No arrests or charges in Neb

Near as I can tell Nebraska football players can commit crimes left and right, the Lincoln PD will bumble any "investigation" involving Nebraska football players then skirt fans will stand up and cheer.

Grow some morals then get back to us.
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Why don't you get back to us Nebraska has a relevant football team and the Lincoln PD can investigate anything more than a traffic ticket.

WOW, what a snappy comeback! Are you still groggy from staying out late shopping at the local Orscheln's picking up Black Friday deals on pig feed or do you still have only ONE comeback and idea floating around in the minimal gray matter upstairs?

You must have REALLY gotten upset at some LPD officer back in the day.... Or you don't know how to use this new thing called the INTER-NET to learn new snappy comebacks and such.
WOW, what a snappy comeback! Are you still groggy from staying out late shopping at the local Orscheln's picking up Black Friday deals on pig feed or do you still have only ONE comeback and idea floating around in the minimal gray matter upstairs?

You must have REALLY gotten upset at some LPD officer back in the day.... Or you don't know how to use this new thing called the INTER-NET to learn new snappy comebacks and such.

Answer the question and I won't have to repeat it. When will the Lincoln PD be able to competently investigate a Nebraska football player transgression, before or after they are relevant again?
WOW, what a snappy comeback! Are you still groggy from staying out late shopping at the local Orscheln's picking up Black Friday deals on pig feed or do you still have only ONE comeback and idea floating around in the minimal gray matter upstairs?

You must have REALLY gotten upset at some LPD officer back in the day.... Or you don't know how to use this new thing called the INTER-NET to learn new snappy comebacks and such.

The Internet proves my point. Nebraska can have as many thugs as they want because the Lincoln PD and county attorney will allow it all in the name of winning.

In Nebraska there is a criminal justice system and then a different one for skirt football players.

Too bad for skirt fans the facts prove my argument. near as I can tell...8 pages of some guy typing "skirt" repeatedly, followed by multitudes of Hawkeye fans clicking on the Like icon. What did I expect from a state whose entertainment epicenter is Des Moines?

Why don't you guys stop by Hy-Vee, get a case of Bounty, pool your funds and get the honeymoon suite at the nearest Best Western...and let the handjobs commence. Goodness knows it would be the most action you've gotten in years.

Look how mad this guy is lol, you know the real reason......if you see "Westy" catch a pass today the first thing that goes through your head will be "Westy likes to watch" :eek:
Hey frosty, anyone with a moral compass would be offended by how the Lincoln PD "investigates" Nebraska football player transgressions.

That counts out Nebraska fans, coaches and players now doesn't it? Past, present and future it doesn't really matter, morality just isn't a part of the Nebraska culture.

But feel free to prove all of my examples are wrong. Use that Internet thingy to prove it.

Good luck.
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