No LOL on EMAIL for Hillary

Yes there was a written policy.

The State Department has had a policy in place since 2005 to warn officials against routine use of personal email accounts for government work, a regulation in force during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state that appears to be at odds with her reliance on a private email for agency business, POLITICO has learned.

The policy, detailed in a manual for agency employees, adds clarity to an issue at the center of a growing controversy over Clinton’s reliance on a private email account. Aides to Clinton, as well as State Department officials, have suggested that she did nothing inappropriate because of fuzzy guidelines and lack of specific rules on when and how official documents had to be preserved during her years as secretary.

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Realistically, how likely is it that an official State Department policy manual for employees would include fuzzy guidelines and a lack of specific rules? Not very.
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It disturbs me that a secretary of state would not know enough to know not the mix up work and private E-mails. That's the case for every normal worker in this country and it should go more then double for someone working with secret information.

It disturbs me further that said former secretary of state has a good chance of being the next POTUS.