New Wrestling facility

Is there anything more you think they should have included? If you were given the opportunity to do this at Iowa after Coe, what would you have changed / included? You have a unique perspective for this board, having done this.
I’m not sure I really have a unique perspective but I will give my thoughts. I think it would be very tough to come up with creative amenities to add to a wrestling facility to really make it stick out to a recruit so far to sway their decision on one program to another. I feel like all of them should and most new ones do have your saunas, hot/cold bath, weight lifting area, rehab areas so it’s hard to gain an advantage in that area. Your top athletes now days aren’t like they were in the 70’s through 90’s; these kids want luxury. Last time I walked through the new room with a foreman he told me there wasn’t a lounge area for the athletes (I didn’t see one but we both could be wrong). I feel like if you want to use this facility as somewhat of a recruiting tool you need a badass area with your leather chairs, some tv’s, and gaming systems, or whatever to help lure this new generation of athletes in. I feel like if they don’t have something like this it could be a big miss.

Like I said it’s hard to get creative with stuff like speakers in the mats like tOSU but I feel like just having the same as everyone else plus a tunnel makes it hard to use as any sort of idea this will help us get recruits over other teams. I do think it was due time for a new room though.
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I really wouldn't. Let's say Tom actually starts recruiting well (not looking good for 2024 and 2025) and actually addressed scrambling?

i'd be all for it. and would be in Tom's corner.

But. My aunt don't have a digk... And I'm not the only person who feels this way. Outside of the true Tom-lovers? most everyone, Hawk fans and not, think it's a bad look to not have windows that allow natural lighting into the wrestling room. I just happen to be the first person to say it on this board.
Actually I started this thread. It makes zero freaking sense not to have outside windows in the wrestling area. Look at any new facility built in the last 5-6 years.
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any new facility with the amenities stated will be more than enough to appeal to any recruit. It can only be a positive. That said, it is a nod to the Iowa / spartan way. Put us in the concrete basement away from others eyes, grinding away. Instead of lots of windows, maybe seating for occasional spectators, chrome etc.
No where in these quotes does Brands claim this will fix recruiting. He literally references it as a tool.

I hate you for putting me in position to defend Tom Brands on recruiting, FWIW.
“We’re getting the pants beat off us. We had to do something.”

In what area are we getting the pants beat off us? Am I correct in assuming he’s talking about recruiting and “doing something,” was building the new facility?
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“We’re getting the pants beat off us. We had to do something.”

In what area are we getting the pants beat off us? Am I correct in assuming he’s talking about recruiting and “doing something,” was building the new facility?
“We were getting the pants beat off of us,” says Brands of Iowa’s facilities. “We had to do something.”

If only there was something in the middle that could give us a clue, something along the line of


Hopefully you just overlooked that when cutting it out of the other post..........
“We were getting the pants beat off of us,” says Brands of Iowa’s facilities. “We had to do something.”

If only there was something in the middle that could give us a clue, something along the line of


Hopefully you just overlooked that when cutting it out of the other post..........
Nope. Just trolling @SPOONER.

Btw, didn’t copy and paste, as should be evident of the quotation marks I added while typing the reply.
I won't lose sleep over it till I see it completed but my initial thought was definitely "yikes." Kind of a depressing dungeon type feeling. I'm not asking for rainbows but we don't have to project so much fake destitution when we're a powerhouse program. Let some light in for gods sake.
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I don’t think they built it, wasn’t it an old building that was remodeled to be used as a wrestling facility. Not bad if we built from scratch for only 5 million more. That video does make it look huge.
You're correct it is a renovation of an existing building. Still really cool.
I don’t think they built it, wasn’t it an old building that was remodeled to be used as a wrestling facility. Not bad if we built from scratch for only 5 million more. That video does make it look huge.
Talk about big/little brother…. An article in the Register laying out the ISU plans for new wrestling facility fails to mention square feet but do report that Iowa’s new facility is about 38,500 square feet. Lol
Not sure why you pegged me, of all people? I haven't really been all that vocal about the wrestling room, either way. All I ever really said was if it was truly that "state of the art", it could be a solid recruiting tool. So, do I think it could help? Sure. How much? I am really not sure. I would actually have to go walk through it all like a recruit would and actually see it all in person and get a "feel" for it... some recruits, depending on how and where they have trained, may find it outstanding. Others may be indifferent and the rest could flat out not like it. That is the American way. Find me a group that absolutely loves something and I am pretty sure you could find a group that absolutely hates it.

Basing judgement, EITHER WAY, based on tweeted photos is laughable at best and most that have been pretty negative are the ones that are ALREADY negative about Iowa wrestling as a whole, right now. Once you are that set in 1 direction, I am not sure what you would see that would make you think it was great...

Oh, and facilities absolutely make a big difference when comparing to 70 or so other programs with considerably less to downright inferior facilities. I still don't understand how ANY coach can recruit top recruits to MSU if they take all their recruiting visits and walk through at top programs. Talk about lack of "natural light" lmfao....
We're in overall agreement! I tagged you because you have strong opinions and I wanted your take.
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What bird brain thought this was a good idea.
How would you get windows underground? The tunnel was a huge part of getting the donations so there wasn’t a ton of options.
We're in overall agreement! I tagged you because you have strong opinions and I wanted your take.
I’m just glad you tagged him and didn’t peg him…
How would you get windows underground? The tunnel was a huge part of getting the donations so there wasn’t a ton of options.

I’m just glad you tagged him and didn’t peg him…
I very intentionally changed that word lol
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How would you get windows underground? The tunnel was a huge part of getting the donations so there wasn’t a ton of options.

I’m just glad you tagged him and didn’t peg him…

I very intentionally changed that word lol
Some very disgusting minds on here......I was using the CONVENTIONAL usage of the word and never thought for a second it would be misconstrued....

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I’m incredibly excited for the new facility and think it hits the right notes on a lot of fronts. Like many, I do think the lack of windows in the wrestling room is a missed opportunity that could have easily been incorporated into the design.

The SE long wall of the room could have had windows on both sides of the central signage area seen in the image in link below. From the exterior of the building, that façade is incredibly bland and uniform along the most trafficked and outward facing side, where some glazing could have also benefited the look and function.

Windows high up above the mat with appropriate glass coatings to me would have really set that space off. Imagine touring as a potential recruit and family and having all the other elements of the design, along with some natural light and view out of the building and some connection to the outside world. Sure, the room functions fine without windows, but why not incorporate features that are absolutely basic in most spaces to not even have the potential for people to complain or view it as a huge miss?

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