@Northern - Bill Maher calls Trump a racist yesterday with Anderson Cooper; has other spot on observations on MAGA

You are correct but EVERYONE should be screaming about the southern border. That is one issue I would have liked to think both parties could get together on.
Actually both parties are working on it and have come together on compromise legislation that will be voted on again this week.

Guess which party's moron wing is going to kill it?
KF and Northern just proving what idiotic lemmings and useful idiots they are in this thread.

As if "trans" issues are even in the top 25 of ANYTHING actual elected officials are working on and as if they actually impact more than maybe 1% of the American population.

Perfect stooges and dupes.

In other words, if it doesn't affect me, who cares?

Right Torbee?
Hang around Maher’s generation during the holidays and you will know they have an irredeemable case of FoxBrain.
No one’s crazier than a baby boomer with a Facebook account. It fried their brains the way they thought Nintendo would fry my generation’s brains.

No idea where this contention that the boomers aren’t the prototype for functionally batshit came from.
No one’s crazier than a baby boomer with a Facebook account. It fried their brains the way they thought Nintendo would fry my generation’s brains.

No idea where this contention that the boomers aren’t the prototype for functionally batshit came from.
It’s an inherited trait. No generation is immune from it….its in our DNA. Embrace the craziness. Your time is coming.
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It isn't a political issue for anyone but those on the right that know it's low-hanging fruit for easily duped, emotional rather than rational, low information voters such as yourself.

In what way are people being duped?

How is it being "emotional rather than rational" if a person does not want biological males to compete and take away opportunities from women?

What about my take is "low information"?
Lol Maher's generation voted for Trump over Biden. So you can't claim that they aren't bat shit crazy.

Hang around Maher’s generation during the holidays and you will know they have an irredeemable case of FoxBrain.
Case in point: These quotes are the reason trump will win. There are actually people in the center that listen to woke ideology and will vote for trump instead of the democrat because most racial/dei/lgbtq stuff has gone off the rails. They started with good intentions but have devolved into a litmus test of crazy.
Has anyone actually watched the video in the OP? Because it’s a very interesting interview and Maher makes a lot of good observations. It’s well worth the 11 minutes.
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Case in point: These quotes are the reason trump will win. There are actually people in the center that listen to woke ideology and will vote for trump instead of the democrat because most racial/dei/lgbtq stuff has gone off the rails. They started with good intentions but have devolved into a litmus test of crazy.

They were never in the center I that stuff is enough to push them over to MAGAT world.

If Biden loses in November part of the reason will be that he governed to close to the Center/Right and alienated Democrats core voter base (young people). Stop trying to kowtow to these "centrists" that will leave at the alter over the smallest thing.
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They were never in the center I that stuff is enough to push them over to MAGAT world.

If Biden loses in November part of the reason will be that he governed to close to the Center/Right and alienated Democrats core voter base (young people). Stop trying to kowtow to these "centrists" that will leave at the alter over the smallest thing.
this is the mentality that leads to democrat loses. I will never vote for a republican but am smart enough to know you don't win elections with just your base. The youth of our country is pretty dumb. They think it's never been worse than today: racism is worse than ever.. blah blah blah.
They lack a sense of context and history.
which is why you think Lebron is the goat.
this is the mentality that leads to democrat loses. I will never vote for a republican but am smart enough to know you don't win elections with just your base. The youth of our country is pretty dumb. They think it's never been worse than today: racism is worse than ever.. blah blah blah.
They lack a sense of context and history.
which is why you think Lebron is the goat.
They have never heard of Bill Russell..who died with more rings than fingers!
Has anyone actually watched the video in the OP? Because it’s a very interesting interview and Maher makes a lot of good observations. It’s well worth the 11 minutes.
No. Everyone just wants to put their jersey on and argue the same shit they argue about in every thread regardless of the actual subject.
this is the mentality that leads to democrat loses. I will never vote for a republican but am smart enough to know you don't win elections with just your base. The youth of our country is pretty dumb. They think it's never been worse than today: racism is worse than ever.. blah blah blah.
They lack a sense of context and history.
which is why you think Lebron is the goat.

Is pissing off the biggest part or your voting base to the point they don't show up in November a good strategy?

Ironic that you make fun of the youth for being dumb when Gen X and Boomers make up a majority of the MAGA movement.

Jordan fans are like Trump supporters in that they like to ignore all statistical evidence and rely on feelings and distorted memories.
They were never in the center I that stuff is enough to push them over to MAGAT world.

If Biden loses in November part of the reason will be that he governed to close to the Center/Right and alienated Democrats core voter base (young people). Stop trying to kowtow to these "centrists" that will leave at the alter over the smallest thing.
So, since he governed center/right, has the world come to an end?
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Yeah I'm not sure about pure trans ideology but news about biological boys playing and beating women in women's sports is becoming more frequent. One side is rightfully calling it out for being wrong. The other although may not be "pushing" they are either defending or not commenting.
Is it? Or, is a small, relatively powerless minority in society being callously demonized in order to gain political. power?
Is it? Or, is a small, relatively powerless minority in society being callously demonized in order to gain political. power?
Only bigots are hating or demonizing trans people. No one is demonizing the biological boys playing women's sports either it's just sad and wrong.
Yes like everything else it is being made political but the ones saying it's wrong are 100% correct.

