"Pfizer" and "mRNA" trending again on X....wonder what's happening....
Looks like the number of unhappy customers appears to be growing by the day.
When the 'experts' are saying stuff like this (cell.com rethinking next-gen vaccines) 3 years into the covid pandemic it's no wonder people are growing skeptical: 🤡's
"Because these (flu, RSV, covid, etc) viruses generally do not elicit complete and durable protective immunity by themselves,
they have not to date been effectively controlled by licensed or experimental vaccines."
unsuccessful attempts to elicit solid protection against mucosal respiratory viruses and to control the deadly outbreaks and pandemics they cause
have been a scientific and public health failure that must be urgently addressed."
"...influenza had for many decades been the deadliest vaccine-preventable viral respiratory disease, one for which only
less than suboptimal vaccines are
rates of effectiveness of our best approved influenza vaccines
would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine-preventable diseases."
"...if natural mucosal respiratory virus infections do not elicit complete and long-term protective immunity against reinfection,
how can we expect vaccines,
especially systemically administered non-replicating vaccines,
to do so?"
influenza vaccines historically have been designed to prevent upper respiratory infection (so basically a head cold), not secondary pulmonary infection associated with spread from the upper respiratory tract. This has proved problematic because current
influenza vaccines are suboptimal at both preventing infection and
eliciting pulmonary immunity."
"Durably protective vaccines against non-systemic mucosal respiratory viruses with high mortality rates have thus far eluded vaccine development efforts.
Challenges to developing next-generation respiratory vaccines
are many and complex. We must better understand why multiple sequential mucosal infections with the same circulating respiratory viruses, spread out over decades of life, fail to elicit natural protective immunity, especially with viruses that lack significant antigenic drift (e.g., RSV and parainfluenzaviruses)
if we are to rationally develop vaccines that prevent them." (WHATTT? The FDA just approved an RSV jab. How the hell could they do that when just one short year ago they didn't even understand how one could be 'rationally' developed???)