No, we're not going to forget

This study is an outlier.
It is an "outlier" due to poor study design.

No actual randomization of participants - they chose to wear or not wear.
No required followup on infections - only "self reporting".

It's unlikely to be published as-is due to serious defects in those conclusions w/o dramatically tempering down their conclusions.
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It is an "outlier" due to poor study design.

No actual randomization of participants - they chose to wear or not wear.
No required followup on infections - only "self reporting".

It's unlikely to be published as-is due to serious defects in those conclusions w/o dramatically tempering down their conclusions.
  • Haha
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More Youtube "Whistleblower" bullshit.

When will they put their concerns and 'data' down on paper, and publish them in a journal?
"The NZMH has a duty to investigate the leaker’s allegations by doing a simple analysis that anyone can do. It takes about 15 minutes of effort. I know that because I’ve done it myself on the NZMH data. It shows the vaccines should be immediately stopped. The NZMH officials chose not to spend the 15 minutes and not to look. There’s a term for that; it’s called criminal negligence."
"The NZMH has a duty to investigate the leaker’s allegations by doing a simple analysis that anyone can do. It takes about 15 minutes of effort. I know that because I’ve done it myself on the NZMH data. It shows the vaccines should be immediately stopped. The NZMH officials chose not to spend the 15 minutes and not to look. There’s a term for that; it’s called criminal negligence."
And yet, ZERO peer reviewed publications to support his position.

These folks just grift and post bullshit, and you lap it up.

If there were a serious issue, the doctors and scientists at independent universities would be ALL OVER THIS. But they are not. Perhaps you could forward this nonsense to the UIHC immunologists and see what they tell you.

You won't, because you know they'll tell you the guy is full of shit.
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"The NZMH has a duty to investigate the leaker’s allegations by doing a simple analysis that anyone can do. It takes about 15 minutes of effort. I know that because I’ve done it myself on the NZMH data. It shows the vaccines should be immediately stopped. The NZMH officials chose not to spend the 15 minutes and not to look. There’s a term for that; it’s called criminal negligence."

It's cute how the guy just links to his own work (circular referencing) to make his claims.
Not one independent source.
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"The NZMH has a duty to investigate the leaker’s allegations by doing a simple analysis that anyone can do. It takes about 15 minutes of effort. I know that because I’ve done it myself on the NZMH data. It shows the vaccines should be immediately stopped. The NZMH officials chose not to spend the 15 minutes and not to look. There’s a term for that; it’s called criminal negligence."

"Papers will be coming out from various authors over the coming weeks. See this article which I will update over time."

Let's check back in January for these "papers". I'm guessing there will be "0" thru the end of January.
What's really really cute (and extremely misleading) from your NZ buddy's "blog", is how he compares mortality rates after the Covid shot (typically given to the OLDEST people and those with the MOST co-morbidities) to mortality rates from kids getting MMR shots (who are like 5 yrs old) and claiming that "shows" something.

His data is LOADED with confounding variables that he is intentionally ignoring, or oblivious to.
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"There is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccination is causing excess mortality," Michael Baker, a public health professor at the University of Otago in New Zealand, told USA TODAY. "Quite the contrary, high vaccination coverage in New Zealand has prevented many deaths that would have occurred if this virus had circulated before the population had the opportunity to be vaccinated."

And his statement is SUPPORTED by the fact that New Zealand literally locked the country down (quarantines for ALL incoming travelers) until 2022. They had NO Covid cases until February 2022, when they opened up WITH vaccines, and started incurring cases AND Covid deaths. Because the vaccines are not 100% effective.

You can see their case ramp-up in 2022 HERE:

Which corresponds to the timeframe they started vaccines - Ergo, your Twitter buddy doesn't understand how to separate those confounding variables, or is intentionally hiding this fact from you.