Would you support, advocate, and defend Lebron James, Conor McGregor, Tyson Fury, Mike Trout, or Lionel Messi identifying as a woman and then playing in the women's league of their sports?
Only bigots are hating or demonizing trans people. No one is demonizing the biological boys playing women's sports either it's just sad and wrong.
Yes like everything else it is being made political but the ones saying it's wrong are 100% correct.

Would you support, advocate, and defend Lebron James, Conor McGregor, Tyson Fury, Mike Trout, or Lionel Messi identifying as a woman and then playing in the women's league of their sports?
I wouldn't wet myself over it. Given the bigotry and hatred towards trans people I have respect for the very few who chose to compete in sports. They have a lot of courage to face keyboard warriors and craven politicians who hate them for their biology.
I wouldn't wet myself over it. Given the bigotry and hatred towards trans people I have respect for the very few who chose to compete in sports. They have a lot of courage to face keyboard warriors and craven politicians who hate them for their biology.
Ah gotcha
Case in point: These quotes are the reason trump will win. There are actually people in the center that listen to woke ideology and will vote for trump instead of the democrat because most racial/dei/lgbtq stuff has gone off the rails. They started with good intentions but have devolved into a litmus test of crazy.

Here's a tip. The so called moderates, centrists or whatever they are currently calling themselves were always going to vote for Orange Jesus. They spend four years telling us they don't want to vote for TRUMP while looking for any and every excuse to do so.
Is pissing off the biggest part or your voting base to the point they don't show up in November a good strategy?

Ironic that you make fun of the youth for being dumb when Gen X and Boomers make up a majority of the MAGA movement.

Jordan fans are like Trump supporters in that they like to ignore all statistical evidence and rely on feelings and distorted memories.
Why pander to the woke social justice warriors. That would be stupid. First the woke are just idiots and second are they really going to vote for trump.
Here's a tip. The so called moderates, centrists or whatever they are currently calling themselves were always going to vote for Orange Jesus. They spend four years telling us they don't want to vote for TRUMP while looking for any and every excuse to do so.
Trump has a very loyal base. Is it 74 million? Probably not. Is the TDS strong enough to get Biden enough votes?

Neither candidate seems to be running on anything except I'm not the other guy.
Here's a tip. The so called moderates, centrists or whatever they are currently calling themselves were always going to vote for Orange Jesus. They spend four years telling us they don't want to vote for TRUMP while looking for any and every excuse to do so.
Nope but you are going to lose a segment that see social justice warriors as a bigger problem than trump. Not all people in the middle think like you.
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Trump has a very loyal base. Is it 74 million? Probably not. Is the TDS strong enough to get Biden enough votes?

Neither candidate seems to be running on anything except I'm not the other guy.
The TDS? Trump is a ****ing terrorist, the worst President in history. A pos person and as corrupt as one could possibly get. You supposedly served? Absolutely disgraceful.
The TDS? Trump is a ****ing terrorist, the worst President in history. A pos person and as corrupt as one could possibly get. You supposedly served? Absolutely disgraceful.
Well we know it's strong enough in you. Settle down and have a drink buddy... you're gonna give yourself long covid or something.
Here's a tip. The so called moderates, centrists or whatever they are currently calling themselves were always going to vote for Orange Jesus. They spend four years telling us they don't want to vote for TRUMP while looking for any and every excuse to do so.
As opposed to those who cried outside of a fence in a pants suit at the border calling it a "concentration camp", then magically declaring "There's no crisis at the border" as the number of people increased by millions. Imagine being that goddamned crazy, much less voting for someone that goddamned crazy.
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It isn't a political issue for anyone but those on the right that know it's low-hanging fruit for easily duped, emotional rather than rational, low information voters such as yourself.
Didn't the NCAA cancel an entire Tournament bracket in NC because they didn't want men sharing bathrooms with little girls?
Didn't the NCAA cancel an entire Tournament bracket in NC because they didn't want men sharing bathrooms with little girls?
PayPal canceled plans to build a global operations center in Charlotte. And several big name music acts refused to perform concerts in NC.
Why pander to the woke social justice warriors. That would be stupid. First the woke are just idiots and second are they really going to vote for trump.

Why pander to your largest voting base???? Boy your political savvy is only matched by your basketball knowledge.

They aren't going to vote for Trump but there's a good chance they won't vote at all if "moderate" Democrats keep spitting in their face
Why pander to your largest voting base???? Boy your political savvy is only matched by your basketball knowledge.

They aren't going to vote for Trump but there's a good chance they won't vote at all if "moderate" Democrats keep spitting in their face
You pander to those that will tip the election. Your position is simply illogical and naive. Much like your nba takes.