Not a great time to be a Hawkeye Fan

At the end of the game I thought the zoom-in of CMac on the bench was almost a perfect metaphor.

Truly, God bless him and all the Hawks for trying so hard, but the programs are bloodied and bruised right now.
Iowa has three losses to Top 15 teams by a combined total of 14 points. Floyd of Rosedale, Cy-Hawk, and the Heroes Trophy have taken up permanent residence in Iowa City. Come back in off the ledge, ffs.

Its more the losing to Wisconsin for the last decade and the consistently poor offense. The Parkers have covered up many of KFs offensive problems.
Iowa has three losses to Top 15 teams by a combined total of 14 points. Floyd of Rosedale, Cy-Hawk, and the Heroes Trophy have taken up permanent residence in Iowa City. Come back in off the ledge, ffs.
Typically I’d agree and I’m far from a cliff jumper but it really feels like a long time since we’ve won a truly big game that mattered. That 2017 OSU game seems like forever ago.
Some recent disappointments, but sometimes when you chase the next level, you end up with something worse.
We have stability and success. It would be fun to be better, but I would hate to be worse.
Its more the losing to Wisconsin for the last decade and the consistently poor offense. The Parkers have covered up many of KFs offensive problems.

KF is Parker’s best friend with the offensive strategy. Iowa is looking to take balls, foul off a few times to eat up the clock. It so bizarre because the offense has been brilliant under bf and also worst than any KOK offense. I think it is too complicated.

The jury is still out for this year. Beat top 10 MN and finish the year undefeated at 10-3. How could you complain with that result?
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I was thinking the Athletic Dept. I have supported KF, but its time to admit you need change. His son should not be OC. Nepotism is bad policy always.

Im not sure that many people care about Iowa Basketball at this point.
I am more concerned with nepotism in basketball. Our offense and game management in football have been a constant for 20 years with OCs coming and going. It is the general not his lieutenants. As for basketball, I don’t see how in the hell Connor is starting over touissant. Our starting 5 last night was incredibly slow, flat footed, and all around terrible. And it is not because we started 5 white guys, as Weiskamp is legit and super athletic. It is the other 4. Garza is actually good, skilled, and tough. But SLOW. Nunge is terrible. Connor is terrible. I’m not sure on cj Frederick but last night he seemed outclassed physically. Basically we looked outclassed physically until touissant came in. I don’t care if he is a freshman and can be out of control. He HAS to start and play most of the minutes against teams with a pulse. Not sure that is going to happen with the fran’s son starting ahead of him.
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For what it's worth, I would like to see more Joe Touissant and less Connor McCaffrey. And get a smaller rotation of players. And teach some defense unless you are going to play the 3/4 trap defense the whole game.
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I was thinking the Athletic Dept. I have supported KF, but its time to admit you need change. His son should not be OC. Nepotism is bad policy always.

Im not sure that many people care about Iowa Basketball at this point.
We have a basketball team this year? With uniforms and all that stuff?
For what it's worth, I would like to see more Joe Touissant and less Connor McCaffrey. And get a smaller rotation of players. And teach some defense unless you are going to play the 3/4 trap defense the whole game.
From past seasons and what I saw last night, here is what I want to see going forward.

If JBo is available:
1 Joe T
2 JBo
3 Joe W
4 Pemsl
5 Garza
CJ first of the bench for positions 1-3, with JBo to the 1 if Joe T comes off.
Patrick off the bench for 3 and 4 in a pinch
Kreiner off the bench for 5
Nunge for 4 or 5 only if Garza, Pemsl, and Kreiner all have foul issues
Bakari off the bench for 1,2 only if only if both Joe T and JBo have fould issues
Conner for 1, only if both Joe T and JBo have foul issues

If JBo is not available:
1 Joe T
2 CJ
3 Joe W
4 Pemsl
5 Garza
Patrick off the bench for 3 and 4 in a pinch
Kreiner off the bench for 5
Nunge for 4 or 5 only if Garza, Pemsl, and Kreiner all have foul issues
Bakari off the bench for 1,2 only if only if Joe has foul issues or is gassed
Conner for 1, only if Joe T has foul issues
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KF is Parker’s best friend with the offensive strategy. Iowa is looking to take balls, foul off a few times to eat up the clock. It so bizarre because the offense has been brilliant under bf and also worst than any KOK offense. I think it is too complicated.
The biggest problem with the offense this year is that the top two tight ends in college football left school early for the NFL and Iowa didn't have anyone who could adequately replace them. When Ohio State loses a player early, they just plug in another 5-star to take his place. Iowa has always been a developmental program where 3-star guys work their way up and play their best football as fifth-year seniors.

