in real estate.
Who said that I think our coaches aren't working their tails off? I doubt anyone out works those guys, but I also question if we might be getting outsmarted. Here's the deal, even the best CEO's seek the help of consultants. Iowa Wrestling should be no different. Is there a guy on staff with a Marketing or Sales background? Wrestling, in general, is terrible on the business side of things. We hire former wrestlers and assume we can make business savvy leaders out of them??? It's insane.

As much as I hate them, just look at what PSU is doing. They are obviously winning the money game, and it's probably not by luck. They have a system and they're following it. And say what you want, but they created a brand called FUN. That's not easy to do. What have we heard about our financial situation and what's our brand that we're trying to sell to top out-of-State talent: Hunting, fishing, and country music?
It's hard to know where to even start.

You did say that private donations weren't the solution, and that line of thinking is totally whacked. Nobody ever said they were THE solution. But you're seriously going to wait until Tom and Terry start begging for donations until you give anything? Why do you suppose the HWC has about 5 major fundraising events every year? Why do you think there's a DONATION tab on the HWC website? OF COURSE they need donations!!! Any serious Iowa wrestling fan who doesn't think private donations do any good is just rationalizing why they don't want to part with their money.

I hope you don't seriously believe that there aren't other people in the U of I administration working on improving things for the wrestling program. In case you're wondering, there are. People who know what they're doing. Sure, things need to be improved, but believe me, people are working on it.

You're stating the obvious where PSU is concerned, but news flash -- it's not the f** that's selling. It's the TALENT. There's no f** without top-tier talent who obviously make their wrestling look f** because they're BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE IN THE *&%$ NATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How is this not patently obvious to people? PSU has had great success in recruiting. Iowa needs to match or surpass it, and I guarantee there's an effort underway to do just that.
No, thats the stereotype that hawkeye haters are trying to sell to the rest of the nation. You can find diverse personalities and interests on the team if you look hard enough. Cory Clark likes rap music and playing video games, Alex Meyer is going to be a Doctor. Not everyone is a dumb brute wrestler, that only likes hunting and fishing. Believe it or not, former wrestlers can have the ability to be very savvy in business and marketing! You don't graduate from college with a degree in wrestling, critical thinking skills learned in most majors can apply to sales and marketing, especially when you're marketing a wrestling program. Did you completely ignore the posts by Randy Novak who is ON the HWC board the past few days? There are other forces at work here than the lack of business savvy on our coaching staff. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
EXACTLY. Absolutely mind-blowing how many Iowa fans seem to have been totally duped.
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We just need to grab coaches, ex-champs of course, from, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, California and Oklahoma and we'll be set. We have the plenty of space and money for all of them.

Sans, Sans? Wake up buddy, you passed out again.
This is a valid point. His current position is a little more formal, and we'll see what type of salesman he is. As a volunteer assistant, he is not permitted to make recruiting trips or in home visits.

Don't discount the impact the Metcalf factor had in attracting Kemerer to Iowa.
I feel like currently, it feels like Iowas the low chip stack at the table so far.
We look around the table and everyone else has bigger stacks than us. Psu just hauled in a monster pot and just keeps adding to their chip stack lead. Iowa st looks like all of a sudden they're doubling up and stacking they're own chips. Ohio st, Ok st all with bigger stacks than Iowa behind them at the moment.
All the action happening around us is making us antsy, and our stack looks so small compared to everyone else.
A lot of people tend to get drastic at this point and force their hands.
Relax, we're not there yet. It's not all in time to double up or bust just yet.
Our stack isn't as low as some may think.

But, we are for sure behind, no question.
I do like the latest talk about donating and building up the HWC. Dresser knows the importance of a RTC. We have one with one of the best freestyle coach in the business, it's time we invest some serious money to draw in some hammers on the senior level.
Sounds like an incredible opportunity for Brent. One that Iowa could not offer at this point in time. I think it's really as simple as that. Conspiracies of a falling out with the program seem unfounded. As with many things in life, timing is everything.

I wish him the best. Dresser is 54. Easy to imagine Brent running that program in 10 years if everything goes well for him and he's still around. Here's to hoping we find a way to lure him back before that happens.
ISU upgrading doesn't mean that we downgraded. I, and it seems like most Hawk fans with a brain, have thought that the development was there in our wrestlers. It was the recruiting that needed to be addressed (and it is being addressed pretty well).

