New PAC Forms To Battle Rise Of Nazism In Florida


HR Legend
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2007
I'm just hopeful that one day again soon it would generally be thought to be a bad thing to be a Nazi...

Florida Politics reports:

A new political committee is forming to unite Florida’s Jewish community — spurred on in part by the rise in high-profile antisemitic displays. Surfside Mayor Shlomo Danzinger and Converge Public Strategies Chairman Jonathan Kilman are spearheading the Tallahassee-based political committee, 1000 Jews of Florida.
Most of its donors are from South Florida — long considered the most Democratic part of the state — but a news release says the committee is nonpartisan and seeking to address the concerns of Florida’s Jewish community and unite it in action.
Several locations around the state have seen high-profile displays of Nazi swastikas, demonstrators assembling with Nazi regalia and drops of antisemitic fliers in Jewish enclaves, so much that it spurred legislation this Session.
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