TJ Hockenson went from being the 7th-rated high school recruit in Iowa to the #8 overall pick in the NFL draft and left two years of eligibility on the table. If Iowa still had Hockenson and/or Fant, this offense would look very different and the team would be at least 7-2 and probably 8-1.
The biggest problem with the offense this year is that the top two tight ends in college football left school early for the NFL and Iowa didn't have anyone who could adequately replace them. When Ohio State loses a player early, they just plug in another 5-star to take his place. Iowa has always been a developmental program where 3-star guys work their way up and play their best football as fifth-year seniors.

TJ Hockenson went from being the 7th-rated high school recruit in Iowa to the #8 overall pick in the NFL draft and left two years of eligibility on the table. If Iowa still had Hockenson and/or Fant, this offense would look very different and the team would be at least 7-2 and probably 8-1.
I do not disagree, mostly. We do have very talented wide receivers that we are not getting the ball to. ISM is the best receiver we've had since DJK. Brandon Smith was a beast before getting hurt. Tracy is really athletic. Ragaini is good enough. Who knows on Oliver Martin. I will add that this one of the reasons I do not think Nate Stanley is anything other than mediocre, despite his numbers. Here are my reasons: he apparently came through the system when there was a vacuum of talent so he managed to start 3 years to amass greater numbers than most; he had some outrageously talented pass catchers to throw to who had untold YAC; he is slow and a sitting duck on anything other than a designed run; he freaks out whenever there is a middle blitz takes a sack; he has overthrown many an open pass catcher on wide open downfield throws; he forgot how to play quarterback against PSU in 2018; and he simply cannot come with many clutch plays. I know I'm being unfair, but the only ballsy big time throw that comes to mind is the 3rd and 24 conversion he had against ISU this year that he threw on a rope and on a dime. Other than that our offense is just anemic. Thank god our defense is playing so well.
Iowa has three losses to Top 15 teams by a combined total of 14 points. Floyd of Rosedale, Cy-Hawk, and the Heroes Trophy have taken up permanent residence in Iowa City. Come back in off the ledge, ffs.


We have no experienced TEs this year, which has had a major impact on an offense that relies on them. Our run game has been anemic; that's players and player execution moreso than coaching.

Protection for Stanley has not been good in the pocket.
When other teams can pressure your QB, the corners and safeties can easily cheat up against the long ball, because they know you won't have time to set those passes up. Greatly limits your offensive options.

We expected more offensive output this year, but just haven't seen it. Stanley is a good/decent pocket passer - not good if he has to be mobile, and based on the erratic line play, a mobile QB would have had better chances this year.

With even average offensive play this season, we'd likely be undefeated right now. Defense has been very very good, and too many people don't pay attention to that.
Slow down the game and pound the ball inside to Garza and Kriener.

it isn’t rocket science.

We have no experienced TEs this year, which has had a major impact on an offense that relies on them. Our run game has been anemic; that's players and player execution moreso than coaching.

Protection for Stanley has not been good in the pocket.
When other teams can pressure your QB, the corners and safeties can easily cheat up against the long ball, because they know you won't have time to set those passes up. Greatly limits your offensive options.

We expected more offensive output this year, but just haven't seen it. Stanley is a good/decent pocket passer - not good if he has to be mobile, and based on the erratic line play, a mobile QB would have had better chances this year.

With even average offensive play this season, we'd likely be undefeated right now. Defense has been very very good, and too many people don't pay attention to that.
While I will give you that our pass protection has been less then fantastic, if you are a 3-year starter at a good power 5 school, you have to be able to move in the pocket while looking downfield, know where your safety valve is, or at least run outside the tackle box so you can unload it past the line of scrimmage to avoid a sack. He's done that only a handful of times in 2.7 seasons. So while of course you want your qb to be mobile, he has to at least be not a statue.
Slow down the game and pound the ball inside to Garza and Kriener.

it isn’t rocket science.

Yes; we need to work on the inside/outside game. The bigs have inside moves; perimeter shooting should be above average. In the first game, we had good ball movement - not so much last night.