New Zealand had less than a third of the deaths per 1M population the US had (1000 vs 3500) from Covid (and 40% of Sweden's rate, which had 2500 per 1M!). BECAUSE they waited to re-open until their population was vaccinated against it.
If there were a serious issue, the doctors and scientists at independent universities would be ALL OVER THIS. But they are not.
We've already discussed this ad nauseam. Many brave drs. and scientists HAVE spoken out. The others aren't particularly interested in stepping out onto that limb, risking their reputation or their job/funding. It's much more comfortable to keep the status quo.
Not a SINGLE group of university researchers has put together a coherent publication supporting those positions.
What happens to a group of university researchers that put together a coherent publication that talks this type of epic proportion shit about vaccines Joe?

Those in power are doing everything they can do to decrease vaccine hesitancy.
"Papers will be coming out from various authors over the coming weeks. See this article which I will update over time."

Let's check back in January for these "papers". I'm guessing there will be "0" thru the end of January.
This guy is clearly a hack. I even went to his drill-down article (link below) hoping to see some actual data, and there was none.

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Yes, let's.
Seems like our resident PhD's got they/thems panties in a bit of a twist today...

This would be a good time to short Pfizer stock if you have any. More information is coming out every day on the bait-and-switch they pulled with their covid jab. Tested 250 subjects with one blend and 40,000 with the other for their trials (Process #1 and #2) then switched them after EUA was granted. The DNA contamination is up to 500 TIMES what the FDA's standards allow. One of the biggest crimes in our history.
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This guy is clearly a hack. I even went to his drill-down article (link below) hoping to see some actual data, and there was none.

Like I said - his entire treatise here is self-referenced. He has no data, aside from raw data from NZ, which is woefully confounded with Covid infection rates spiking around the same time vaccinations were introduced.

NZ locked their country down (something the MAGAts despise) for months UNTIL the vaccines were available and THEN re-opened. If you want to make the claim that vaccines caused an increase in deaths rates, you HAVE TO adjust the data for the aging population AND actual Covid deaths. Instead, he's comparing "death rates post vaccination" of 5-yr olds getting MMR to 90 yr olds getting a Covid shot. Which is asininely stupid.
Teacher's union is pretending they weren't an obstacle in returning kids to school. But, at least they are acknowledging some of the damage they did.

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It’s been long enough since I’ve seen this thread that I assumed y’all forgot. Welp, keep on trucking.
"There is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccination is causing excess mortality," Michael Baker, a public health professor at the University of Otago in New Zealand, told USA TODAY. "Quite the contrary, high vaccination coverage in New Zealand has prevented many deaths that would have occurred if this virus had circulated before the population had the opportunity to be vaccinated."

And his statement is SUPPORTED by the fact that New Zealand literally locked the country down (quarantines for ALL incoming travelers) until 2022. They had NO Covid cases until February 2022, when they opened up WITH vaccines, and started incurring cases AND Covid deaths. Because the vaccines are not 100% effective.

You can see their case ramp-up in 2022 HERE:

Which corresponds to the timeframe they started vaccines - Ergo, your Twitter buddy doesn't understand how to separate those confounding variables, or is intentionally hiding this fact from you.

New Zealand had less than a third of the deaths per 1M population the US had (1000 vs 3500) from Covid (and 40% of Sweden's rate, which had 2500 per 1M!). BECAUSE they waited to re-open until their population was vaccinated against it.

The Verdict False

The 11,000 figure refers to healthcare workers, not politicians and elites. The granted exemptions were only temporary.

Social media users have claimed that 11,000 politicians and elites in New Zealand were exempted from COVID-19 vaccination. Some of the posts contain a screenshotted article, others a 4-minute-long video. The claims are circulating on Facebook, TikTok, and X (formerly Twitter). The screenshotted article (translated from the original German) was published on December 1, 2023, by a Swiss-domain website promoting conspiracy theories and misinformation.

