Dude, it's a war zone. Oh, and be sure not to forget those words "messy" and "imperfectly executed." It's the nature of the beast. Its purpose is not to provide opportunities for relief organizations. Rather, those organizations do their work in spite of its purpose, and with full awareness of the risks. Shit does, in fact, happen.
This is not WCK's fault, and frankly, it hits me hard because I've personally seen Andres speak about this particular labor of love. Sadly, serving meals following natural disasters is not quite the same as serving meals in a war zone. By the preliminary sound of things, it sounds like it's probably the fault of someone specifically identifiable, who made a specifically identifiable **** up. But that "fault" shouldn't be confused with any suggestion that the Israelis were somehow trying to knock off WCK. To the contrary, Israel had very much welcomed WCK as an alternative to UNRWA and, of course, Hamas itself.