But there aren't many nights you'll face a team that will put up 25-30ft jumpers and keep hitting them. Some nights, guys are just "on".
Yes; we need to work on the inside/outside game. The bigs have inside moves; perimeter shooting should be above average. In the first game, we had good ball movement - not so much last night.

But there aren't many nights you'll face a team that will put up 25-30ft jumpers and keep hitting them. Some nights, guys are just "on".
Counterpoints are that Garza is apparently our best 3 point shooter (assuming JBo is largely unavailable). So your big slow guy is shooting threes, and when he misses, there is no one there to rebound and he is too slow to go and get loose balls. And teams are on against us because we were too slow to guard them and bother them while they were shooting, or they were getting layups, alley oops, runaway dunks/layups on steals/blocked shots. To me Garza has to stay in the blocks to pound and rebound, and our guards need to be able to stroke open 3s.
While I will give you that our pass protection has been less then fantastic, if you are a 3-year starter at a good power 5 school, you have to be able to move in the pocket while looking downfield, know where your safety valve is, or at least run outside the tackle box so you can unload it past the line of scrimmage to avoid a sack. He's done that only a handful of times in 2.7 seasons. So while of course you want your qb to be mobile, he has to at least be not a statue.

He's big, and just not "quick". A prototype NFL pocket passer, not a scrambler.
I agree, he waits too long instead of just running the progression and getting rid of the ball to avoid a sack or taking a grounding penalty. Learning to throw that pass in the area of a receiver that no one will catch is a skill as much as completing passes.

You can't scramble outside the pocket, though, if the DL and LBs can catch you....
He's big, and just not "quick". A prototype NFL pocket passer, not a scrambler.
I agree, he waits too long instead of just running the progression and getting rid of the ball to avoid a sack or taking a grounding penalty. Learning to throw that pass in the area of a receiver that no one will catch is a skill as much as completing passes.

You can't scramble outside the pocket, though, if the DL and LBs can catch you....
If by prototypical pocket passer you mean 6'4, slow, and with a strong arm, then yes. His ability to process the defense and make reads is anything prototypical NFL...
Typically I’d agree and I’m far from a cliff jumper but it really feels like a long time since we’ve won a truly big game that mattered. That 2017 OSU game seems like forever ago.

And that was certainly a big game, but it really didn't matter much. It certainly didn't change Iowa's fate for where they ended up that season.

I think the real problem is Iowa has failed to win a conference championship in 15 years and has only played in one conference championship game, especially since many of those years the West was there to be won only to be derailed by another poor offensive showing and late game defensive collapse against Wisconsin. I don't know if firing everybody is the right answer, but they definitely need to find somebody who can coach an offensive line. Iowa hasn't been a major rushing threat for years it seems like.
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From past seasons and what I saw last night, here is what I want to see going forward.

If JBo is available:
1 Joe T
2 JBo
3 Joe W
4 Pemsl
5 Garza
CJ first of the bench for positions 1-3, with JBo to the 1 if Joe T comes off.
Patrick off the bench for 3 and 4 in a pinch
Kreiner off the bench for 5
Nunge for 4 or 5 only if Garza, Pemsl, and Kreiner all have foul issues
Bakari off the bench for 1,2 only if only if both Joe T and JBo have fould issues
Conner for 1, only if both Joe T and JBo have foul issues

If JBo is not available:
1 Joe T
2 CJ
3 Joe W
4 Pemsl
5 Garza
Patrick off the bench for 3 and 4 in a pinch
Kreiner off the bench for 5
Nunge for 4 or 5 only if Garza, Pemsl, and Kreiner all have foul issues
Bakari off the bench for 1,2 only if only if Joe has foul issues or is gassed
Conner for 1, only if Joe T has foul issues

I don't like it but I think Patrick is going to need to play more minutes at the 4 bc Nunge just isn't good, Pemsl doesn't appear much better right now, and RK is super on and off as a player plus get some minutes at the 5 bc LG will have times he needs a breather or is in foul trouble (if he is hot ride him).
Anyone know if FSU upsets the gators if its possible that an Iowa vs FSU match up the Pinstripe bowl could happen?
If by prototypical pocket passer you mean 6'4, slow, and with a strong arm, then yes. His ability to process the defense and make reads is anything prototypical NFL...

We have zero NFL caliber receivers on our roster.

They cannot routinely get spacing; they are not big enough to regularly outjump or out-muscle safeties and Dbacks for the ball.

Those two facts make it rather difficult for any QB to make NFL-like plays. No matter how good your passer is or his "reads".