According to the article, "An Open Government Act request revealed that 11,000 politicians and members of the elite had been exempt from vaccination." The only source of the claim in the article is a November 29 X post with more than 101,000 views by Reclaim Party MP Andrew Bridgen, a known pusher of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation. Bridgen's post contains the same 4-minute video as other posts, alleging that New Zealand politicians and elites have been exempted. The post was further amplified by being reposted by the official X account of the New Zealand party NZ Loyal.

The video is an interview between Michael Grey Griffith, a Melbourne-based playwright vocal in his opposition to the COVID vaccines, and Liz Gunn, leader of NZ Loyal. They discuss deaths allegedly caused by the vaccines, and at 1:44, Griffith says, "The thing that has come out from New Zealand was that freedom of information that showed they had 11,000 exemptions, most of them the politicians and the elite."

The People's Voice – a website known to publish false claims and conspiracy theories – published a piece claiming similar on October 4 that New Zealand's government "exempted elite from 'deadly' COVID jabs, while forcing vax on the public." As evidence, it referred to a response from the New Zealand National Public Health Service to an official information request dated August 2, 2023. According to the response, 11,000 workers had been covered by granted exceptions.

However, the figure refers to an approximate number of healthcare workers temporarily exempted from the vaccination mandate so New Zealand's essential health services could continue functioning. The exemption did not cover politicians and elites.

In fact

During the COVID-19 pandemic, two vaccination exemptions were available to New Zealanders, Matt Hannant, director of planning, purchasing, and performance of New Zealand's National Public Health Service, told Logically Facts.

The Significant Service Disruption Exemption was available to essential healthcare service workers. The Temporary Medical Exemption was open to anyone aged 18 and over who could not receive vaccinations for clinical reasons. There were no special exemptions given to politicians or elites. All exemptions were temporary, with the Significant Service Disruption Exemption ranging from 7 days to 8 weeks and Temporary Medical Exemptions ranging from 3 to 6 months.

Of the 6,410 individual Temporary Medical Exemptions, 5,684 were granted to people with COVID-19 who couldn't be fully vaccinated until the recommended interval between illness and the COVID-19 vaccine.

The 11,000-figure central to claims on social media refers to the number of workers granted the Significant Service Disruption Exemption. This was only available to essential healthcare workers. It did not cover "politicians and elites," as posts claim.

Hammant confirmed that approximately 11,005 workers had been covered through the Significant Service Disruption Exemptions. The application process allowed one application to cover more than one worker. Applicants often made multiple applications in sequence, so affected workers were often listed in numerous applications. It is, therefore, possible that the number of individual workers granted the exemption is lower than 11,000.

85 of the 103 granted applications came from New Zealand's 20 District Health Boards. Until June 2022, they were the responsible bodies for ensuring the provision of health services. All boards applied for the Significant Service Disruption Exemption at least once. The exemption was introduced so essential health services could continue functioning while healthcare workers completed the mandated COVID-19 vaccine course.

Then-Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, received her first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on June 18, 2021.

The verdict

The 11,000 figure refers to an approximate number of healthcare workers temporarily exempted from the vaccination mandate so New Zealand's essential health services could continue functioning. The exemption did not cover politicians and elites. It is possible that the exemption covered fewer than 11,000 individuals. Other exemptions were granted to people with COVID-19 who couldn't be fully vaccinated until the recommended interval between illness and the COVID-19 vaccine. Therefore, we have marked this claim as false.

The Verdict False

The 11,000 figure refers to healthcare workers, not politicians and elites. The granted exemptions were only temporary.

Social media users have claimed that 11,000 politicians and elites in New Zealand were exempted from COVID-19 vaccination. Some of the posts contain a screenshotted article, others a 4-minute-long video. The claims are circulating on Facebook, TikTok, and X (formerly Twitter). The screenshotted article (translated from the original German) was published on December 1, 2023, by a Swiss-domain website promoting conspiracy theories and misinformation.