The best part of this is that our schedule up to Midlands is a bunch of D3's, juco, and ISU. Now there will be one meet before Christmas worth watching.

I agree. ISU just improved tremendously. Do they have a better staff than when Carl was there or are they just back to where they were when Carl was coach?
No future in the past my friends. Time to start/keep moving forward like a Brands Brother wrestling.

I laughed at my son when he bet me ISU will get Metcalf. I said he bleeds black and gold, well apparently he bleeds green and I don't blame him...yes I do. Wtf?
In all seriousness

1) Happy for the Iowa guys who are joining Dresser. For real. Brent, DSJ, Zad. will always be Hawkeyes (maybe not The Beard, but the guy).

2) Apparently or obviously, the grudge should only be held against VaTech and not the replacement coach.

3) I'd like to see Gable as a Grad Asst. Coach and have him give Metcalf "the arm" in the middle of the dual.

4) Speaking of the Iowa / ISU dual. Can't wait.

5) Seriously though, did Jackson already hand in his resignation? B/c he really was turning the corner...
It's hard to know where to even start.

You did say that private donations weren't the solution, and that line of thinking is totally whacked. Nobody ever said they were THE solution. But you're seriously going to wait until Tom and Terry start begging for donations until you give anything? Why do you suppose the HWC has about 5 major fundraising events every year? Why do you think there's a DONATION tab on the HWC website? OF COURSE they need donations!!! Any serious Iowa wrestling fan who doesn't think private donations do any good is just rationalizing why they don't want to part with their money.

I hope you don't seriously believe that there aren't other people in the U of I administration working on improving things for the wrestling program. In case you're wondering, there are. People who know what they're doing. Sure, things need to be improved, but believe me, people are working on it.

You're stating the obvious where PSU is concerned, but news flash -- it's not the f** that's selling. It's the TALENT. There's no f** without top-tier talent who obviously make their wrestling look f** because they're BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE IN THE *&%$ NATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How is this not patently obvious to people? PSU has had great success in recruiting. Iowa needs to match or surpass it, and I guarantee there's an effort underway to do just that.

Lol, talk about drawing some really bizarre conclusions. Your stance was that a poster shouldn't complain about the program if they're not donating to the HWC. Which we can all agree, is laughable.

Never once said that private donations were not part of the solution. Are you alright? But there's a lot more to the current state of affairs than donations to the HWC -- but that seems to be your stance -- which is a real stretch in the direction of blind loyalty.

You're also making an assumption that I don't donate, which seems to be your go-to move in these situations. You obviously know nothing about me. The point being we're not hearing Brands blaming the last 7 years on the pockets of the fan base.

Keep telling yourself all is well currently and there is nothing to the FUN brand; just make sure you turn the tv on mute when they do interviews with PSU wrestlers and commits.
The past few years just makes me smh at Iowas head in the sand approach. TnT and Iowa administrations lack of forward thinking is really tiresome. It seems TnT has been a 2-3 steps behind other top programs some time

Continued future of Iowa is a top 3-5 program.
What are you doing to help the cause? I hope that anyone complaining is also an active donor to the HWC. Not that I'm a fan of complaining, but if you're just sitting on your hands and complaining, it's all the more unseemly.

I am complaining and I f'n donate. This is getting old. Time to change something around TNT.
In all seriousness

1) Happy for the Iowa guys who are joining Dresser. For real. Brent, DSJ, Zad. will always be Hawkeyes (maybe not The Beard, but the guy).

2) Apparently or obviously, the grudge should only be held against VaTech and not the replacement coach.

3) I'd like to see Gable as a Grad Asst. Coach and have him give Metcalf "the arm" in the middle of the dual.

4) Speaking of the Iowa / ISU dual. Can't wait.

5) Seriously though, did Jackson already hand in his resignation? B/c he really was turning the corner...
In all seriousness

1) Happy for the Iowa guys who are joining Dresser. For real. Brent, DSJ, Zad. will always be Hawkeyes (maybe not The Beard, but the guy).

2) Apparently or obviously, the grudge should only be held against VaTech and not the replacement coach.

3) I'd like to see Gable as a Grad Asst. Coach and have him give Metcalf "the arm" in the middle of the dual.

4) Speaking of the Iowa / ISU dual. Can't wait.

5) Seriously though, did Jackson already hand in his resignation? B/c he really was turning the corner...
Where are the Paulsons? Are they entirely out?
Lol, talk about drawing some really bizarre conclusions. Your stance was that a poster shouldn't complain about the program if they're not donating to the HWC. Which we can all agree, is laughable.