According to the article, "An Open Government Act request revealed that 11,000 politicians and members of the elite had been exempt from vaccination." The only source of the claim in the article is a November 29 X post with more than 101,000 views by Reclaim Party MP Andrew Bridgen, a known pusher of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation. Bridgen's post contains the same 4-minute video as other posts, alleging that New Zealand politicians and elites have been exempted. The post was further amplified by being reposted by the official X account of the New Zealand party NZ Loyal.

The video is an interview between Michael Grey Griffith, a Melbourne-based playwright vocal in his opposition to the COVID vaccines, and Liz Gunn, leader of NZ Loyal. They discuss deaths allegedly caused by the vaccines, and at 1:44, Griffith says, "The thing that has come out from New Zealand was that freedom of information that showed they had 11,000 exemptions, most of them the politicians and the elite."

The People's Voice – a website known to publish false claims and conspiracy theories – published a piece claiming similar on October 4 that New Zealand's government "exempted elite from 'deadly' COVID jabs, while forcing vax on the public." As evidence, it referred to a response from the New Zealand National Public Health Service to an official information request dated August 2, 2023. According to the response, 11,000 workers had been covered by granted exceptions.

However, the figure refers to an approximate number of healthcare workers temporarily exempted from the vaccination mandate so New Zealand's essential health services could continue functioning. The exemption did not cover politicians and elites.

In fact

During the COVID-19 pandemic, two vaccination exemptions were available to New Zealanders, Matt Hannant, director of planning, purchasing, and performance of New Zealand's National Public Health Service, told Logically Facts.

The Significant Service Disruption Exemption was available to essential healthcare service workers. The Temporary Medical Exemption was open to anyone aged 18 and over who could not receive vaccinations for clinical reasons. There were no special exemptions given to politicians or elites. All exemptions were temporary, with the Significant Service Disruption Exemption ranging from 7 days to 8 weeks and Temporary Medical Exemptions ranging from 3 to 6 months.

Of the 6,410 individual Temporary Medical Exemptions, 5,684 were granted to people with COVID-19 who couldn't be fully vaccinated until the recommended interval between illness and the COVID-19 vaccine.

The 11,000-figure central to claims on social media refers to the number of workers granted the Significant Service Disruption Exemption. This was only available to essential healthcare workers. It did not cover "politicians and elites," as posts claim.

Hammant confirmed that approximately 11,005 workers had been covered through the Significant Service Disruption Exemptions. The application process allowed one application to cover more than one worker. Applicants often made multiple applications in sequence, so affected workers were often listed in numerous applications. It is, therefore, possible that the number of individual workers granted the exemption is lower than 11,000.

85 of the 103 granted applications came from New Zealand's 20 District Health Boards. Until June 2022, they were the responsible bodies for ensuring the provision of health services. All boards applied for the Significant Service Disruption Exemption at least once. The exemption was introduced so essential health services could continue functioning while healthcare workers completed the mandated COVID-19 vaccine course.

Then-Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, received her first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on June 18, 2021.

The verdict

The 11,000 figure refers to an approximate number of healthcare workers temporarily exempted from the vaccination mandate so New Zealand's essential health services could continue functioning. The exemption did not cover politicians and elites. It is possible that the exemption covered fewer than 11,000 individuals. Other exemptions were granted to people with COVID-19 who couldn't be fully vaccinated until the recommended interval between illness and the COVID-19 vaccine. Therefore, we have marked this claim as false.

The Verdict False

The 11,000 figure refers to healthcare workers, not politicians and elites. The granted exemptions were only temporary.

Social media users have claimed that 11,000 politicians and elites in New Zealand were exempted from COVID-19 vaccination. Some of the posts contain a screenshotted article, others a 4-minute-long video. The claims are circulating on Facebook, TikTok, and X (formerly Twitter). The screenshotted article (translated from the original German) was published on December 1, 2023, by a Swiss-domain website promoting conspiracy theories and misinformation.

According to the article, "An Open Government Act request revealed that 11,000 politicians and members of the elite had been exempt from vaccination." The only source of the claim in the article is a November 29 X post with more than 101,000 views by Reclaim Party MP Andrew Bridgen, a known pusher of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation. Bridgen's post contains the same 4-minute video as other posts, alleging that New Zealand politicians and elites have been exempted. The post was further amplified by being reposted by the official X account of the New Zealand party NZ Loyal.

The video is an interview between Michael Grey Griffith, a Melbourne-based playwright vocal in his opposition to the COVID vaccines, and Liz Gunn, leader of NZ Loyal. They discuss deaths allegedly caused by the vaccines, and at 1:44, Griffith says, "The thing that has come out from New Zealand was that freedom of information that showed they had 11,000 exemptions, most of them the politicians and the elite."

The People's Voice – a website known to publish false claims and conspiracy theories – published a piece claiming similar on October 4 that New Zealand's government "exempted elite from 'deadly' COVID jabs, while forcing vax on the public." As evidence, it referred to a response from the New Zealand National Public Health Service to an official information request dated August 2, 2023. According to the response, 11,000 workers had been covered by granted exceptions.

However, the figure refers to an approximate number of healthcare workers temporarily exempted from the vaccination mandate so New Zealand's essential health services could continue functioning. The exemption did not cover politicians and elites.

In fact

During the COVID-19 pandemic, two vaccination exemptions were available to New Zealanders, Matt Hannant, director of planning, purchasing, and performance of New Zealand's National Public Health Service, told Logically Facts.

The Significant Service Disruption Exemption was available to essential healthcare service workers. The Temporary Medical Exemption was open to anyone aged 18 and over who could not receive vaccinations for clinical reasons. There were no special exemptions given to politicians or elites. All exemptions were temporary, with the Significant Service Disruption Exemption ranging from 7 days to 8 weeks and Temporary Medical Exemptions ranging from 3 to 6 months.

Of the 6,410 individual Temporary Medical Exemptions, 5,684 were granted to people with COVID-19 who couldn't be fully vaccinated until the recommended interval between illness and the COVID-19 vaccine.

The 11,000-figure central to claims on social media refers to the number of workers granted the Significant Service Disruption Exemption. This was only available to essential healthcare workers. It did not cover "politicians and elites," as posts claim.

Hammant confirmed that approximately 11,005 workers had been covered through the Significant Service Disruption Exemptions. The application process allowed one application to cover more than one worker. Applicants often made multiple applications in sequence, so affected workers were often listed in numerous applications. It is, therefore, possible that the number of individual workers granted the exemption is lower than 11,000.

85 of the 103 granted applications came from New Zealand's 20 District Health Boards. Until June 2022, they were the responsible bodies for ensuring the provision of health services. All boards applied for the Significant Service Disruption Exemption at least once. The exemption was introduced so essential health services could continue functioning while healthcare workers completed the mandated COVID-19 vaccine course.

Then-Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, received her first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on June 18, 2021.

The verdict

The 11,000 figure refers to an approximate number of healthcare workers temporarily exempted from the vaccination mandate so New Zealand's essential health services could continue functioning. The exemption did not cover politicians and elites. It is possible that the exemption covered fewer than 11,000 individuals. Other exemptions were granted to people with COVID-19 who couldn't be fully vaccinated until the recommended interval between illness and the COVID-19 vaccine. Therefore, we have marked this claim as false.
Who still uses fact checkers? As if a group of human beings who think they should have the power to fact check and who have their own agendas can be trusted to be the arbiter of truth.
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  • Haha
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Apparently, not you.
You got PWNED and are coming back to double down on the stupid.
An unelected asshole elite or group of assholes elites at the top gets to decide what the "truth" is. As if they're pretending to be God. One of the stupidest things that's come out of COVID. It's abundantly clear what the "fact" checkers are doing. Thanks but no thanks.