Never once said that private donations were not part of the solution. Are you alright? But there's a lot more to the current state of affairs than donations to the HWC -- but that seems to be your stance -- which is a real stretch in the direction of blind loyalty.

You're also making an assumption that I don't donate, which seems to be your go-to move in these situations. You obviously know nothing about me. The point being we're not hearing Brands blaming the last 7 years on the pockets of the fan base.

Keep telling yourself all is well currently and there is nothing to the FUN brand; just make sure you turn the tv on mute when they do interviews with PSU wrestlers and commits.
You seem to think it's cool to just complain about Iowa wrestling without lifting a finger to do anything about it. I don't. Evidently, you think my stance is laughable. I'm inclined to seek solutions rather than just piss and moan and do nothing. Sounds like you'd rather just piss and moan. Knock yourself out.

Your second paragraph is close to unintelligible, but if you think that I believe that donations to the HWC are the only thing going on with the Iowa wrestling program, you couldn't be more incorrect, and I've never said anything remotely close to that, anywhere, to anyone.

My deduction that you don't donate was based directly on your statement above: "When Tom or Terry come out and tell us fans that we're not donating enough and that's why we're not winning, then I can make that leap ... but until then, I expect them to figure it out since that's their job." Apparently, by "make that leap", you meant leap off a bridge, or something to that effect. I was thinking you meant you'd consider donating. If my interpretation of your cryptic language was incorrect, my bad. I hope you do support the HWC. . . understanding that private donations are just a small piece of the puzzle, of course.

Tell me where I ever said "all is well". As you know, I never said such a thing. As for the F** brand, it's all about the talent. I don't know how much more clearly I can say that. Without the talent, there's no success, and without the success, there's no f**. It's really quite simple. So it's really not about the f** brand. It's all about the talent, which breeds domination, which breeds success, which can be described as f**. But in the end, it's all about recruiting top-level talent. PSU, to their credit, has done that. But if/when Iowa begins to match their talent level, things in Iowa City will suddenly be a lot more f**. And it won't be because of some hokey brand. It will be because we're winning, and winning is f**, no matter how you brand it.
You seem to think it's cool to just complain about Iowa wrestling without lifting a finger to do anything about it. I don't. Evidently, you think my stance is laughable. I'm inclined to seek solutions rather than just piss and moan and do nothing. Sounds like you'd rather just piss and moan. Knock yourself out.

Your second paragraph is close to unintelligible, but if you think that I believe that donations to the HWC are the only thing going on with the Iowa wrestling program, you couldn't be more incorrect, and I've never said anything remotely close to that, anywhere, to anyone.

My deduction that you don't donate was based directly on your statement above: "When Tom or Terry come out and tell us fans that we're not donating enough and that's why we're not winning, then I can make that leap ... but until then, I expect them to figure it out since that's their job." Apparently, by "make that leap", you meant leap off a bridge, or something to that effect. I was thinking you meant you'd consider donating. If my interpretation of your cryptic language was incorrect, my bad. I hope you do support the HWC. . . understanding that private donations are just a small piece of the puzzle, of course.

Tell me where I ever said "all is well". As you know, I never said such a thing. As for the F** brand, it's all about the talent. I don't know how much more clearly I can say that. Without the talent, there's no success, and without the success, there's no f**. It's really quite simple. So it's really not about the f** brand. It's all about the talent, which breeds domination, which breeds success, which can be described as f**. But in the end, it's all about recruiting top-level talent. PSU, to their credit, has done that. But if/when Iowa begins to match their talent level, things in Iowa City will suddenly be a lot more f**. And it won't be because of some hokey brand. It will be because we're winning, and winning is f**, no matter how you brand it.

I am starting to feel really pissy -- where's that donate button? It does work. Thank you.
Well, all the posters on here clamoring for the Cyclones to return to their former glory and a renewed rivalry are about to get their wish it seems. I, for one, hate to see them step up their game. With the emergence of PSU,OSU,OkiSt and others, it feels like a strong ISU ultimately hurts the Hawks more than anyone.
Got to give it up to Pollard though. Guy goes out and hires a couple former Hawks,one who was recently on the current staff and not retained, who might have a bit of a grudge against our current regime. Little extra motivation to stick it to Brands. One thing is for sure. The gaunlet has been thrown down and the Hawks are gonna have to up their game